Like crystal tears flashed again.

Ye Shenyue couldn't help but ignore this, because after a while, Ye Ye got a piece of "pearl" onto his clothes.

I can only comfort this little loli.

" and Sigismund are together first, and then you go back obediently...I'll bring you a present at night...and...this time I also have a mission to date Ciel..."

Ye Shenyue's voice was suddenly lowered.

"That is to say..."

Ye Ye raised his head, "Xiao Ye still wants to date Ye Ye the most?"

I have to say that Lolita, who has a black belly and a little sick (nympho*), is still very good at interpreting an ordinary sentence as a very ambiguous one by herself.

It's...a kind of talent.

"Uh... um..."

Ye Shenyue's voice remained in her throat to fool Ye Ye.


Miss Aojiao also left Sigism in place, and then walked aside very proudly.

"So...that's it...Charle, let's start our first date..."

Ye Shenyue grabbed the soft hand of the arrogant young lady like a textbook, and took a last look. Lisette, who was holding the book and wearing square transparent glasses, was gone.

Felix's office.

Lisette, who went in with the book in her hand, reported to him the price of Yagami Yue just now.

Of course, the person standing in front of her now is none other than the owner of her automatic doll.

"So it's such a person... Then it's easy... Lisette, promise him?"

What made Lisette slightly unhappy was that the master said with a smile.

It seemed that in his eyes, she was really just an automaton that he could use.

Because she already knew, Lisette was not disappointed, but continued in her cold tone, "Yes, in order not to affect the master's plan, I have agreed. Now he is going on a date with Miss Shire. I left Ye Ye to watch Sigismund."

"very good!"

Felix didn't hear that his automaton was getting more and more dissatisfied with his master, but smiled, "Then start our plan... First lead Ye Ye away... Then... go and kill casually. An automatic doll, just choose one from those who jointly attacked Ciel yesterday, just to make the illusion that this is Ciel's revenge."


Nodding, Lisette walked out with a cold face, ready to implement the plan.

And Ye Shenyue's side.

They had left the campus and had gone out into the street.

Obviously, Miss Shire is just the eldest lady, she seems to be confused about the surrounding environment and doesn't understand anything.

And Ye Shenyue doesn't mind, anyway, he is also new here, this is the United Kingdom, and it has a different feeling from Japan. Whether it is architecture or people's customs, it makes people's eyes shine.

Of course, their first stop was nowhere else but a pawnshop.

pawn shop.

"Very good pearls of the opposite sex... um... give this price..."

The boss carefully observed it several times with a magnifying glass, and then displayed the numbers on the calculator.

"En... Exchange all the contents of this small bag... If the bag can't fit, hit me on this card."

Ye Shenyue nodded, and then handed over the bank card.

The boss nodded happily.

But Miss Shire was stunned.

"That it really a pearl?"

Miss Shire was a little bit tongue-tied, she just won a scholarship, and this guy... actually pawned it directly.

She didn't forget that pearl. The other party grabbed a handful after crying every night and put it in the bag.

It should be... tears every night!

Is it really a pearl?

"Of course not... My Ye Ye has the most powerful vajra power. Tears are solidified in the air. They are very hard and beautiful... Anyway, the effect is the same..."

Ye Shenyue showed her snow-white teeth.

No, the nights in his house are the most useful, no matter which aspect is the same... Although these tears are not real pearls, they are aesthetically pleasing in terms of color and beauty, and they can also be processed into various shapes. This kind of decoration, because the quantity is scarce, (because it is a special product at night), the price is still high, and it is generally priceless.


The next activity is simple.

Yashenyue, who had already exchanged a bag of banknotes, grabbed Miss Shire's numb hand and started shopping. All kinds of sweeps and things she bought made her, the girl, stunned.

Who said that shopping is a girl's patent, but now... Miss Charlotte Bilau already feels that she seems to be far away from the ranks of girls.

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