It's just that these words caused a wave in Miss Billao's heart.

If he is not the big bad wolf then who can be comparable to the big bad wolf?

"At most, it's just a very bad little gray wolf..."

Ye Shenyue in the distance added another sentence.


It was a very smooth road, and there was no obstacle at all, but Miss Shire fell down just like that!

It fell flat again!

"it hurts……"

Seeing that Ye Shenyue wanted to come over, the eldest miss of the Bi Lao family seemed to be frightened, and then soaked further, not giving him a chance to come over at all.

So I can only shout from a distance, "I just want to say... Be careful, you are in danger... um... Just think about me in your heart."

His voice was not loud, and Miss Billo might not have heard it after running away again, but soon, Miss Shire's lovely ears were still heard.

Then, a very awkward reply.

"Think...think about you...that...that's impossible...I...we're not in that kind of relationship..."

Miss Shire's voice came from a distance in the distance.It's just that the small figure suddenly entered the shadow.Let Ye Shenyue not be able to catch it.

Touching his nose, Ye Shenyue walked in the direction of the boys' dormitory. According to the development of the plot, if he walked with Ciel, he would find that the "Magic Eater" committed the crime again.

He wasn't interested in reconnaissance or anything, and at that time, there was no Lisette's vicious tongue at the scene, only Felix was a man, and he had no interest in men.


Now there are more important things.

His family's inflatable doll... ah no... it's a clever girl who is still in the dormitory.

I don't know if I will be angry.

Although she has already made an appointment with Ye Ye, Ye Ye is a shameless automatic doll who has transplanted jealousy into her bone marrow. It is more difficult than going to the sky to make her really not jealous.


It seems to be in good shape now.

such as.

"Boom boom boom!"

He knocked on the door, and then the door opened in two seconds instead of one second in the past. Maybe he still complained in his heart every night.

"The date night is back..."

Still the same cute black-haired Loli, Lolita touched Ye Shenyue's body in an instant, like a little kangaroo, she didn't want to come down.And he was very active in speaking, and he seemed to be speaking with joy.

It's just that Ye Shenyue noticed that her calm eyes... well, they were too calm eyes, calm... as if there were no fluctuations.

Only the fluctuating eyes have spirituality and can reflect joy, anger, sorrow and joy.The current situation is really abnormal!

Moreover, although the adjective "dated" added in particular fully revealed the dissatisfaction in the girl's heart, she said it in a very plain and calm tone.

This is completely different from her usual!

Ye Shenyue's tone is not uncommon, and it is often encountered, especially when the white snow is blackened. Now the night and the white snow are almost carved out of the same mold, but now the night seems to be more than the snow. Blackening makes people quickly discover the difference, Ye Ye didn't come up with anything like a machete.

But that's what worries me.

"Every night? Every night?"

Ye Shenyue slammed the door shut, but when she was just holding the little Loli, Lolita ignored him.

Obviously the sentence she said at the beginning was her limit, and within two seconds of opening the door, she had already decided to ignore him with her cheeks puffed up.

"You're jealous every night?"

Ye Ye put the black-haired Lolita, who had entered the blackening process, on the sofa.

Then he took out from his pocket the delicious food that the waiter had packed at the beginning, all the food that Ye Ye liked, and finally took out a certain doll's favorite sparkling crystal, and put all these things on the table. .

There seemed to be a little bit of movement on the stern face of a certain loli that had been motionless or had completely blackened.

The unwavering eyes gradually became brighter.

Just out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of her master's narrow smile, and the black-haired Lolita stopped moving again.

It seems that the amount is not enough!

Ye Shenyue smiled secretly, it turns out that the girl is so easy to deal with, just buy and buy.If Ye Ye can do it here, then Bai Xue and the others will turn black in the future, so he doesn't have to run away.

At last.

Yagami took out her cute black boots.

Seeing that Ye Ye's eyes didn't move unexpectedly, she smiled slightly, "This is specially bought for you... Although clogs are also very attractive, but my dolls are more suitable for wearing boots~~" Of course, He wisely didn't tell his Loli, in fact, Miss Shire's shoes also have a pair of the same style.I took it with me when I was hanging out with Miss Shire... Well, I bought it for Ye Ye.

"Come on... obediently stretch out your little feet..."

Ye Shenyue is like coaxing a child.

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