"Although I am tolerant and kind, there are still three types of people that I can't stand. The first is the person who insults me, the second is the person who humiliates me, and the last is the man who bullied my sister and went to mess with the flowers!"

For the first time, Loki's standard lines have been completely transformed.

Then a pair of cold eyes fell on Ye Shenyue's body, as well as the double ponytail Loli next to Ye Shenyue who pulled his arm.


Ye Shenyue seemed to understand why this Loki attacked him just now!

Emotions... It's because of things like this.

It turned out to be because of Xiao Zi beside him.

Feelings... This younger brother... seems to be seeking justice for my elder sister!

How to complain, at first Loki was because he bullied Frey and then got angry and wanted to kill him.And now, it seems that he is going to kill him because he is distracted!

In other words... Loki has acquiesced to his brother-in-law?

Should he be happy or should he be happy?

ps: The update is unstable these days, and it will be restored soon.

Chapter 0147 Trading

Stalemate, that's how it started.

Frey's face turned red.Xiao Zijiang Bingxue is smart, then she obediently blinked her big eyes and stopped talking. Maybe she is still thinking about how to "sell" the "secret" she has seen and heard now and at what price go out.

"I... I'll go first..."

Miss Frey was actually one by one, with her left hand touching Huang Quan's ear and her right hand touching Rabbi's ear.


In the next second, he pulled two big wolf dogs and fled together.

Ran away.

As an older sister, she was able to escape quickly because of a few words from her younger brother.

What about the majesty and aura of your sister?

Frey said she was used to living without her sister's majesty.

Then, on the spot, Yagami, with Xiao Zi, and Loki were left to look at each other.

Of course not to engage in base.

Loki's expression was still as cold.Or rather, I didn't even see the figure of my sister leaving.

But it was all fake. Ye Shenyue noticed that Loki's eyes were still moving. In fact, he was suppressing his true inner thoughts.

In fact, as a younger brother, Loki is very concerned about Frey's sister, otherwise it would not have become like this... Eat a lot of vinegar?

Eat a lot of vinegar?

Ye Shenyue was disgusted by herself.

"Now... there is no outsider to stop it."

Ye Shenyue and Loki looked at each other and said this at the same time.

What Loki was thinking about was to teach this guy a good lesson, it would be better without his sister's hindrance.

And Ye Shenyue was thinking the same, to teach this ignorant guy Loki a good lesson.Although he doesn't like to fight with men too much, but this guy Loki... but he needs a good beating!At least you have to fight until the other party calls out her brother-in-law.

Both sides are interested in fighting.

The last time they were interrupted by Frey, they both had a thorn in their hearts, but now... nothing can stop them.

When the eyes met again, the two had already fought.

Xiao Zi was put into the safe area by Ye Shenyue, and Chi Angel was also controlled by Loki and turned into a giant sword.

The battle between the two men has begun.

On the other side, Frey, unaware that it was her who started the fight, was running away with two big dogs.

to a safe area.


At this time, Huang Quan suddenly bit down on Frei's long robe.


Frey, whose expression was a little blank, lowered her head.The pink color of the face has also disappeared a lot.

It seems that Huang Quan has something to say to her.

Just... what did you say?

"If you meet a good boy, let's get married."

As if it was someone who had come over, Huang Quan said lightly, and the rabbi next to him raised his head and looked at it strangely.Although this is a dog mother and child, and as the saying goes, the blue is better than the blue, but it seems that this stupid rabbi, who only has the wisdom of dogs, still can't understand many things.


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