What is this super expansion?

Ye Shenyue hurriedly turned back and ran away!

He doesn't want a burial or something!

It's just that Ye Shenyue forgot that the current Bupo Aihua is the most powerful existence in this world. Under her eyes, she couldn't run a few steps at all.

Ye Shenyue was lifted up by her neck, and her face turned towards Bupo Aihua's beautiful face. This face was still smiling, but there was a chill.

So icy!

Ye Shenyue broke out in cold sweat on her back.

Gaia has long said not to hang up so ugly, but now he was killed again!

Is his girlfriend a murderer?

"I actually wanted to run away..."

Bupo Aihua is a sign that it is broken, holding a dagger and pointing at Yeshenyue's heart, the blade is directly attached to his heart, and slowly moving upwards, although still wearing a shirt, but Yeshenyue. I felt a terrible feeling of a dagger sticking directly to the flesh.


Terrible woman, absolutely terrifying to associate with her!

Ye Shenyue is glad that he has no memories of dating at this moment, "Are you afraid?"

Not afraid.

Ye Shenyue wanted to say these two words, but the aura of Bupo Aihua in front of her was so powerful that she couldn't say it at all!

"That way I'm relieved..."

What was shocking was that the dagger in Bupo Aihua's hand disappeared in the next second, and her slender and tender hands pressed against Ye Shenyue's back, actually healing him.


Bupo Aihua's sudden transformation is incomprehensible, Ye Shenyue really can't analyze what Bupo Aihua is thinking.

"The strange princess of the first family who came over today seems to like you. As my current girlfriend, I am really afraid that she will completely take you away... As long as you are afraid and have no courage, she will not replace me..."

"Hey... Really well-intentioned... The poignant way to die can only be faked..."

Halfway through the sentence, Bupo Aihua showed some depressed expressions of the girl. Now it is more like an ordinary girl. Of course, she has to exclude her beautiful hands that are glowing slightly.

A poignant way to die?

what is this?

It must be suicide.

It's just that it's not this that Ye Shenyue wants to complain about now, but... a sigh of relief.

He finally escaped the terrible ending of being dismembered, and Aihua just wanted to give him a good beating.Don't bother or anything.

Emotional love is the belief in singleness.

Luckily she's about to kill herself now...

Thoughts that shouldn't be there, but Ye Shenyue actually feels fortunate, it seems that Ai Hua's actions just now indeed left terrible traces in his heart.

In fact, Ye Shenyue doesn't really want Aihua to commit suicide. It can be completely prevented, but now he doesn't want to stop it at all. Faith frightened him, an indiscriminate man who had stepped on many boats.

He has already stepped on N boats, and how many lives are not enough to love flowers and corpses.

To deal with Aihua, the only way to beat her is to beat her first, otherwise it will be a no-brainer.

Moreover, Aihua's attitude is inexplicably relaxing. She doesn't seem to be committing suicide, but rather like she is acting in a stage play.

Ye Shenyue watched TV with her for a while, and then drank some juice together. At this time, at 22:30, Aihua did not act.

Chapter [-] The Promise of Tomorrow (Part [-])

In front of Ye Shenyue, he destroyed the money in the house with magic, and then made it into a disguise of robbery. Finally, he kept a distance of about two meters from Ye Shenyue, and transformed into a sharp dagger in front of Ye Shenyue. .

"The time is up, the princess of the Shi family should have woken up. When she got here, she could just see me who had just died... I have been calculating for a long time in my heart to seize this opportunity..."

Bupo Aihua said to herself, not at all like someone who had already decided to commit suicide and was preparing to commit suicide.

What a horrible woman!

This is one of the most terrifying women Ye Shenyue has ever met.

Aihua's harmless and relaxed attitude revealed the greatest fear.

She must be jealous or jealous!

Knowing that Suobu Ye Feng likes her boyfriend, he first beat Ye Shenyue well, and then he abused Ye Feng, ah no, he has already abused Ye Feng, and he knocked them unconscious.

What a horrible woman.

Ye Shenyue doesn't know how many times today has been said that Aihua is terrible.

"Then...the biggest case of this century begins...from now on...I am the victim and the murderer..."

Aihua raised the dagger in her hand and finally glanced at Ye Shenyue.

"Goodbye... we will meet again... and... we have to make an appointment..."

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