"Then we have to see if they have collection value... Of course, if they look more beautiful... You can show mercy or something..."

"Um... Xiao Ye... Do you really think so? How could this be possible... Obviously, Ye Ye has already said it!"

Hearing this, Ye Ye immediately puffed out his cheeks and climbed onto Ye Shenyue's body, like a big baby bear. The ingenious girl already felt threatened, because many of the automatic dolls were still in the form of girls. , Although not as realistic as her, but there are many good ones, I don't know if she is really being compared!

"Of course... Ye Ye is my favorite doll..."

Ye Shenyue gave the ingenious girl a heavy kiss on the forehead, and the jealous Loli was a little quieter.

"Hey hey hey...don't show your love in front of lonely people...it looks like you've become an automatic doll control!"

Teacher Kimberly said.At the same time, he covered his forehead with one hand.An unbearable touch. "Haha... Who said that... In fact, I am also controlled by a royal sister... If Teacher Kimberly is willing to get closer... Then maybe... Maybe I will chase you too... After all, the teacher is also in line with me. The target is... like a bosom like a goddess of harvest..."

Ye Shenyue's gaze suddenly turned to a place where Ye Ye couldn't compare.

His eyes seemed a little hot.

Teacher Kimberly covered her chest with a slightly uncomfortable hand.

"Hmph... It's a hundred years too early for the stinky brat to tease... The teacher doesn't like brats!"

"Haha... But I'm not a kid... After all, I want to become a great doctor who will dedicate his soul to the medical cause..."

Ye Shenyue said with a smile, when it comes to age, he just looks tender. After all, he has traveled back and forth, and his age is not only reflected by his body and appearance.

Mr. Kimberly pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and stared at Yeshenyue for a long time, but... Looking at Yeshenyue, who was walking out with Loli who seemed to have a lot to say, but she was... He frowned slightly.What happened to the doctor he said?

Could it be that it was a... doctor in the hospital?That beast classmate of hers?

Or... another poultry and veterinary student?

For some reason, Mr. Kimberly subconsciously put the word "bird·beast" on Ye Shenyue.

Maybe intuition. ·Ye Shenyue didn't know the relief in Teacher Kimberley's heart, when she walked into the corridor, a girl appeared.

Ye Ye immediately puffed out her cheeks, because this was one of her rivals.

Although according to Iluli's sister's statement, she and Yagami Yue are already firmly in the relationship, but that man...Which one is not eating and looking at the bowl and thinking about the pot at the end? ?That's why Ye Ye didn't like Ciel, who was wearing an azure hat and a rustic dress designed by the girls of this school.

Especially today's Shire... It seems a little awkward!

Ye Ye felt a big crisis!

"A woman with a cushion in her chest, what are you doing!"

Ye Ye was definitely the most active automaton. When Sigismund's Miss Bilau and Ye Shenyue didn't speak, they stuck in the middle of them.

"Stuff... stuff up the cushion!"

The effect of Ye Ye's release was very good. The face of Miss Xia Er, who was originally awkward, turned red instantly, that was because she was angry.If there's one thing that "tyrants" hate the most... it's people with big boobs!

And... the most hidden thing was exposed, Miss Shire was immediately angry.

I looked around nervously, but fortunately there were no other redundant people.But this is not forgivable!

Then, her hands were placed on Sigmund's shoulders, and a azure magic energy suddenly radiated from her hands.

"Anyway... Ye Ye is a doll anyway, right... My Sigmund really wants to play with you!"

As Ciel said that, Ye Shenyue and Sigismund sweated at the same time, which is only Ciel can say so.

Obviously, it is called "War of the Chest". As a dragon that has lived for an unknown number of years, Sigmund felt that if he participated in the war, it would be a shame to lose his home.


Sigismund flapped his wings, "Charle, aren't you here for something very important? This shouldn't be the time to do this kind of thing."


Sure enough, Sigismund was indeed an old man who had lived for an indeterminate time, and he hit Miss Shire's weakness all at once.

Ciel had an angry look just now, but now he has become twisted.

"This...this thing...for you...it's...a reward for telling me the secret first!"

Ciel turned his head to one side and placed a small, delicately packaged package in the palm of his hand.At first glance, it was carefully prepared by the girl.

"Breast pads?"


"how is this possible!"

Miss Shire blushed immediately, but it was strange that she was able to calm down, "You... do you like it or not!"

She felt her face burn again.

"Of course I do... After all, this is the first gift from Ciel..."

Ye Shenyue directly opened the package in front of Ye Ye, who was bulging her cheeks. This was a very beautiful elf magic talisman, and Ye Shenyue felt the slight gentle fluctuation of magic power from above.This is a good thing.


Ye Shenyue took a look at the pendant, it was a little smooth, and there were not obvious traces of perennial friction at the bottom, which is why the owner often used it to play with it.

Is this... Ciel's personal belongings?

Ye Shenyue looked at Xia Er, the other party's face was faintly flushed, and she looked as beautiful as flowers.

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