So the girl looked helpless.

However, at such a critical juncture, Ye Shenyue didn't care whether she was helpless or helpless.This time, it was different from the Chi Angel who casually caught Loki's attack last time. This time, it was Ye Ye who held the Chi Angel.

If Loki got the Angel of Chi, it is already considered powerful, then now, Ye Ye, who got the Angel of Angel from somewhere, is even more powerful.

Ye Ye was already strong, but now he has captured the Angel of Wisdom. This is a combination of strengths!

At this time, Ye Ye might be even more terrifying than the blackened Tohka he saw.

Ye Shenyue gritted her teeth, he still had a chance.

Ye Ye is his automaton, and the automaton will definitely obey the master.

"Yeye! See clearly, I am your master, how can there be an automatic doll that shoots a sword at the master! Stop!"

Ye Shenyue shouted out, and then looked at Ye Ye, but the expression of the black-haired Loli didn't move.

"A cheating man! A cheating man should be punished!"

XN kept reciting every night, and while speaking, he had already split the Angel of Chi.

There are no stops!

She can't hear him anymore!

To die!

That doesn't work anymore!

Who in the end gave Ye Ye the terrifying blackening switch!

Ye Shenyue gritted her teeth, but she could only go all out.

It's just a ghost, Ye Shenyue looked at Ye Ye's indifferent face, and while she first prepared a protective shield and prepared to attack Ye Ye, she still shouted.

"Yiye, if you do this again, I won't want you anymore!"

This is already Ye Shenyue's last resort, and if this can't control Ye Ye, then there is nothing he can do.

Ye Ye is broken, maybe she needs to be knocked out completely and restarted?

However, a surprising scene emerged.

"No...don't let me..."

Originally, it was still aggressive and even jumped to the top, and was ready to chop down without any hesitation, but at this time Ye Ye was like being stabbed, and the movement became slow... Oh no, in fact is not moving.

Without moving, the huge Chi Angel fell from her hand, directly smashing a huge hole on the ground.And her small body also fell from the air.

Big tears slipped out of the eye sockets, and because of the vajra power in the body, the words slowly turned into solids similar to pearls.


Ye Shenyue let out a long sigh, and the battle called Automata Killing Lord was finally over.Although it ended strangely, it ended quickly.

"Every night..."

Ye Shenyue is a man who can't see the tears of girls, although the tears of his own automatic dolls are very popular and can be exchanged for money.


It's just that he gently touched the little Loli's head, and the little Lolita didn't stop crying, but cried even more mournfully. "Don't...don't want Yeye...Yeye will be very good...will be very good..."

Ye Ye completely lost the terrifying aura she had just turned black. At this moment, she was like a kitten about to be abandoned, directly hugging Ye Shenyue's legs.

This action is really pitiful.

Ye Shenyue pulled Xiao Yeye up and kissed her on the corner of the mouth, "Why would I not want Ye Ye so cute? As long as I don't become so terribly jealous in the future, you promised me this, but I don't want to. Seeing a night that doesn't keep its promise..."


It's impossible not to make her jealous, Ye Ye's attributes are jealous and slutty.

"Then if in my heart I still like you the most in this about this?"

Ye Shenyue has more eyes, yes, it is this world, other worlds are not counted.This way... Xiaoyou shouldn't be angry...

After all, Ye Shenyue is still the best.

"like the most……"

Loli's tears were completely gone this time.

"So that means you won't like Xiao Zi very much? That means you won't like Ciel very much... Will you not like Miss Nitro?"

"'s hard to say..."

"Uuuu...then it's still a lie..."

Loli was about to cry again.Ye Shenyue patted her head in a hurry to comfort her.

"It's disgusting to have such a relationship with your own automaton!"

However, someone interjected, it was a voice trying to escape from here.

Ye Shenyue and Ye Ye raised their heads at the same time, and the girl seemed to feel that she had said something wrong, because the two had already surrounded her.She didn't go to see Ye Shenyue but Ye Ye, because at the moment, Ye Shenyue was still smooth, which has been labeled as a naked maniac and pervert by her.

"Charle, what the hell are you doing, you want to fight!"

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