"It's not just that... I'm still someone who wants to see the sign of Miss Glass... but it's not that easy to be killed... um... that's it... I'll go ahead... Ye Ye... ...obediently accompany Nizi and the others to talk!"

Ye Shenyue's actions were very fast. After the last word was spoken, his figure disappeared. He used a short-distance magic circle. Even at the speed of Ye Ye, who had already strengthened it, he couldn't catch him.

"Hehe...the sign...is it!"

Miss Glass's hand holding the cigarette stick trembled slightly, "Stinky brat, you're not too brave!"

Of course, that logo is the beautiful "Hana Liu Zhai" logo on the hips like Ye Ye and the others. If you really want to see it...then...the relationship must at least rise to the level of a lover or a husband and wife.

After all, no woman will let a man she doesn't know look at her... um... so secret parts.

In other words... this stinky brat is still thinking of chasing her!

Miss Nitro was impatient but smiled softly, "If you have that kind of strength, then you will come!"

Huh... huh?Miss Glass was calm, but her family's Iluli opened her eyes in amazement.

Whether it's Ye Shenyue or Miss Nitro's actions, people can't catch their heads.

The first is Nocturne.

Even Miss Nitro was molested!This courage... how big is it!

You must know which man saw that Miss Nitro was not respectful, and he had become a corpse before he even opened his mouth.

But Ye Shenyue was just in front of her, so she flirted with her!

and.Even more astonishing.

Miss Glass... um... I don't really object... Could it be that what happened to them during the three days when Yagami was still living in Miss Glass' house for corrections... or could not say thing?

I have to say that Yiluoli's brain supplement has taken it to a higher level.

But Ye Ye, the heroine who was pushed away, reacted.

She is Ye Shenyue's automatic doll, and she has to stay with her master at all times... But now... she... is... unexpectedly left behind... This... what kind of world is this!

At the same time as Ye Ye screamed, Ye Shenyue's figure had already appeared at the other end of the forest.

Looking forward, it was the figure of a girl with a palm-sized dragon.

It should be Ciel, although he made an appointment with Lisette to come to Ciel, but this time Ye Shen 743 months deliberately did not come out with Ye Ye, in order not to deepen the relationship with Ciel kissing me or something.

But for a woman who is long overdue.

With flat glasses and a beautiful lavender length, she does look like a lady.


"It's not what a lady should do to make a man wait for a long time..."

Yagami kicked the pebble on the side of the road and said to Lisette, who appeared late with a kerosene lamp.

The lady at this time gritted her teeth secretly, but she was not willing to come. "You should be showing masculine demeanor at this time."

"Haha...you're not a lady anyway...don't mind that much..."

Yagami Yue pressed Lisette's shoulder, and Lisette stared in her heart.

He leaned to one side, trying to avoid Ye Shenyue's claws.As if to prevent his actions from being too abrupt, he added another sentence.

"Where's your automaton?"

"You're talking about Ye Ye... She's still in the dormitory, the magic eater is so terrible, I don't want anything to happen to her, I guess, that magic eater must be ugly... En , the best guy with sagging breasts...and also has a bad temper..."

But at this time, Lisette stepped on Yagami, and Yagami suddenly became happy, "Hey... What are you stepping on me for... Shouldn't it be... That magic eater is you..."

Yagami Yue shouted, and Lisette stopped.

Chapter [-] Flirting with the whistle?Not a little daring! (Down)

"I'll go take a call..." Yashenyue turned to the phone in Miss Glass' calm eyes, this time he didn't lose to Glass but to Iluli.Lost to Iloli's super brain-boosting ability.

Really a little depressing.

However, Ye Shenyue, who picked up the phone, was instantly happy when she heard the cold and dry voice that wanted to distinguish between public and private.

Because it was none other than Felix's automaton... Well, that's the automaton that killed the original Lisette and replaced him.

Her tone was still the same, she seemed to distance herself from others on purpose, and the content of the call was very simple, "Charle didn't know where to go, and then there was another incident of "Magic Eater" attack... …”

The meaning inside and outside the words is that the case was aimed at when Ciel was not in the dormitory, which means...it was the case that Ciel did!

This is a very straightforward and straightforward inducement!Really take him for an idiot!

As for Ciel, he probably heard about another case after he separated from him and went to investigate.It was this time period that Felix took advantage of.Then let Lisette take him to Ciel on purpose, and finally let the deceived him defeat Ciel, so that Felix can stay out of it.

Really kill two birds with one stone.

Ye Shenyue secretly smiled in her heart, but her mouth was in a dubious tone. "Come out, I'm going to investigate, I don't believe that Ciel is that kind of person... Maybe there's something else hidden... Let's find her first!"

"Humph!" Lisette, who hung up the phone, pushed her decorative eyes. What she hates most is suspicious people, as long as they are manipulated like dolls?

but now.

She really had to follow Felix's orders.Maybe get a little revenge or something when you're alone.

Thinking so, Miss Lisette of the automaton finally went out.

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