"It's probably not the time yet. Miss Lisette said that the fight was more exciting than the night party, so let's wait a bit..."

"It should be fun..."

These are the voices of girls.It was a little noisy, but Ye Shenyue's heart completely understood.

It's...that's what it is!

Feelings, these girls were tricked by that guy Lisette!

Maybe...maybe he was expected to be like this...so...

"Lisette...you remember me!"

With a secret curse, Ye Shenyue finally made her speed the fastest and ran naked from the opposite direction Ye Ye was looking for.

"Hey... I just felt like something flew past... It's so cool..."

The unsuspecting girl was only slightly stunned, while Ye Ye was still angrily waving the Angel of Chi, looking for someone.

Such a strange match made the girls obediently give way.

Perhaps... one of the protagonists of the battle is this famous lady automaton.

Ye Shenyue escaped very fast, but her body had already reached a state like his, and she could easily see and listen to all directions, but just looking up, she saw a particularly speechless scene.

He was below, and on the edge of the roof stood a young girl, wearing a blue hat and the uniform skirt uniforms of the girls.

The petite body stood there, with a little struggle in his eyes, as if hesitating.

Hesitant to jump off the building!

"Hey...don't jump!"

The figure of Ye Shenyue was finally revealed, and the girl standing above also found him.



This is a curse that comes completely from the heart, and he jumped down so tremblingly, not only was he not persuaded not to jump off the building, but he jumped down completely!


Ye Shenyue raised her head and looked at the girl who had jumped down to commit suicide, and she always felt that she had done something stupid.

But it's okay to just raise your head.At this moment, the girl's body has fallen down, all on him!

Pressed on him!

It hurts!

Ye Shenyue, who had no resistance, almost vomited blood.In order to see the girl's appearance, he just didn't prepare himself first, or cast a defensive magic, and then he was hit like this.

"Hey... not dead?"

He was about to hang up, and the girl who committed suicide by jumping off the building sat directly on Ye Shenyue's stomach, covering her face with her hands, and then, when she turned her head, she finally saw Ye Shenyue who was about to vomit blood below.

"Can...let's get out of the way first?"

It's too far-fetched to speak.It appears to be seriously injured.

It stands to reason that he saved the girl who was about to commit suicide, so if the girl did not commit suicide, she should vent her anger on him, but it seemed that he was wrong.

The girl in the azure beret suddenly stood up.

Then he shouted loudly as if to vent.

It's not about scolding and not saving her.


"A beast like you actually saved me, you really saved me for this and that kind of thing... Come on... beast like you, then just vent on me and turn me upside down!"

This is completely self-defeating.

At this time, the completely blackened automaton that had been looking for also noticed the movement here.Jumping directly here from a distance, Li Suo landed and raised a terrifying giant sword.

She saw Yagami Yue lying on the ground, and... she had heard the declaration from the suicide girl.

"So...is that so? Is that so..."

The voice became so sweet.It's so sweet that it has already slashed over with the angel of wisdom!

And at this moment, Ye Shenyue, looking at Ye Shenyue who is going mad, she just wants to shout, shouting to his automatic doll, "Yeye, in fact, you have misunderstood, everything... It won't be what you think it will be!"

Everything is your misunderstanding.

Chapter 0157 Appease

"Since you have saved me and stopped my suicide, then you are responsible for killing me again... If you can't bear it, then you exhibitionist, such a beast, will ruin me like this!"

Seeing that Ye Ye couldn't bear it anymore, she directly slashed over with the giant sword she had transformed into, and the girl standing beside Ye Shenyue was still talking pointlessly about adding fuel to the fire. Shenyue shook her head and stood in front of her, showing a vicious attitude towards her.

If you don't want to die, just shut up for me!I'll talk about the waste later! "Well……"

Maybe it was Ye Shenyue's vicious attitude that successfully frightened the little girl, or maybe it was the words "I don't want to die" and "We'll talk about it later" that moved her.

She really didn't want to die, but she had to.However, the actual heart still does not want to die.

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