"I just lent it to you every night...not for you to use it like that."

Sure enough, in the next second, Miss Glass's smile completely solidified, and even completely faded out of the corner of her mouth.

Miss Nitro's meaning is obvious, she has already seen... um... the relationship between Yashenyue and Ye Ye.

Iloli, who was still lecturing, suddenly froze, while Ye Ye quickly got up from the ground and jumped to Ye Shenyue's side.

"Miss Nitro... Actually, I took the initiative to seduce Xiaoye..."

Ye Ye is a perfect automatic doll, even at this time, she took the initiative to take the blame, although she was really seduced from time to time.


At this time, Ye Shenyue didn't need her own Loli to take the blame. He hugged Xiao Yeye directly, but it was not a normal hug, but moved the hand placed under Lolita's ribs up, and finally fell. In Loli's very smooth and delicate chest.

Then from the top to the sides, pull Loli's clothes down directly.

It's like taking off your clothes completely.

Now...what are you trying to do!?

Rao, who had almost no sense of shame, also turned red and red.If it's just two people, Ye Ye is definitely willing, but now, not only is there sister Iluli, but also the most deadly Miss Glass!

This... how is this possible!

"Boy...you mean..."

Even Iluli blushed, but Miss Glass seemed to understand what Yagami was doing, and it was rare that she didn't make things difficult for her to say something like "to be so daring to play with my automaton in front of me".


Ye Shenyue took off Ye Ye's kimono in front of Miss Nizi like this, and then her hands went from top to bottom, and finally landed on the sign with "Hana Liu Zhai" engraved on her hip.

Miss Nitro's originally dull eyes also moved.

"Yeye's restrictions... unlocked! How is it possible!"

It stands to reason that she is the master of Ye Ye and the master who created Ye Ye, but somehow she felt that the restrictions she deliberately placed on Ye Ye had been lifted. Now Ye Ye is completely physical. Every night, every night without restrictions.

You must know that she is the real master of Ye Ye, and you must know that only she can unlock Ye Ye's restrictions, and what Ye Shenyue can do is only provide magic power to Ye Ye.

but now.


In an instant, it turned against the customer!

In other words, Ye Ye was already something of Ye Shenyue.

Miss Glass handed the cigarette stick to Iluli, who also showed a surprised expression, and then placed her slender and slightly slender palm on Ye Ye's chest.

In an instant, a warm, scorching azure radiance erupted from the palm of his hand.This is her magic.

Her magic power also entered Ye Ye's body.

However, it seems...the circuit has changed.

Chapter 0120 Flirting with the whistle?Not a little daring! (middle)

Miss Nitro, who was inputting magic power, paused for three seconds, and finally retracted her palm somewhat resentfully.It's not that she doesn't want to, but that it doesn't make sense.

"Little devil... there really is you!"

Miss Nitro sat down.Iluli and the others had a very unfamiliar and slightly depressed expression on their faces.

Want to know who Miss Nitro is?That's someone who wouldn't even raise an eyebrow when the Japanese army was completely wiped out!But now, this expression is really showing in front of them.

It's just that at this moment, the gentle sister of Yamato Nadeko is putting clothes on Ye Ye, who was stripped off by Yagami in an instant.

"It's just an accident... an accident..."

Ye Shenyue snorted haha, it seems that Miss Yuko said that his body is like Tang Monk's meat is really true, even that part... well... it contains magic.That's why Ye Ye evolved all of a sudden, and then somehow it became his thing.

Therefore, at this moment, Miss Nitro can only be regarded as Ye Ye's second master. There are two masters, of course, the first master's order comes first.

That is to say, Miss Nitro was defeated by the First Army!

Originally, Miss Nitro lent Ye Ye to Ye Shenyue, and she was also quietly guarding it, because Ye Ye's first control was still in her hands, so as long as she moved, Ye Shenyue couldn't make any small moves. Yes, but now, I'm sorry, as long as Ye Shenyue moves her hands, she can't make small moves.

"However, both the strength and the speed of the night have increased..."

"It does look like this...then give you a little more time and you can seek revenge on Magnus?"

Magnus, also known as Tenquan Akabane, is the brother of Leizhen in the original book. He killed his sister for the sake of divine ingenuity and finally made her into a doll. I hope that my sister will change from a doll to a doll again. man's day!

At the same time, Magnus is also the person in the original book that Lei Zhen told Miss Yuko to kill. At that time, Yagami Yue, who stood up from the ruins for the first time, did not have the power to take revenge in Nizi's eyes, but Now... it seems that the army of the six can already challenge Magnus.

"No...it's not that time yet..."

At least I have to wait for Ciel's sister to appear... Yagami doesn't want to finish the task so early and return to the world of April [-]st.


There are more important reasons.

Among the clever girls, the three sisters who are the most endearing clever girls in the world... He only has one Ye Ye, and... well...

Ye Shenyue cast her gaze on Iluli, who tied the last belt to Ye Ye, who was very ladylike, and Miss Iluli reacted instantly.

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