Therefore, there will be no big sister Iluli, as long as Xiao Zi goes out, she will be kidnapped by Lolicon to do such and such excessive things.

Xiao Zi is still very simple, and now it seems that Xiao Zi, who keeps her little mouth closed and doesn't say those terrible and "naive" words, seems very simple.

Mr. Kimberly's tone became a little serious, "Come in with a new automatic doll from the main entrance, do you know how flamboyant your actions are? And ranking No.7... oh no, now it has become No. 99 Loki was fighting at the school gate. Do you know how flamboyant you are? Even if you want to fight, you have to wait until the night party starts! And...more importantly..."

"You guy actually brought out the "product" of D-work company... It really makes people not pay attention to it..."

Mr. Kimberly counted one by one, and the taunts at the corners of his mouth became more and more.

As if... the reason why she was watching here was Ye Shenyue's fault!

It seems so.

"Cough cough..."

Ye Shenyue paused for three seconds ρ If it were replaced by a person with mediocre strength, acting so boldly would definitely be automatically courting death.

However, Ye Shenyue is different, he did it on purpose.

He hates complicated things. Anyway, he has decided to help Frey to the end. He doesn't want to go around according to the plot of the original book and finally get a bear hug from a girl.

So, it's better to settle everything.


Yagami, who was supposed to be speechless, turned her bright eyes to Kimberly-sensei.

The physics teacher with transparent glasses had a bad premonition in his heart.


"Since things have become like this, then... Mr. Kimberly, we should stand on a united front. After I'm afraid of such a commotion, then Frey and Loki's adoptive father should have some preparations... You should also want to take good control of him... We have a win-win situation..."

Ye Shenyue is definitely not lying. According to the development of the original work, in the end, it was Teacher Kimberly who led people to arrest Frey and their adoptive father.

So, Ye Shenyue is now making a deal with Mr. Kimberly.

"...It seems that you are really prepared..."

The teacher looked at Ye Shenyue a lot, and finally pushed his glasses, as if he had acquiesced.

"Then...then we can discuss specific matters..."

The little deal seems to be settled just like that...


After everything was settled, when leaving, the teacher still stopped Ye Shenyue.

She needs to clear her doubts.

For example, why did the other party believe that she would help him?

"Of course I think our teacher Kimberly is a kind-hearted, kind-hearted teacher who cares about students the most..."

Ye Shenyue praised like a primary school student.

Well, this answer is pretty decent and seems to make sense.


Go lie to him!

Really cheated.

"Actually, I just want to use resources reasonably..."

This is what Ye Shenyue said in her heart. Since there is someone who can help and is willing to help, he is really sorry for her if he doesn't use it properly.

dorm room.

"Dong dong dong..."

The cooperation has come to an end, Ye Shenyue knocked on the door with Xiao Zijiang for a long time, but found that no one responded.

You must know that he comforted the jealous automaton and asked her to go back to the dormitory obediently.

Could it be that where did you go every night to play?

Just kidding, Ye Ye is not Xiao Zi, she doesn't like to go to places she doesn't know... and there are many rivals in love to play.Besides, Ye Ye has always regarded herself as a mistress, and if she wants to appear, she will also appear at her "home", so it is impossible for Ye Ye to go out.

3.6 frowned slightly, Ye Shenyue still took out the key to open the door. There were originally three keys, but in the end it became two, one in his and one in Ye Ye, and the last one was used by Ye Ye. It was smashed with brute force, and it seemed to say that the keys specially prepared for fox spirits would be destroyed.

The expression at that time was terrifying.

"Is this the room where Brother Xiao Ye lives? It's quite big... It seems that Xiao Zi can also live in it~~" Ye Ye was no longer in the room, but Ye Shenyue was still following an automatic Doll, let a lolicon watch the little loli who can't extricate herself.

Loli with double ponytails omitted the words "Sister He Yeye" directly after "Brother Xiaoye", and then took the initiative to express her wish at the moment.

0149 The night on the roof

"Xiao Zi also wants to live in?"

This is really the pure wish of Xiao Zijiang, and the bright eyes of Xiao Xiao Loli make people unable to see other things.

Ye Shenyue's heart actually slowed for half a beat.

"Cough...Xiao Zijiang, this kind of thing can't be said outside..."

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