That is to say, the reason why he felt sweating on his back just now was because he was staring at Ye Ye with terrifying eyes on the roof, so his body responded with sincerity...he was sweating.

He didn't even notice it!

It's a dire situation right now.

Facing the pattern that Xiao Zi had flinched and hid under the quilt and then tried hard every night while crying and trying to bite him, Ye Shenyue didn't know how to end it.

The rest of the time can be dealt with, but when he took Xiao Zi to the orphanage to visit Frei's old man, he promised Ye Ye that he would never touch Xiao Zi Jiang.

And now, no matter how you look at it, it looks like... a broken promise.

Totally raped!

Ye Shenyue's forehead was also sweating.

"Dong dong dong..."

However, at this time, all three heard a sound, and it was the sound of a knock on the door.

It was the door that Ye Shenyue had locked with three locks!

Here comes the savior!

Ps: The night and night volume will end soon, the next is Kempfa, please support.

Also, please vote for the update time.

Chapter 0150 Night Party Without Fighting

Miss Bilau looked a little anxious today, because she just got a news.

news that just came out.

Loki, who was ranked N0.8, actually applied to the principal for an automatic downgrade to N0.99 and then wanted to participate in this evening's night party.

This was a message that had to be delivered right away, because it was so unfair for the bottom 100th contestant to face the eighth of the top 13 all at once, and the winning percentage was again indefinitely decrease.

However, this is only for those who are really at the bottom of the [-]th, and it seems that there is no difficulty for someone who can suppress the number one Magnus on the spot with the power of one person and one automaton.So this news is unnecessary.

But for some reason, Miss Birao still came.

"Charle, you've been caught in a man's love net..."

Sigismund, the elder, sighed and said, and while he was talking, he flapped his wings.

"However, something like a man...well, for a girl of this age, it is still more important than everything..."

Before Sigmund could finish speaking, the eldest lady had already reacted.

"Sigmund, if you say it again, you will replace the shredded pork for today's dessert with green vegetables and radishes!"

The slightly red-faced Miss Bilau deliberately made a vicious expression, but her automaton obviously shrugged helplessly, and the master showed no momentum at all.

Charles deliberately didn't look at Sigismund and then knocked on the door three times in a row.

Then stood aside, who was originally standing on the left, and took a step back.

If she stands too close, it will appear that she is eager to tell the other party, and maybe she will be teased, so the eldest lady still deliberately stood farther away.

Then wait for the other person to open the door.

One second, two seconds... thirty seconds.

The eldest lady is well behaved and is still waiting.

Another one second, two seconds... thirty seconds...

Maybe taking a shower or something.So not heard.

The eldest lady is apologizing for the other party.

It's just a bath or something... Shouldn't I be naked... I should be naked in a bath...

The eldest lady's face was slightly red, as if she had thought of something unbearable.

"Sigmund... destroy this door..."

Well, the aristocratic temperament of the eldest lady has completely disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Two drops of sweat appeared on Sigmund's forehead.What kind of trouble is Charles going to make?


And at this moment, the door finally opened.The opening was huge, and the one who opened the door was also the target that Ciel wanted to see this time.

"You... this is... what game are you going to play?"

Miss Birao's voice was a little dull, and it seemed to be stuck all of a sudden, but no, the person who appeared now is Ye Shenyue, but Ye Shenyue's state is very strange, wearing a tattered shirt, and then the right foot Shang Zheng was dragging a black-haired Loli who was hugging his leg completely, Lolita was slamming pearls down... Oh no, she was crying very, very, very sadly.And the tears that the loli made from crying spread from the door all the way to the room, it seemed that she was crying and pulling the other party from the room all the way.

And Ye Shenyue... seems to have dragged Little Loli over like this.

"This...that's a long story..."

It was indeed a long time. When Ye Shenyue was hugged by Ye Ye, crying and about to be blackened, Ciel's knock on the door rang. He thought it was the voice of a savior, so he quickly got out of bed and then She went to open the door, but the angry Ye Ye, who was supposed to continue biting out word by word, suddenly hugged his leg and didn't want him to leave. She seemed to have expected that if an outsider intervened, then her anger value would be reduced. greatly reduced.

Because she is Ye Shenyue's automatic doll after all, some things can only be told by her family in the room, but when outsiders come in... then there is nothing.A lot of words can't be said.Because she wants to be concerned about the face of the master, Ye Shenyue, and wants to be an automatic doll.

And it's no use for her to take the opportunity to get angry.

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