Therefore, Ye Shenyue used the greatest strength to walk over, and Ye Ye also used the greatest strength to hug Ye Shenyue's legs and not let him go, and finally the situation ended in a stalemate.

In the end is the night failed.

So the black-haired loli just cried.

But, looking at Ye Ye's tears on the ground... Miss Xia's heart was involuntarily tugged, she still remembered that Ye Shenyue took a handful of Ye Ye's tears in exchange for money... She Studying hard and constantly improving her fighting power, in addition to revitalizing the family's reputation, she also wants to buy the magic circuits of other automatons that were disassembled because her dog-shaped automaton bit the Black Prince. return.

Autodolls are very similar to humans, and their most important part is also their heart—the magic circuit. As long as they have these magic circuits, they can see again, which means they can stay by her side again.

But it takes a lot of money, and these...the tears of this place...are gold coins.

Maybe... you can discuss it with the other party, and she will help deal with these tears?

Miss Birao's mind developed in a strange direction...

Eight o'clock in the evening.

The most important night party of Ji Qiao Academy begins. The contestants are divided into 100 places based on various factors such as strength. Starting from the 100th place, one more person is added every day to participate in the event on the field, and after [-] days, it becomes a multi-person battle. .

This is a high-level competition that can test puppet masters from all over the world.

So if you win, you get money...power and rewards of this and that.This is a very exciting game.

There were also a lot of onlookers. There were more than 100 people in the academy, but only 0.8 people actually participated. Most of them became spectators. Now, the audience is also very excited because they received the news, ranking N99 The Rocky actually took the initiative to downgrade to become the [-]th to participate in the competition, which is a world-renowned news.

Everyone wanted to see the [-]th player who forced Rocky to play right away.

at last.

In the excitement of the audience, both sides of the game entered the field.

However, what is surprising is that the sword emperor "Rocky" with short pearl-colored hair somehow put on a black blindfold. Could it be that he wanted to let the other party have one eye on purpose?Angels followed behind him.

But Ye Shenyue here doesn't seem to be much better, her clothes are tattered, as if she was caught by a girl.It appears to be a fire in the backyard.

It's just that both sides have already arrived, so it's time to start a war.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes... ten minutes!

The two sides just stood there, as if aiming at each other's weaknesses, the automatons on both sides did not move, and seemed to be waiting for work.

The audience did not dare to say a word, and continued to watch, because if they did not erupt in silence, they would perish in silence. If the two sides are ready, the next outbreak will be very exciting.


Another ten minutes passed.

When the audience impatiently waited ten minutes for the final battle.

Finally someone moved.

Is it about to start?

only.It's just that Yagami sat down, and then Loki sat down too.

The two still lay down and looked at the sky...without saying a word.

No fight at all!

"This game is a draw..."

In the end, the referee also reluctantly announced that although the competition is always more interesting the higher the ranking, but this first game was played like this... Isn't this a slap in the face of the principal?

People didn't play well at all!

It's just... an alliance.

Only when the alliance does not fight.This is what everyone thinks.

ps: Everyone vote for the update time,

Chapter 0151 Lively Breakfast

Loki and Yagami sign an alliance agreement.

The next day, when the results of the battle spread across the campus, so did the gossip.

"That... idiot..."

Miss Shire, who was eating breakfast, said something unhappy. She also went to watch the game last night, but all she saw was the two sides staring at each other and then lying down and waiting for the "game" to pass was a waste of her. Feeling.

"Who does the idiot scold?"

Coincidentally, Ye Shenyue was sitting beside Miss Xia Er, but she didn't seem very interested.Last night, I finally comforted Ye Ye to go to the game, but when I went back in the evening, Ye Ye seemed to be really resentful. Feeling, and he slipped out.

"Of course the idiot is... uh... you cheat on me!"

Miss Birao was talking without any hesitation, but she slowed down when she was talking. She finally realized that if she really made the sentence "of course you are talking about you stupid" completely clear, then You're just saying you're an idiot!

So Miss Bilau was suddenly angry.Completely angry.

"I'm not trying to trick you..."

It's just that you are too simple.

Ye Shenyue didn't say these words, he was not the kind of little virgin who never even held a girl's hand.

"That's... How could my father do such a heartless thing?"

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