"Stupid vampire ninja... going... going to turn over!"


I don't know where Yujiang took out the note, and the words on the note also turned into facts. It really capsized... oh no, it turned over a dinosaur.

"Clap clap clap..."

There was a sound of falling into the water, and even Ye Shenyue was turned over. Fortunately, he reacted quickly and caught You Jiang, who had thrown away the swimming ring, otherwise Xiaoyou would have drowned.

"Hold me now!"

Watching the little Chunna slide down, Ye Shenyue quickly reminded that as for Yuuki, she had already embraced him.

Soon, the scene turned into a beautiful silver-haired girl sitting on Ye Shenyue's stomach, while a choppy girl hugged Ye Shenyue's neck, as if to shove Ye Shenyue's face into her eyes~ Peak to the same.Not only that, but an exquisite girl hugged Ye Shenyue's leg. It seems that the current Ye Shenyue is surrounded by beauty.

"Ah... I'm so envious! Aikawa!"

At this moment, Orido, who had run away because a bamboo stick exploded chrysanthemum, seemed to have circled the swimming pool for an entire circle and returned to the same place again. Seeing the state of Yashinyuki now...he immediately burst into tears.

"What on earth did he come back for?"

Haruna asked dumbly, and Yuuki seemed to have reacted a little, "That spiky head... Who is it? It looks like I've seen it somewhere."

Well, fortunately, Ordo left, otherwise he would definitely die if he heard what Yuuki and Haruna said.

Yashinyuki once again used seconds to remember her good friend Orito, and climbed to the shore with difficulty, but the shore did not seem to be as safe as he imagined.

At this time, on the shore, Taeko had woken up leisurely, and then looked forward with slightly confused eyes.

"Step... classmate?"

"Taeko? And Mihara?"

Ye Shenyue raised her head, the dinosaur's head was slightly tilted back, and she saw Mihara and Taeko who were also looking at him.

At this time, Taeko... looking at the three loli who are closely surrounding Yashinyue... she fainted again gorgeously.The slightly thin body fell straight forward.

"Eh... Miaozi-chan!"

Mihara's reaction was already very fast, and he hurriedly grabbed Taeko, but Taeko's body fell down faster and smashed directly on Ye Shenyue's body, gorgeously pulling up the three loli's Ye Shenyue smashed into the water again.

Ps: The first update, there will be another update later.Thank you for your support!

Chapter 0063 I can only do artificial respiration

How... how is it possible?Could it be that Hiramatsu wants to be Aikawa's campus wife?

This unscientific!

The step is intentional.

The above three sentences came from the stunned Yuuki, Mihara and Xiaoyou respectively.

Things happen in an instant.

As one of the parties, Ye Shenyue was a little stunned. He only remembered that he was trying very hard to drag the three drowning Lolitas to the shore. At this moment, just as he was about to go ashore, he saw Mihara and Taeko. , and they were also regarded as lolicons.

Well, Lolicon is Lolicon, and Ye Shenyue is completely immune to this title.It's just that at this time, Taeko, who seemed to be unable to accept it, turned upside down on his side, and turned upside down, Ye Shenyue subconsciously wanted to catch her, but he forgot that he was wearing thick clothes that could The dinosaur doll costume floating in the water, the two outstretched "hands" were bulging, unable to catch people at all, and could only watch Takako fall from the top.

Maybe Gaia was joking with him again. At this time, the scene that made countless men envious and hated reappeared.Because Ye Shenyue was trying very hard to catch Miaozi, Li Miaozi's body was very close, and when Miaozi fell into the water, the tender pink lips just touched Ye Shenyue's lips.

Accidental kiss!

Such a coincidence kiss!

Under the shock, Taeko-san has already quickly descended. "Snapped!"

With a bang, it fell directly into the water, and there was a tendency to fall towards the bottom of the pool.


Seeing that Tiaozi's pretty face turned red because of an inadvertent kiss with Ye Shenyue just now, the little consciousness she had had disappeared, and she couldn't care about anything else, Mihara immediately went into the water to rescue her friend, Tiaozi.

"Damn! It's all this dress!"

His childhood sweetheart, Taeko, fell into the water, and Ye Shenyue dived very hard, but because of the huge buoyancy of the doll costume, he couldn't dive, so he could only watch Taeko fall into the pool.

The depth of the swimming pool here is not very deep, only about [-] meters, and Taeko, who is about [-] meters, can be rescued as long as he stands up, but at this time Taeko seems to faint from excessive excitement because of the kiss with himself. Conscious, if you let her sink, it will definitely drown.

Therefore, Yagami, who was closest to Taeko and couldn't carry out rescue activities because of her clothes, hated this doll costume that could dominate Haruna's cheapness.It is because of this dress that I cannot dive!

Closing her eyes slightly, in an instant, Ye Shenyue's body suddenly burst into a strong energy, and the doll clothes on her body quickly turned into pieces of skin flying outward like a bomb exploded. When their bodies suddenly softened, they turned into rags with no attack strength.


Ye Shenyue dived abruptly, crossed Mihara's body that was still diving, and quickly carried Taeko, who was about to sink to the bottom of the pond, in her arms and quickly landed.


The stunned Miyuan was still trying to dive down to save Taeko. How could she have thought that by the time she reacted, Taeko's figure had disappeared, and when she looked up, she saw that Taeko had been carried ashore.

Still in the water, she could only see a not very broad, but very familiar back.is that guy?When did he take off his doll costume?

It's rare that Mihara can still think about it soberly now, and when she thinks about it, she is a little hypoxic.

Is it impossible to save people from falling into the water?

This is the very real thought of Mihara, who was diving upward. At this time, she was a little confused, and it seemed that even the shore of the pond was not so clear.

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