But that's fine, and if it doesn't, the story won't continue.

Ye Shenyue is waiting for Ciel's sister-chan to arrive.

Pulling it too far, Ye Shenyue is now bathing in everyone's fiery sight.The Principal did indeed focus his attention.

Ye Shenyue felt that there was obvious envy and jealousy in the eyes that came from all around.

However, Ye Shenyue has ignored these eyes. After all, his goal is to become the king of the harem. It is normal for mortals to be jealous.


"Mr. Kimberly, this penultimate title is too much!"

The countdown is also the result of Lei Zhen's performance. He doesn't want to wear the countdown hat all the time.

At this moment, Ye Shenyue brought Ye Fa Loli, who was almost inseparable from his family, to the teacher standing in the corridor, wearing a white coat, but inside was a plump body with a seductive color.

Don't the teachers button up the buttons?

It's easy to get fledgling boys excited!

Such a scale...well...it's definitely on the level of Miss Glass.

"I think it's pretty good... Anyway, you didn't have a class, so it must be the second last... It's worthy of the name!"

Pushing up her glasses, Kimberly-sensei, who has a chest that makes Ye Ye feel uncomfortable, said so.

Well, Ye Shenyue can already be sure, the current Mr. Kimberly must be avenging his personal revenge, that must be the case!

He must be thinking that he was sleeping in class!

It is said that the automatic doll is very easy to use, and it is true, Ye Shenyue always asks Ye Ye to listen to it in class, and then quickly catches the chalk tips thrown by the teachers, so this makes Mr. Kimberly very uncomfortable.

So find the opportunity to immediately damage him!

It really is incompetent to have a girl!

Ye Shenyue let out a sigh and was about to leave.

There is no point in arguing with the teacher about that.

Ye Shenyue knowingly chose to avoid the limelight for a while, but when he was pulling Ye Ye to the left, the teacher stopped them with one hand.

"You want to slip away like this?"

Mr. Kimberly's voice was a little playful, "Do you really think you can hide from the sky about Aliza? I can see clearly what happened last night!"

Eliza is Lisette, the automatic doll of Felix who has been dropped out of school or even arrested. After Shire was out of breath last night, Yegami directly knocked Felix unconscious.

Unfortunately, he kicked the back of the head, so Felix who is now in the yard has become half an idiot, and of course his automaton doesn't remember.

The external claim is that his automaton was destroyed by Yagami, and the real Lisette who was hidden by him was also found.

Of course, this "real Lisette" is still Eliza herself.Ye Shenyue contacted the real Lisette's family and resurrected Lisette with her natural teeth. Through this method, she reached an agreement with Lisette's family and asked them to take Lisette back. In this way, the academy There was only Eliza left, the fake Lisette.

However, it seems to have been discovered.

Yagami doesn't care either, because the only people who really know that Lisette was killed are Eliza and Felix. Felix is ​​already stupid, so naturally he won't say it, and playing Lisette is already amazing. Of course Eliza wouldn't say either.

So most people can't find it.

And Mr. Kimberly... this is an exception.She won't tell.

Ye Shenyue firmly believed.So don't care too much.


"Um... what's wrong with Aliza? Xiaoye...you didn't tell me anything!"

The first person to be stimulated by Mr. Kimberley's words was not Ye Shenyue but Ye Ye, the long-haired Loli immediately ran in front of Ye Shenyue, puffing out her cheeks and pretending to be deceived, "No wonder you I didn't let Ye Ye follow me last night, it turned out to be to meet another woman... that kind of woman... how could that kind of woman take away... well... by the way, who is Eliza?"

Ye Ye came here very much and wanted to say that if the other party is small breasts, they will never become plump, and if they are big breasts, they will sag.

It just doesn't seem to know who Eliza is.So some can't go on.Because the first question posed is... Is the other party with small breasts or big breasts or... no breasts?

Chapter 0128 Charle's Mind

"Cough cough... Anyway, she has done enough for the royal family. I am saving her from the fire and water. If the royal family still refuses to let go, then the pattern of the British aristocracy... It seems that it is time to change!"

Ye Shenyue held down her own loli, who had an urgent look on her mind, and said with a soft smile.

Fortunately, he didn't pay special attention to what Ye Ye was thinking, otherwise he would definitely sigh, his loli seemed to become... less disciplined than him.

How can you measure a girl just by looking at her breasts?

Obviously, look at the face first, then the chest, and finally the buttocks, advancing layer by layer.

It seems that he has no morals at all.

He said it easily, but Mr. Kimberly gave him one more look. She heard it right. What the other party said was, "Let's change the pattern of the aristocracy." This was announcing that he would not be afraid even if he had to face the entire aristocratic circle.

This is arrogance, utter arrogance!

Kimberly looked at Ye Shenyue's face, with a very normal expression, as if he was just saying ordinary nonsense like "just had dinner".

Is it self-confidence...or has capital?

Of course Mr. Kimberley didn't know, his capital was to let Mrs. Lisette Kimberly push her glasses, "It's good to be young... Just don't cry and ask us to help you... There are still many powerful people in the royal family. Automata's..."

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