
Sierra was taken away by Silas in a daze. "Cyrus Bardy, where are you taking me?"

"Of course it's a concert! It's decided, it's not just me, you have to go too! Damn Darling, I wanted to come over to see him, hum, I didn't expect to see his dirty heart!"

Silas flicked his hair, on the thick and beautiful black long straight, with a beautiful golden hairpin, a red ribbon embroidered with a glittering cross, and in front of Silas' iog, also with Wearing a golden cross, it seems to complement the bobby pins on her hair.

"Huh? Concert? Silas Buddy, we are vampire ninjas, how could you... how did you turn your back on us... choose to be a star?"

It was just a blink of an eye, and Silas was dragged to the backstage. Looking at the staff who arranged the venue in an orderly manner, I remembered what Silas Buddy said just now... She is going to become a star?

"It's not a betrayal! As a star, that's a side business... Oh no, that's my main business! Although I'm a woman living in the dark, but... such a sought after life is even more exciting! Come on, Serafi Mum... you also got on the star stage and let that bastard Darling go depressed, bastard lolicon!"

Silas roared, afraid that last sentence was the real purpose.

Because not only she and Sera, but also the type of Yujie, for the purebred lolicon, they are all loveless types!

That bastard Darling had to make him cry and run over and hug them, who were covered in light.

Ps: Thank you for your support, this is the second update.At least there is more.

Chapter 0062 is really a lolicon (third more)

"Eh... The swimming pool is so big, how could it be possible to find Aikawa? Sure enough, we should go to the missing person notice and let them broadcast it."

Yuuki, who was wearing a beautiful dark yellow-colored one-piece swimsuit, wore a beautiful straw hat that looked like a western cowboy. His little head swayed around, quickly looking for someone, but unfortunately, in No figure on the shore found him, not even Seraphim.

It stands to reason that if he comes, then Seraphim will also be with him, but at this time, even Seraphim has not been found.

"Yuki...don't do that, if Abu-kun knows...it will be very troublesome."

Taeko Hiragami, who was wearing a black and white one-piece patterned swimsuit next to Yuuki, quickly grabbed Yuuki who was about to rush to the reception desk.

You must know that the missing person notices are all children's news, if you let your classmates know that he is also regarded as a lost child, it must...will be very troubled.

"Pu...hehehe...youji...hehe, just do as you said...Miaozi let her go...hehehe...a notice of missing people..."

On the other hand, Taeko, who was tall and slender, was laughing and seemed to want to help the somewhat stunned Yuuki.

"Ganamy-chan...how can you say that...bu-kun will be very troubled..."

Hearing this, Ping Song's rare stubbornness taught Mihara a lesson.

"Okay...well...just kidding...let's go into the water and play...if he sees us, he will come over by himself...how can it be so easy to find...uh..."

Mihara looked up at the sky, and the sunlight was blocked. It seemed that the guy could stroll around in such a big swimming pool and find him among nearly a thousand people. It was simply impossible.

It's just that Mihara just got into the water... in front of me, right in front, the person who slowly turned his head and showed his face, wearing a dinosaur doll with a long neck... That face... it's not... no It's that guy Aikawa Ayumi!

How could it be possible to meet like this!It's not scientific!

Mihara-san was completely stunned.

"Then...that's classmate Bu?"

Mihara was stunned, but Taeko-san didn't. She looked around and saw Yagami Yue who was riding around on a ride by Yu and Haruna.

"Aikawa! Aikawa... this way!"

Yuuki kept waving her hands so that Ye Shenyue could see them.

Honey...the three of them are here together!

Ye Shenyue swam forward a little... and then turned around quickly, they saw such a funny face!In particular, Mihara, who is keenly observant, must have given himself the definition of "lolicon"!

Still pretending to be undiscovered.Yagami swam in the opposite direction.

And this time, near the shore.

"Bu... classmate Bu... Sure enough, you've become a lolicon?"

The gentle Hiramatsu-san shook his head and was about to faint!

"Lolicon is no doubt! Eh... Taeko!"

Mihara nodded affirmatively.It's just that at this time, the friend had already fainted and fell down, and Mihara hurriedly supported him. It would be difficult if Taeko drowned.

"Aikawa... So you are here, no wonder I can't find you!"

With a thud, Yuuki didn't have much influence on what the two girls said, and quickly jumped into the water and swam towards Yeshenyue.

"Why is Yuuki not responding?"

Mihara struggled to support Taeko, and was a little stunned when she looked at the natural-looking Yuuki... But, when Yuuki quickly swam over to Haruna's side, Mihara was depressed... Yuuki was riding on Aikawa. The height of the two girls seems to be about the same... If Aikawa controls loli, then... In fact, Yuuki is also a big loli, or a big loli with big breasts!

Because she herself is a loli, how could Yuuki have an influence on the essence of Aikawa lolicon?I'm afraid I will be happier!

Mihara stroked his forehead, looked at the figures in front of him who seemed to be very lively, and bit his lip depressed.

Sure enough, loli control is the most annoying thing. If you want to control it, you have to control cute and tall girls!

"Yuki...don't...don't come up..."

Seeing that Youji seemed to be running over excitedly, Ye Shenyue hurriedly stopped her, and even swam in the opposite direction of Youji.

It's just that no matter how fast Ye Shenyue's speed was, he was still riding on his body, and he was quickly intercepted by Youji.

Seeing Yuuki also climb up the back of the long-necked dinosaur that Yagami was wearing, Yagami hurriedly shouted.And Haruna also waved her little hand to stop Yuuki from climbing up.

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