Not bad.

Although Iluli seems to be a good wife and mother, but in fact, the lower abdomen will be black and black from time to time, and finally there is a very big feature.

That is.

Now.Iluli, who had already dressed Ye Ye, said so.Said with a worried expression.

"Please don't look at me like this... The current Iluli is still the automaton of Miss Glass, taking on such and such tasks. Iluli can't lose her purity until Miss Glass agrees. So if there is desire , go to Ye Ye first."

Not bad.

The most powerful feature of Iluli is the legendary brain supplement!

I can always pass a little... well, the trivial things of sesame and mung bean and then make up for the terrible things...

For example, when Ye Shenyue took Ye Ye out of Miss Glass's house to leave the ingenious temple to come to England, Xiao Zi, who was like a small animal, also wanted to follow.Naihe, Miss Glass, smoking a long cigarette stick, disagreed, and in the end, Xiao Zi wanted to come and see her off alone.

Then Iluri-san stopped her with a serious face.

The reason is that Xiao Zi is still too young, what if she simply walks outside and meets those terrifying-looking lolicons?Xiao Zi doesn't have the ability to protect herself. What if she's done something like this and then gives up on herself and finally degenerates?

Maybe it will be dismembered by Miss Glass.Then in the end, Xiao Zi is gone.

The final conclusion is... Xiao Zi is not allowed to go!Kill everything in the cradle.

The brain makes up for this... This is something that Ye Shenyue can't keep up with.

This time, Iluli, who was brain-filled, said this, but Ye Shenyue couldn't say a word. He just wanted to make Miss Nizi move her mind, and then asked Iluli and Xiaozi to follow him temporarily, and then Increase their skills by 5.3.

He hadn't thought of doing that step directly!

Although he also had that kind of thought in his mind, with a certain Ye Ye, it was still difficult to give Iluri the small hand of Yamato Nadeko.

Therefore, Yagami can only watch Iluli preach to Ye Ye, who even explained what posture he used last night, such as if his body fails, there are other ways.

"Beep bell..."

Just then, the bell rang like an emergency.

This is the phone number assigned by the dormitory, which is provided for students to contact each other.

"I'm going to take a call..."

Ye Shenyue turned to the phone in Miss Glass' calm eyes, this time he was not defeated by Glass but by Iluli.Lost to Iloli's super brain-boosting ability.

Really a little depressing.

However, Ye Shenyue, who picked up the phone, was instantly happy when she heard the cold and dry voice that wanted to distinguish between public and private.

Because it was none other than Felix's automaton... Well, that's the automaton that killed the original Lisette and replaced him.

Her tone was still the same, she seemed to distance herself from others on purpose, and the content of the call was very simple, "Charle didn't know where to go, and then there was another incident of "Magic Eater" attack... …”

The meaning inside and outside the words is that the case was aimed at when Ciel was not in the dormitory, which was the case that Ciel did!

This is a very straightforward and straightforward inducement!Really take him for an idiot!

As for Ciel, he probably heard about another case after he separated from him and went to investigate.It was during this time period that Felix took advantage of the loophole 07.Then let Lisette take him to Ciel on purpose, and finally let the deceived him defeat Ciel, so that Felix can stay out of it.

Really kill two birds with one stone.

Ye Shenyue secretly smiled in her heart, but her mouth was in a dubious tone. "Come out, I'm going to investigate, I don't believe that Ciel is that kind of person... Maybe there's something else hidden... Let's find her first!"


Lisette, who hung up the phone, pushed her eyes that were just decorations. What she hated most was suspicious people, as long as she was manipulated like a puppet?

but now.

She really had to follow Felix's orders.Maybe get a little revenge or something when you're alone.

Thinking so, Miss Lisette of the automaton finally went out.

And Ye Shenyue here just hung up the phone, but Miss Nitro, who was still quite calm, took the initiative to express her intentions. "I heard the word "Magic Eater" just now, and it seems that you have news too... To tell you the truth, this time I am here for this mysterious and hard-to-catch Magic Eater It's the best if you can catch him. I'll give you a piece of information for free, it seems that all kinds of information about this magic eater have been hidden by the British royal family..."

"Does that mean if you get rid of the magic eater, maybe you will face the royal family here in England?"

Ye Shenyue asked back.

But Nitro did not answer.Just smoking a cigarette slowly, it is the default.

"So what do you mean?"

After a pause of about three seconds, Miss Glass finally spoke.You must know that it is easy to hide from hidden arrows and difficult to defend against. This is just facing one or two secret enemies, but if you go too far, you will be attacked by the entire noble.

Even Miss Glass, who is already the leader of the Japanese Army's "Dark Moon Night", can't simply face so many enemies. After all, if an aristocrat collapses, the forces behind him will persevere. A black knife, this is not good.

Therefore, Miss Nitro's concern is completely justified.


At this time, Ye Shenyue had a confident expression on her face, "Of course I'm going to capture that magic eater... It's nothing to catch the water and face the entire British aristocracy, after all, I have the strongest automaton. Even night and night..."

"That is to say..."

Ye Ye, who was listening to her elder sister's brain-enhancing teachings, ran over immediately and said sticking to Ye Shenyue.

But Ye Shenyue suddenly pulled her away.

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