No, once in the zombie world, Xiaoyou called him "Yeye", and then other girls called him "Xiaoye".Now a girl named Ye Ye suddenly appeared, should he think about it?

"Don't, don't...that's what people call it...Don't you think it's very intimate? Every night is a small night..."

Nai He continued to stick to his long hair and cute loli, but she was happy, "If Xiaoye doesn't like it...then it's called...darling...uh...don't cover people's will be deformed!"

Before the long-haired puppet Loli finished speaking, Ye Shenyue held her face in the palm of her hand.

This loli is cute and cute, but she always says things that are limitless and unscrupulous, this... Didn't you see that the opposite mother and daughter were already staring at him with a "perverted" look?

He's not a pervert, okay, he's... obviously just a lolicon.

As for why the above scene happened, it also came from a man who came to Miss Yuko's store, a man who was about to die. <"Help me kill that man!"

The boy with a face of hatred said so, his eyes flashing with hatred anger, it was the man who killed his sister, dissected her sister's body and made it into a taboo doll, this is unforgivable.

But now he... After an attack, he couldn't hold on anymore, he couldn't hold on anymore.

But being able to fulfill a wish before dying is the most humble thing.

The young man named Lei Zhen vomited blood, and his anger was like a gossamer.

"Well...your wish will be fulfilled by me..."


The purple fan with butterflies that was spread out suddenly closed, and the tone of Miss Yuko, who was sitting high, became serious, "But... you have to pay a corresponding price, this time... your price is you The potential of manipulating dolls!"

"Okay...but you must fulfill my wish...kill...kill that man...poof..."

The young man named Lei Zhen couldn't bear it any longer... A mouthful of blood spurted out again, his head drooped down, and the strength of his body could no longer support him.

"Then...the deal!"

Seeing others hang up in front of her, Miss Yuko's expression didn't change. Who is she?She is Miss Yuko, the witch of the time and space dimension, who almost has to step into the realm of gods, the one who created the world together with Crowley.

The world is created by her, so what if one person hangs up?

It's just that the other world is not this world.

This is a visitor from another world, a guest from another world.

Miss Yuko closed her eyes slightly.Then he opened it again, and stopped the boy standing beside him, "April [-]st...I know what to do, right?"

"Well... um... Miss Yuko, why did you hit me..."

Ye Shenyue had just taken out the natural teeth that could revive people, and then she was stunned to find that Miss Yuko had hit him on the head. This... is hitting him on purpose!

"You idiot, this time is not to resurrect him, but to fulfill his wish. His wish is not to resurrect but to kill! Killing, you know!"

Miss Yuko glared at him angrily, then breathed a sigh of relief, and then placed her hands on top of Lei Zhen's body, a lavender light flashed, Lei Zhen's body disappeared, and two balls appeared in her hands .One is a solid, glass-like ball, while the other is a transparent, crystal-like ball.

"Taking people's lives is a huge price. I have temporarily sealed his soul. When the time comes, I will find the 310 men he wants to kill. At the last moment, let him decide whether to kill or not. The price of murder can only be repaid with life, otherwise it is not equivalent, and the price he paid can only be worth so much."

"Uh... That means... Miss Yuko, you cheated on him?"

"How can there be any pitfalls and pitfalls... Our shop is a shop for realizing other people's wishes. We will help him realize as many wishes as he can pay..."

Miss Yuko said softly, then looked at Yagami, "So...then you understand. But you can't be spoiled~~" Can't be spoiled?

Ye Shenyue froze in her heart.

"Wait a haven't eaten this's a good thing...the essence of that world, the talent for manipulating dolls and the talent for making dolls..."

Miss Yuko threw him the glass ball with the soul on the left, and then gave him the ball with the talent for manipulating dolls, which was more than 10 times larger than the glass ball.


Let him swallow it in one breath!Ye Shenyue heard right, that's what Miss Yuko said, and that's what she meant.

She... definitely did it on purpose!

How can there be such a big to swallow it!

Ye Shenyue looked at the fist-sized glass beads in her hand, and felt like she wanted to cry without tears, but the opposite Miss Yuko was staring at him with scarlet eyes. bad ending.

Chapter 0108 There is a puppet called Ye Ye

Then is the sad reminder of the journey to complete the mission.

It's just that he was depressed again when he was crossing, because it was not good to cross where he was, and he was lying directly in the snowdrift.And there are still traces of being burnt around.

Just when he wanted to stand up, he walked step by step in the snow, as if it was a lady or the leader of a lady is more suitable, this is a royal sister with a blindfold and a great figure, of course, yes For a lolicon like Ye Shenyue, what's more important is the cute loli with long black hair behind her.This is a very well-behaved loli, under the master's signal, she ran over to help him up, this is Ye Ye.

A doll lady who is almost the same as a human being.Of course, no matter her body or any other part, Ye Shenyue didn't think she was much worse than a human girl, but it was the other party's loli identity that made this lolicon want to move.

And that woman with a great figure is Miss Whistle of Hua Liuzhai.This is a master of making automatons.

Then she gave Ye Ye to Ye Shenyue, who seemed to recognize Ye Shenyue as Lei Zhen, er, the one who came to seek Miss Yuko's help.

Then, when she saw Xiao Yeye, Ye Shenyue realized what kind of world he had entered.A clever girl can't get pregnant, no... It's a world where a clever girl won't get hurt.

There is no pure magic in this world, but there are magic circuits that can be used to fight by creating different forms of automatic dolls.And Ye Ye was made by Hua Liuzhai's whistle miss.Then, for the sake of the dark past, he is looking for the protagonist who happened to be hunted down by the extermination... Lei Zhen.

Then I found a replacement for Leizhen Yashenyue.

He gave Ye Ye to him, and also pressed the treasure on his body.

It's just that this cute doll named Ye Ye seems...too unscrupulous!

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