2 hours later.

"Charle...Although I really want to continue, I think we need to ventilate."

She was so strong that she dragged Miss Birao into the restaurant, told the waiter to leave after serving the dishes and closed the door before Ye Shenyue spoke straight to the point.

He didn't believe that Miss Birao would ask him out with the pure intention of dating.

It should be... I asked him for help.

"Well...that's fine, then I'll say it straight."

Miss Shire nodded, Burning took off her very cute azure hat, "I hope... you can help me find that magic eater... Of course, if only I can do it myself ...but...I still want to give you a chance..."

Well, I haven't started two sentences yet, the eldest lady has already started Tsundere since 2.9.

Ye Shenyue looked at her with a smile, "If you agree to be my girlfriend, then... I can consider helping you... That magic eater is not easy to deal with..."

"What did you say?"

Charles opened his eyes.

There was a brief second of silence, and then the thin shoulders began to shake violently.

"You... a beast! Don't take an inch!"

"Oh... Really... But Felix is ​​much more generous than you... He said that if I help him, then he will let Lisette stay with me for one night..."

Yagami shrugged and said, and then enjoyed the delicious steak as if no one else was there.

But I don't know that the girl opposite has started to flip the table!

"You... a beast!"


The angry girl's strength was really great, and the table was overturned at once, and of course all the vegetables fell to the ground.

Chapter 0117

"Anyway...that's the way it is...you think about it for yourself..."

Under the cold weather of time and the invasion of hunger, Miss Ciel was still defeated.

Then the two continued to sit across from each other and began to enjoy steak, but the table and seat were not the same as the original one. You must know that the table just now was overturned by the eldest lady of the Bilau family...

"I...I don't believe...Felix shouldn't be like that."

The blond lady who had calmed down was still in disbelief.Because Ye Shenyue told her just now that Felix suspected that she was the magic eater!

How can this be?

You must know that in this school, she thinks that Felix is ​​someone who knows her very well, like a character like a brother.

But such people.

He would actually doubt her, or think that she was such a terrible "magic eater" and didn't believe her.

"Be quiet... It's no use worrying. I don't want people to clear the table... It's not the earl's daughter's job to make trouble for others."

Ye Shenyue has asked the waiter to pack Ye Ye's favorite food.

Although his dolls are jealous, Ye Shenyue is not so bad-hearted enough to make his dolls hungry.

After all, he has been in front of housewives and men, no matter what... he is the most sensitive to food.

"This... this... this kind of thing... I wouldn't do it, the eldest lady of the Bi Lao family..."

Just talking and talking, the eldest lady of the Bilao family blushed unbearably. After all, the one who looked very uneducated just now... er... The person who lifted the table was her.


The Countess can't wait to find a hole and plug it directly into it.


For some reason, the eldest lady lowered her head gently, "Um... do you believe that I am that magic eater?"

"What did you say?"

Ye Shenyue was browsing the menu and preparing food for Ye Ye at night, so it seemed that she really didn't hear the lady's voice for a while.

After all, the lady's voice is really small.

"Nothing! Humph!"

The eldest lady raised her head angrily, but when she was supposed to meet the boy's face for some reason, she saw that the seat opposite was empty and no one was there.

The young man with a thin face was gone.

"I believe you……"

A very gentle voice came from his ear.

This is the boy's voice.

Ciel felt that the hats worn by the azure family members had been taken off his head.

Gentle palms brushed lightly on her head.

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