
At this moment, Ye Shenyue felt that her trousers were pulled, and she lowered her head. She was very cute, and Xiaoyou was still wearing a dark blue swimsuit that seemed to be worn by elementary school students.

"Teach me to swim."

Xiaoyou held up the small note that he had written long ago.The blue and beautiful eyes stared at Ye Shenyue tightly, making Ye Shenyue suddenly feel as if she did not agree to her and would be condemned by her conscience.

"Wait... erotic steps, teach me to swim too!"

Seeing that Ye Zinu had succeeded in punishing the unpleasant Orito, Xiaochunna saw that Ye Shenyue was standing with the necromancer, and the atmosphere seemed to have an abnormal feeling.

Not wanting to chase the unpleasant Orito again, Xiaochunna rushed directly to Ye Shenyue's side, and the beautiful dull hair was inserted between Yashenyue and Yu, and she brought an inflatable body from somewhere. It seems to be a dinosaur doll that can be put on a person.Not only was she inserted between Yuu and Yagami, but even the oversized doll she brought was inserted between Yagami and Yu.

Do you need to make it so obvious that you don't want me and Youyao to be so tight?

Seeing that the distance between Yu and Yu was only a centimeter because of Chunna-chan's ha-in, it turned into a full meter, Yagami-yue secretly vomited in her heart, and Chunna-chan, as far as I know, you are actually a good swimmer!Is it worth pretending to be a novice who can't swim?

However, all of this shows that Xiaochunnai is jealous.But this jealous situation makes people really speechless.

"Sera... You can't swim, can you? I can teach you the whole process once."

Seeing that Sera, who was beside her, seemed to be walking towards the resting place, Ye Shenyue suddenly uttered another sentence.

"Humph! Proud vampire ninjas don't need a mere bug to teach... For ninjas, swimming is a necessary skill, easier than eating."

Sera's figure disappeared instantly, and when she reappeared, she was already in the rest area, and only her faint voice remained.

Is Sarah jealous too?

Ye Shenyue shook her head with a smile, and now she will teach these two little loli first.

"Abu... put on this..."

Although Sera left, Haruna-chan's interest did not decrease because of this, and she seemed to be even more excited. She raised her small hand and handed the long-necked dinosaur doll in her hand to Yagami. With some incomprehensible excitement.

"Uh... well."

Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered that if he put on the clothes of this dinosaur doll, wouldn't Yuu be riding on him?

The little Youchan spread her legs and lay on top of him softly, her little blushing face... as if she was doing some kind of ambiguous action.

Well, thinking of this picture, Ye Shenyue has the urge to spit a nosebleed.

"Okay! Necromancer, you can't grab Abu with me later! As for swimming...you still bring this insurance. For example, I will teach you after Abu finishes teaching."

Let Yagami go to wear the doll's clothes.

Koharuna took out a swimming ring from behind and handed it to Yuu.


Yuu commented on Haruna unceremoniously.

"Hee hee... I've won awards... I don't think it's the same for you, Necromancer. It's too sinister to actually want to monopolize Abu."

Haruna's big eyes narrowed slightly.It seems to have more eyes...

"I said you guys, can you stop for a while! Just come up together."

After finally changing into the doll's costume, Yashenyue just went into the water, but Haruna and Youchan seemed to be on the hook, and Xiaoyou was wearing a swimming ring around her waist, but both of them thought of Yashen's back.

Xiaoyou just climbed up, and Haruna directly shook Yagami's body and let Yu fall down. Because of the reason with the swimming ring, there was no drowning, and then Yagami desperately tried to save the romance that Xiaoyou promised in the end. .

In the same way, if Haruna climbed up, Yuu would do the same thing, just to prevent Haruna from succeeding.

Hearing what Ye Shenyue said, Ye Shenyue turned her head and could see their expressions. Within seconds, Ye Shenyue turned her head and closed her mouth and stopped talking.

Because he saw that the cheeks of the two were bulging, looking at each other angrily, Ye Shenyue turned around, and was actually given a blank look by both of them.

That seems to mean "you have no say as a prisoner."

Row!He didn't speak, he just watched.Anyway, these two grumpy loli will always be tired and lie down, and then he will be able to hold them up again.That is the safest and most stable method.

Facts have proved that this method of Ye Shenyue is really good, and soon, the second daughter will ride on him according to what he said.

"Necromancer, listen carefully. I'll give you half of Abu. You have to thank the genius girl in magical costume, Haruna-chan."

Holding the long neck of the dinosaur doll, Haruna pouted.


Haruna was so arrogant, Yu decided not to continue to pay attention to her, and moved her little feet slightly, making Yashin Yue swim as if she were on a boat.

"Understood... I'm just working hard... You sit down! The boat is sailing..."

The "boat" named Ye Shenyue set off soon, and at this time, Haruna and Yu seemed to have suddenly transformed into captains, and they were fighting, one wanted Ye Shenyue to go east, and the other wanted to go west.

Sure enough he should have stayed put.

At this time, Ye Shenyue was suddenly annoyed, and she really shouldn't be wearing this doll's clothes, otherwise it wouldn't be such a tangled scene...

In the rest area, the big teacher, who was lying on his back with great calmness, was dressed as a little girl, with a pair of sunglasses on his eyes, which clearly showed that Chunna-chan and Xiaoyou were wearing long-necked dinosaur doll costumes at night. The picture of Shenyue sliding og, and at this time Xiaochunna was very happy, it seemed that Yu was also very happy, as for Ye Shenyue, the smile on her face seemed to be even happier.

"Ala... Sure enough, Mr. Bu is still a pure lolicon. I don't know if Chris should be happy or worried about this news."

Hi, is it hi Ye Shenyue or the petite body of the little girl, and the worry is, it seems that Mr. Bu's heart has been taken away by the little loli, and Chris is still there?

On the shore, in the rest area, looking at Yashenyue who seemed to be playing with two loli, the arrogant and domineering Silas arrogantly dropped a sentence, "Darling asshole... as expected, he has such a hobby. Rafim, come with me!"

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