"Because... we are a couple now... Since you've already agreed to my date... Isn't that just admitting that you're my girlfriend?"

Ye Shenyue's face slowly moved up, and she hugged the girl's soft waist with one hand from behind.The girl was very nervous, and instantly... her body stiffened.

The breath of a man came over, and the thin-skinned girl who had never been so close to a man couldn't stand it... so she blushed.

In the end, she was still a simple girl, she didn't know how to react at all, so she blushed all the time.

"Sir...you ordered...er...sorry..."

However, at this moment, a waiter in a neat shirt pushed the door and walked in, then glanced in astonishment, and then quickly backed out as if disturbing the good things of others.

"No...what are you doing..."

Ciel didn't know where the strength came from, but he pushed Ye Shenyue away all of a sudden, and then sat on the seat with a red face.

"Cough cough... Let's eat and eat..."

Ye Shenyue also returned to her original position, said a little embarrassedly, and raised his hand on the girl's waist in front of him.

What the hell is wrong with him?

He shouldn't have such an impulse... Now it seems that no matter what... it seems to be developing in the direction of a beast.

Could it be because of being with Ye Ye, and then... his own integrity also fell to the ground?

Maybe it was because the two of them were a little guilty, so they ate very quickly. In just 15 minutes, the two of them finished the meal that was expected to take an hour.

It's just that for some reason, the two suddenly seemed to have become simple, and they looked at each other with some blushing and couldn't say a word.

Miss Shire remembered what happened just now as soon as she saw the other's face.His face turned red all of a sudden.

It would be even more difficult for her to speak this arrogantly.

And Night God Moon.

When she was attributing her own depravity to Ye Ye, she finally made up her mind when she looked at Charlotte, who deliberately turned her head to look elsewhere.

Beasts are not as good as beasts... He still chooses to be a beast.

Either way, they're going to fall.

"Hey...you...what do you want to..."

Charlotte's body suddenly stiffened.Then.

Red-faced, she wanted to scramble away Ye Shenyue's hand that suddenly grabbed her hand, but Ye Shenyue's grip was so tight that she couldn't break free at all.

"It's still dating...all...it's normal for the male partner to hold the woman's hand...it's basic etiquette..."

Ye Shenyue is just making excuses.


Miss Shire was even worse than him.

"Then...then...let's do this first...declaration first...this is not what I really want to be held by you...this...this is also out of etiquette..."

"Then...that's it..."

Ye Shenyue wasn't just holding hands this time.Instead, he grabbed Miss Ciel's soft and delicate little hand, separated the slender fingers, and then slowly inserted his fingers, almost like... ten fingers intertwined.

This is a grip that even his Ye Ye Lolita has never tried.

On the other hand, Miss Ciel was extremely blushing. This... seems to have exceeded her bottom line.


At this time, Ye Shenyue told her something that made her very concerned.For example, the reason for their date this time.

For example, in order to deliberately lead to the fact that the real "Magic Eater" Ciel was targeted, and was also targeted by the Ethics Committee. If something happened while they were dating, wouldn't they be able to make an alibi for her? already?

Will this clear her grievances?


She was just listening.

While listening to Ye Shenyue's "guess", Miss Shire slightly ignored the feeling in her hand.It's just that her blushing face has betrayed her.

Sold very simply.

Chapter 0118 Open the door to see the "mountain"

"That's it...I...I'm going back...I'll go see Sigmund first."

I don't know if the eldest lady is embarrassed to let others see that they came back holding hands, so... the eldest lady has just arrived at the school gate... Then she hurriedly pulled out her hand, blushed and lowered her head. on.


Ye Shenyue nodded, but when she just raised her hand, Ciel jumped aside like a frightened bunny.


He ran away quickly, as if... he was afraid that Yagami Yue would do something terrible with his hand.

"Uh... I'm not a big bad wolf!"

Ye Shenyue's expression was so innocent.

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