The crimson blond puppet sitting on Yashinyue's lap spoke softly while drinking black tea.

"Even if you do that, it must be right... I agree with Father's idea, this blonde must be an idiot..."

The long-haired Cui Xingshi with different eye pupil colors said so, and then grabbed the exquisite-looking sandwich that Miss Frey, who had a great figure, took out, gently sniffed on it, and then bit into it. took a sip.

"Although this is a bit bullying, it has been reconsidered."

Cang Xingshi, who always held a pair of large scissors, even when he was eating, didn't let go, shook his head, and adjusted his dark blue shirt as he spoke.



X2 is talking to the canary and the young berry, who looks more like a small animal than Xiao Zi.

"As long as it's what Father Father thinks, it's true. Even if it's not true, I'll make it true."

In a completely fanatical tone, the owner of the voice has beautiful long silver hair, and his small wings are fluttering gently behind him, floating in the air.

According to her, the honor of sitting down is still too high, she can only stand.

With a bit of inferiority complex but also very fanatical character.

This is the mercury lamp, the first puppet that Ye Shenyue made in this world.

Of course, it was announced that it was an automaton belonging to Lisette on the other side.

"Hey... you guys are enough... so many people are bullying me!"

Under the babble of a group of girls, Miss Birao finally broke out in the excitement.

Yes, not in silence but in liveliness. There are so many people here that it is very lively.

Not only is Ciel, who is ranked N0.7, but also N0.99... um... Frey, who was originally [-]th, is there, and... Lisette, the chairman of the Discipline Committee, who has been in the limelight recently, is here. , and her six automatons, a group of people around the same table.

This table is her exclusive table. She eats here every day. She was originally only sitting there, but then Yagami Yue came over, and then came Frey with a sandwich. There were two people lying on her feet. A big wolf dog.

Well, Miss Shire has some kind of fondness for wolf dogs. She used to like big wolf dogs the most.

Aiwu Jiwu, the eldest lady accepted Frey's arrival for the time being, and was also very excited that the two big wolf dogs liked her petting.


Then, someone else came.

That was the chairman, and her automatons.This is not a matter of joining one person, but joining several at once!

Then, it became like this... She was worse than a group of automatons complaining.

"Um...what does this taste like..."

At this time, Cui Xingshi, who had already taken a small bite from the sandwich that Frey had put out, frowned and made a terrifying sound.

Everyone's eyes were instantly focused on Frey.

Of course it wasn't her proud breasts that she was looking at.

Because that is killing, no one of the girls here can beat her.

No one wants to make trouble for themselves.

All you see is her face.

"I originally wanted to make sandwiches as Huang Quan said, but I couldn't find the potion, so I had to find wine..."

Frey is honest.


Hearing this, everyone immediately agreed and put down all the sandwiches. Even Miss Ciel was stunned for a while, and then...then pushed them all to Ye Shenyue's side.

All piled up in front of him.

No conscience at all! Ye Shenyue looked at the sandwich in front of her and wanted to cry without tears.

It is said that girls are born cooks, but the dishes made by Miss Frey are extremely deceptive in appearance, but what is the matter with adding horrible things?

"Received the news..."

At this time, Lisette, who was watching from the sidelines, patted the table during a message from a self-discipline commissioner.Looking at Ye Shenyue.

"Frey and Lukey's adoptive father released news that the Cerberus-type automaton will be destroyed in a centralized manner tonight."

And Frey and the big wolf dog who was playing with Miss Ciel at their feet raised their heads all of a sudden.

Chapter 0152 One-sided battle (on)



Today is the second night party game, but this game is still very speechless, and some students have expressed that they will never come to the game again.

Because, they were pitted, and they came to watch the exciting game with excitement, but today's game is the same as last night!

Still a draw!

If this tie is the end of the fight, both sides have lost their combat effectiveness, then it's fine, but today's tie is... Both sides are motionless, waiting for the time to run out!

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