Lisette's voice was as cold as ever, " are no longer my master!"

Lisette actually raised the sharp sword in her hand, without a stab... but directly shot Felix out.

"No! can't do this!"

Felix actually had no resistance at all, and was shot out, and then his entire back hit the tree, and the pain spread throughout his body.

"It's not impossible...I've had enough! You...bug!"

Lisette actually raised her sword and aimed it in Felix's direction.

Felix's eyes are about to pop out, his own doll... actually wants to kill him! is this possible!

"'re going to save fact, Eliza is the real magic eater, she betrayed me...and then went to attack those innocent automatons... It's her, everything is her..."

"But you just said that there are still many magic circuits in my room..."

Ye Shenyue noticed that Ciel's eyes darkened instantly.

This is... the blackening he is very familiar with!

"That's because... by the way... I found out... that's the heart of the original Eve that you used the scholarship to buy your Pilau family's dismantled automatons..."

Felix, who was trying to survive, said it in a panic.

Only if so, since everything is known...why does he still doubt her? "Really...but...but what did you just say!"

At this moment, Miss Bilau stood in front of Felix and raised her foot.

A hard kick, then... another... and then... another...

Ye Shenyue turned her head, the girl's anger... It's really... I can't understand it, it's too scary.

It turns out that there is a reason why Ciel is called "The Tyrant of King's Landing".

All night, calm was restored amid Felix's screams, and his fleeing soldiers became the best witnesses... Proving that Felix was the real magic eater.

On the high platform a thousand meters away, the man in the mask was about to leave, and the six girls who were bored looking down without saying a word were also about to leave.Although they are dolls, they also have their own feelings.After all, just watching a girl kick someone fiercely or something... there's really nothing to see.

"Magnus, what do you think of that little guy?"

Mr. Kimberly, who jumped out of nowhere, pushed her glasses and said. She was just here to watch the fun, or to be a witness, but now... it seems that she doesn't need it anymore.

"If he can use all his feelings against girls to manipulate dolls, then he will definitely become someone who surpasses me."

Magnus, who was able to control six automatons just by one person, spoke flatly.


Teacher Kimberley does not object to this.Although ordinary knowledge is rotten, the magic power and talent of that young man... that is simply incomparable to ordinary people.

If he really concentrates... let alone six, in fact, twelve puppets can be controlled freely.

"It's just that it doesn't matter when you fight? After all, you are..."

"At that time, 1.5 must be him...will kill me! That's it! Fire Chui...we're leaving!"

Magnus spoke horribly flat words.

He then greeted the six automatic dolls to leave. Sure enough, they were all lovely girls. Although they all wore masks on their faces to cover their faces, their beating and active figures were still very beautiful.

"Fire hanging..."

And Mr. Kimberly, who was in the same place, was secretly reciting the name. Magnus has six automatic dolls, himself...calling Huo Chui's name?

Or... this automaton... is very different?

Or... this fire pendant is...

Teacher Kimberly's eyes gleamed slightly, as if... thinking of something mysterious.

Chapter 0127 Concealing the sky and crossing the sea?

"Congratulations, you have qualified to be the [-]th night party participant! Hope and glory belong to you!"

With white hair and beard, the headmaster handed the hollow brown gloves in front of him to Yagami.100 contestants representing the night party are fully present!

Of course, the glove of Yagami was contributed by a certain Felix who revealed that he was a magic eater.

As a disciplinary committee member, but his true identity is "Magic Eater" to arbitrarily take other people's automatic dolls for his own selfish interests, it is simply an unforgivable sin!

Although the royal family still wanted to stop them when the members of the disciplinary committee testified, after all Felix was also one of the nobles, if this kind of thing was exposed, it would be a shame for the royal family!


When the blocking high-level people heard that so many people still listened to Felix's idiot taking the initiative to protect himself, they immediately shut up.

Such an idiot... there is really no need to save!

Only the royal family let go, but the nobles to which Felix belonged seemed to hold grudges.

And in order to quell the commotion, the dean could only make Ye Shenyue the [-]th night party participant to make a lot of noise. After all, Felix is ​​a disciplinary committee member and he knows the law and violates the law. Some people are doubting whether he is using someone or not. Shu probably shouldn't be sitting in the seat of the head of the academy, so the head of the school can only deliberately make such a gesture and focus everyone's attention on Ye Shenyue.To stagger the doubts of others.

It wasn't easy for him, at least by doing so, he still offended the family behind Felix.Next up is kidnapping and assassination.

Yagami also determined that a family that could produce a man like Felix must be... very selfish and partial.

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