"Rabbi, let's go..."

Waving the cape, Frey left with the big dog, and Ye Shenyue and Loki also left together, but they were still walking in the same direction!

It seems... the three of them are also allied!

What is this!

Is this game still going on?The onlookers at the audience gate were already very depressed.

Just more depressed there are other people.

That is, a hair color with this pearl color is ranked No. 8's classmate Loki, if eyes can kill people, he would have killed the people in front N times in seconds.

In front of him, there were three people walking, a boy, a girl, and a loli with long black hair but always rubbing between them as if to separate them.Puffing his cheeks anytime and anywhere seems to be even more angry than him.

And the girl with pearl-colored long hair standing on the left looked forward five times, and then fell on the boy beside him at least three times!

The other two times were looking at the road.

"You really came."

Ye Shenyue and the others did not hide their tracks, and naturally came to the place designated by Frey and Loki's adoptive father, which was still in the orphanage. Ye Shenyue and the others had just walked in, and they were immediately surrounded. There were a series of His subordinates also have their uniform-sized automatic dolls, which completely envelop them like an iron wall.

And on the roof at the top, stood a good-looking middle-aged man. This was a very ambitious guy, and Ye Shenyue immediately made a judgment when he touched his eyes.At the same time, the message of this man kept flashing in his mind.

He is Frey and Loki's adoptive father, and he is also the man who had the most hope of winning but failed in the last night's party.Bronson, the man who once touched the "Demon King" throne, had a slightly mocking expression on his face.

It seems that they are mocking Ye Shenyue and the others for actually throwing themselves into the net.

Yes, it was self-encroachment, not only were they all surrounded, but the golden automaton Lucifer that he manipulated far surpassed Loki's Chi Angelus had appeared behind him.

This is the most powerful automaton in the entire D-work, while Loki's Chiuchi is only in the experimental stage, and Frey's rabbi is made of discarded materials, so it can be said that now it can make Bronson more It was another automatic doll on the field that I glanced at, and that was Ye Ye of Ye Shenyue.

It's just that this Ye Ye doesn't seem to have any attack power at all, it's already under his control, and it's still eating jealousy or something.

As a mature man, Bronson has no interest at all in the love of such children, but he is very observant, so he immediately reduced Ye Ye's fighting power to 0.

"Loki, I didn't expect you to betray me... and you are fighting against me with such a weak person, it really chills me, how can you be so stupid!"

"And Frey, don't you really want the hearts of you and Loki anymore?" "Finally, there is also you, this kid, you are indeed very courageous... Yes, you will kill Magnus in an instant. It was suppressed, but you don't know, there are many people in this world who are stronger than him."

Of course it was him.

Bronson completely regarded himself as the master, and almost every sentence was uttered in a tone that he could control over everything.

It's just that, obviously, it seems that the three people on the opposite side ignored him.

"Rabbi, Huang Quan, let's go too!"

Frey squatted down, then separated her hands, and injected purple magic into the two great wolf dogs. She only had this chance. It was because she was too weak that Loki and her heart were changed. It has become a magic circuit, and Huangquan is also abandoned.

...everything is her.

But, this time, it's different.

Frey stood up, and Yagami and Loki turned their heads and felt her aura.


Loki had a strange feeling in his heart, as if this sister had already stood in front of him and didn't need his protection.

Although he didn't show it on his face, his tone changed, "Although I am tolerant and humble, I still can't stand three kinds of people, the first is those who order me, the second is those who rebel against me, and the third is Haw. The person who wants to be beaten or not! Return the old lady's heart!"

Loki also suddenly full of magic power.The atmosphere is also full.It was Bronson that was aimed.

Could it be that this is the arrogance of men?

Ye Shenyue looked at Loki, and saw that he had turned into a giant sword in his hand, Chi Angel, thinking silently in his heart, but just thinking about it, he couldn't stand it anymore.

It's understandable for a girl to be arrogant, but this man...

Restraining the dark and terrifying things that were constantly rolling in her heart, Ye Shenyue stood up straight and slightly spread her feet, "Ye Ye, it's our turn, let's go too! Let Loki deal with the little scoundrels, Let's go pick the big beam!"

Ye Shenyue pointed her hand at Bronson, who was standing on the roof staring at him.

And Ye Ye Ye, who had been puffing out his cheeks all the time, became serious.

"Okay... Waiting for Ye Ye to demolish this orphanage where Xiao Ye and Xiao Zi Qingqing are left behind!"

The black-haired Loli jumped up from the ground, looking imposing.

However, it seems that the direction is wrong, and the goal is also wrong.

"Yiye...Don't say such things! That's nothing!"

Ye Shenyue was almost soft to the ground, and the momentum she finally created was reduced a lot at once.

Pa: The number of words in this chapter is a little short today. I will make up for it tomorrow, and Datang will also update it tomorrow.Thanks for the little thoughtless tip. Monthly pass for dd471.

Chapter 0153 One-sided battle (below)

"Drink! No matter how you look at it, you are all extraordinary idiots!"

Bronson smiled disdainfully at Ye Ye, who had already flown into the air, Loki who had attacked him directly from below, and Frey who had already attacked with his claws and claws, "You seem to have forgotten your current situation, you must know that you are now But the target of the attack!"

That's right, they all aimed at Bronson, but the surrounding automatons were not vegetarian, and attacked directly at Frey and Yagami, who had no attack power.

Ye Shenyue and the others are preparing to capture the thief first, and they are the same. Since they are all attacking, they naturally want to attack the incompetent master.

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