Ye Shenyue was in a good mood, and even the unpleasantness of being called "the second to last" by Mr. Kimberley has dissipated a lot.

He likes chasing girls, but sometimes it seems good for girls to take the initiative, and... they are still arrogant.

" have to hold it well!"

Miss Xia Er's face was all red, but she was still talking awkwardly, but she turned her face sideways and looked at Ye Shenyue from the corner of her eyes to put on the pendant.

Then, she finally breathed a sigh of relief and asked the other party to like this thing... This is the pendant she got from her grandmother with her all the time, and she didn't know what was wrong, but she directly took this precious pendant with her. The things that I have been sent out like this, just sent out... but there is no feeling of being separated from the pendant, it is like... um... It is like letting the family wear it first, and you can touch it at any time.



Charles finally reacted!

What is she thinking shamelessly!

Ye Shenyue looked at Xia Er who couldn't hold her head in a strange way, and gently put her hand on her side face.

"what happened?"

The temperature of the boy's palm was very warm, and it seemed to warm to his heart all of a sudden.

"'s nothing...I still have something to do...I...I'll go first!"

He directly grabbed Sigmund who was flying in the air, but Miss Bilau, who was wearing a beret, ran away at once.

Chapter 0129 The first daughter made (on)

"What happened to Charles?"

Ye Shenyue looked a little strangely at the distant figure of the eldest Miss Bi Lao, and it seemed that he still didn't know much about Ao Jiao.

The so-called arrogant is that he doesn't like to express his heart, or is ashamed to express his heart, so he often expresses his heart in a very different way.


Ye Ye next to Ye Shenyue suddenly hugged her little shoulder, "That's because you don't know women yet... woo... don't pinch your face... you're going to be out of shape!"

Ye Ye cried out pitifully, because Ye Shenyue pinched her fleshy, tender cheeks again.

After Ciel left, Ye Shenyue did not go outside to receive the attention of all kinds of people, but returned to her dormitory.

The dormitory is not big, but the innermost study room is already guarded.

This is a beautiful and quiet girl who exudes the breath of Yamato Nadeko, like a perfect wife.

"You are back, Miss Nitro is already waiting inside."

Iluli said softly, seeing that Ye Shenyue was dragging Ye Ye back back, but there was no sign of comprehension at all.

This is really strange.

It seems that this matter is very important.

" and Iloli are staying outside...don't let anyone come in!"

Ye Shenyue nodded, and finally touched Ye Ye's head in front of Iluli.

"Don't call me Iloli!"

Iluli, who was wearing azure blue clothes, had a bit of depression on her face. She was not a loli. The real loli should be Xiao Zi or Ye Ye.

Iluli, who likes brain supplements, has long known what Lolita is by flipping through books, and of course he also knows what Lolicon is, otherwise, he wouldn't have brain supplements because Xiao Zi went out on his own and then was just like that because of her personality. In the end, it fell and was decomposed by Miss Whistle.

Therefore, Iluli is quite dissatisfied, she is not the kind of weak loli!

"Cough cough... But you are Xiao Zi's older sister, your younger sister is Lolita's older sister, of course Lolita, Ye Ye is Xiao Zi's older sister, so she is also Lolita, and you are Ye Ye's older sister, So it's also a loli..."

Ye Shenyue was just bluffing. In fact, he just wanted to make fun of this Iluli who seemed to have such a good temperament, and liked to watch her show some other expressions.

This is how men are. If they see that girls have the same indifference to others, they will of course have a desire to conquer or tease them, so that the other party will show a very different feeling for him.

"This one……"

Iluli seemed to be stunned by what Yagami said.He was silent for three seconds, unable to speak.


Ye Shenyue opened the door and walked in.

It's just that Iluli, who was finally awake at this time, seemed to have given up on pestering Loli, and stood opposite Ye Ye, as if whispering.

"Xiao Ye asked Miss Nitro to take a bath and waited for him inside, and he... um... Ye Ye, did Xiao Ye also take a bath in the morning?"

"Washed." In front of her sister, Ye Ye seemed to be very good. "I watched him wash."

Ye Ye is honest. ∨Iluli also played the role of her sister very practically and preached.鸺ヵ "Yeye... This kind of behavior is not advisable, how can you just watch him wash? Since it is his automatic doll, it is also the doll's responsibility to relieve the owner's fatigue when taking a bath. Just watch What's the point? To have an atmosphere like that when the other party needs you...and then you can stay by the other party's side all the time."

Then, without waiting for my sister to answer.

Iluli started to make up his mind.

"Stop this first, what I want to say is that if Xiao Ye took a bath in advance, and then let Miss Nitro also take a bath in advance... Shouldn't it be some kind of ceremony. Well... It should be the kind of very evil, let everyone take a bath Finally do these things with love! The Great Demon King Xiaoye has already stretched his claws to Miss Glass!"

"Yeye, you can't make him become more and more beastly!"

At the end, Iluli added another sentence.

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