At this moment, Ye Shenyue, who has returned to the real world wet again, really wants to sum up with Ye Feng's sigh, "What kind of cause and effect is this?"

However, at this time, Ye Shenyue absolutely could not have imagined that after the princess of the Hajime clan was sadly beaten and left, a figure appeared in the empty room.

A silvery white brilliance illuminated the entire room.

A petite and cute figure slowly emerged in the air.

At the same time, like a sleeping beauty, a red radiance emerged from her body little by little, and under the silver radiance, the red radiance gradually transformed into a shape.

This is a humanoid.

The beautiful long flaxen hair looks like the hairstyle of a noble princess, and the face is beautiful and pure.

She has a purple glow.

"Sure enough, the owner of the Tree of Absolute Garden..."

The purple eyes flashed, but the soulless love flower raised her head and looked at the girl with cute flat glasses that appeared above.

A colorful book floated on the head of the girl with a blank face or a dark smile.

This is the book of truth.

If Ye Shenyue was still here, she would definitely blurt it out, because the person floating in the air at this moment is none other than the smiling Alaya!



The phone rang, and at this moment Yagami Yue was still complaining about his experience to Miss Yuko, but the sudden ringing of the phone interrupted his continued complaining.

"Looking forward to seeing you again. Let's go on dates then."

Tomorrow's date!

Looking at the text messages on her mobile phone, Ye Shenyue's heart no longer knew what it was like.

He was being watched.

With a shake of her hand, Ye Shenyue's phone fell directly to the ground.


Because the sender is... not broken love flowers.

He saw with his own eyes Bupo Aihua's poignant suicide, and he took the initiative to save her body.

So how did she send this text message?

Is it because he didn't have natural teeth to save her or...

Straight to the door!

It's haunted!

According to Makona's recollection, Ye Shenyue was completely insomnia that night, and she kept shouting suspicious words such as "Don't...don't come to me".

However, he didn't know that something more terrifying was coming to him.

Ps: May I exchange the integrity of one place for the flower of love that will never wither

Order, the clever girl will not be injured next.

0107 Lei Zhen Wish

in a carriage.

"Ye Ye is so cute, Ye Ye, Ye Ye is so cute, she is the cutest in the world. Ye Ye is so cute, Ye Ye I love you, Ye Ye is so charming, Ye Ye is my wife."

It was a soft and lovely voice, but the voice was saying something terrifying like hypnosis.

The one who said this was a cute black-haired loli who was clinging to the boy beside her, leaning her body hard with a look of joy on her face.

The boy's closed eyes opened completely, "What are you doing?"

"In order to make Xiao Ye like Ye Ye, Ye Ye is chanting a spell... Well... This is a spell of love, a spell that will surely succeed!"

The black-haired girl tied with a red ribbon has a simple face, as if what she is doing is absolutely upright and considerate of others.

"It sounds so nice... it's actually hypnotizing... I'm sorry I was awake just now, so your spell is completely ineffective!"

The boy shrugged and saw the girl's face that was about to cry. Although he couldn't bear the girl's tears the most, but the girl's tears...

Ignore as much as possible.Although her tears are very valuable, as soon as they fall into the air, they turn into particles similar to pearls because of the diamond power. 07 And when she couldn't cry, the girl was not in a hurry, she puffed up and began to comfort herself.As he spoke, he laughed again.

"I'm so happy... Anyway, I can only go to the academy with Ye Ye with Xiao Ye... Hmm... Sure enough, Ye Ye is the most suitable person for Xiao Ye... Sister and Xiao Zi both go..."

This is a very cute girl who would want to take her home if she appeared on the street.

very cute.

A beautiful round face that feels good in the hand, very cute like the round eyes of a kitten and a cat, and small lips as thin as cherry blossoms.

Her dress is very classical, this is a black short robe, which is very convenient for movement, revealing pink and tender arms and white tender calves.

Of course, the most popular thing now is her long hair. Ye Shenyue bought her two red ribbons, and tying the ribbons to her long black hair is even more lovely.

"Don't call me Xiaoye... This name is weird..."

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