The girl nodded dumbly, and then... the next second, she immediately lifted it up, as if... just now she understood what Huang Quan said.

"This is a good boy. When I saw him for the first time, I just tried to scare him. You can see that, since he can block Loki, it is easy to block me, but he didn't. I think he cares about you... In other words, that is to say... In fact, he took so much effort to bring me out for you."

"You humans are different from us. It seems that you are very interested in who will be your husband, and it seems that you are also very interested in chastity. If you like it, then go for it, and defeat all those flowers and plants... This way he is you. one's..."

Huang Quan recited, "Besides, you are also very capital, I think his sight on you is at least three times that of the little girl! As long as this is like this... well... in this way... you can trap him... …”

Frey seems to have been indoctrinated with strange things.

It's just that his face is even redder than before.

On Ye Shenyue's side, she was actually instigating.

And that kind of brainwashing.

"Call brother-in-law! Otherwise, you will be blacked out!"

It's a fist.

"That's impossible! Although I am both tolerant and humble, I can't tolerate three kinds of people. The first is those who order me, the second is those who betray me, and the third is those who force me!"

The pearl-haired boy arrogantly refused, but the next second, he groaned.

...the eye sockets are really dark.

"How can you fight it if you say it!"

Loki was furious.It's just that the angel of wisdom held in his hand trembled.

He was about to lose his grip, he was really an idiot, and he actually came up to fight with brute force. This is a guy who can catch Chi Angel without a sword that never cuts, how could he lose his strength to him!

Even so... can't compromise!

Ten minutes later.

Ye Shenyue was sweating profusely.

Then took Xiao Zi away.

In the end, a young man with a dark circle around his eyes was left in the pit, and his body was also tattered.

"Xiao Zi, in the future, for those who want to plot against you, I will beat him like I did just now. It's better to beat him even if he doesn't recognize himself."

This is a painstaking teaching experience, just like Xiao Zi's sister Iluli imparted such and such knowledge to Xiao Zi.

"Well, but Iluli sister said that if you meet a woman, then pinch her face, and if you meet a man, kick him... Isn't this more effective?"

Xiao Zi pointed to the middle of Ye Shenyue's legs and said so.

For some reason, Ye Shenyue felt a bit of pain in the chrysanthemum.

What can be more terrifying than you bring a very cute loli, and a very pure loli with a pure smile and say that you want to turn a man into a eunuch?

"'s me who's behind..."

Ye Shenyue wiped the cold sweat that was faintly overflowing from her forehead.It seems that Iluli is really not easy to mess with.

Fortunately, fortunately, he didn't act rashly, otherwise he wouldn't know what happened. Although Iluli and Yoshino are both girls of the ice attribute, they are both people who can destroy the whole city at one stroke, but Ilu. Li is able to simply control the destruction of the city, while Yoshino uses "crying" to destroy the ice.

Yoshino is too good to get some, and this Iruri looks much more difficult than Yoshino.

Ye Shenyue felt a little fortunate in her heart.

However, just as Ye Shenyue took Xiao Zi to the trail, she saw a young woman in a white lab coat with the attire of an orthodox faculty member standing against a tree.

"What? Is the transaction over?"

Very handsome, standing against the tree, the teacher who wears glasses that often reflect off the glasses said so.

Chapter 0148 Under the Transaction

Wei Wei leaned against the huge tree, with a faint smile and seriousness on his face.

This is Mr. Kimberly, Ye Shenyue recognized it at first sight.

However, the teacher was actually standing beside the trees in the direction of his return to the dormitory, as if he had been waiting for him for a long time, or...

Been watching the show for a long time!

"The teacher is really very elegant. When he sees his students fighting, he doesn't stop him."

Ye Shenyue held Xiao Zi's little hand tightly, as if Mr. Kimberly, who was standing here at the moment, would snatch her away.

"Haha... Boys are naturally impulsive and really need to vent their excess energy... If I rent something that is beneficial to the body and mind, I won't be a good teacher~" Mr. Kimberly looked like a teacher. If you just look at her expression, you will really feel for a moment what a teacher who cares about her students.

In order to let the students grow up healthily, so she was watching from the side, and by the way, you can see that if you beat too much, come and stop it, she really worked hard.

Fool you!

Ye Shenyue complained mercilessly in her heart, in fact, Kimberly wished they would fight!

"I didn't expect Mr. Kimberly to actually watch a play here for a long time... So, don't you have any ideas?"

Although Kimberly was madly in his heart, the expression on Ye Shenyue's face was still a little serious, because he just thought that Mr. Kimberley seems to have some use, of course, this use has nothing to do with a good figure , but her identity.

"Thoughts? Oh...what do you want me to think?"

Pushing the glasses, Mr. Kimberly's eyes fell on Xiao Zi. Xiao Loli was a little scared to be seen by the teacher with glasses. Wei Wei Yeshenyue hid behind her, yes, she likes to be cute but small. Zi Ke was still a child, but very introverted.

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