However, the girl didn't appreciate it. She looked at Xia Er in the sky with a look of sadness in her eyes, and she actually wanted to turn around and leave.


Ye Ye puffed out her cheeks, she was Ye Shenyue's automaton, this girl was not happy with her master just because she was not happy with her!

The dutiful automaton immediately blocked the opponent's path.

There was a terrifying feeling on the corner of his mouth, "You were about to commit suicide just now, right... Since you are about to commit suicide, let Ye Ye help you!"

The black-haired Loli seems to have some blackening sequelae.


The black-haired Ye Ye looked at her, and the girl for some reason did not have the courage to continue speaking, and then subconsciously looked at Ye Shenyue.

It seemed to be asking him for help.

Ask him for help?

indeed.She didn't really want to die.So now she can only look to the person who can save her.In the final's still her...don't want to die!Otherwise, Miss %% would not have done this.

And Ye Shenyue looked at her and shook her head slightly.

If I had known, the tone just now had become a little better!

3.2 Otherwise, you don't have to be as... as miserable as you are now.

The current Miss %¥ is not the same as Ciel, she is a weak person who doesn't have an automatic doll.

Really can't resist the night.

The throat moved, and when Ye Shenyue was about to say something, the expression of the eldest lady of the Birao family who looked at him suddenly turned terrified.

" beast!"

His body trembled completely, as if he had seen something terrifying, terrifying.


Ye Shenyue looked down and blushed.

I'm going!

At this moment, he raised his head!


And this time Ye Ye also looked over.

Chapter 0159 Wife adults!

"Yiye... hurry up and find a pair of pants for me!"

Ye Shenyue has a habit of not revealing, covering important parts with both hands, and ordering her automaton a little embarrassedly.

It just seemed that there was something wrong with the person he ordered.


Ye Ye puffed out his cheeks.

Ye Ye was also staring at him. "Actually reacted to such a woman!"

This is completely the explanation of his loli.Little Loli didn't move and didn't intend to help him get the fig leaf.

If it weren't for both hands at this time, Ye Shenyue would definitely hold her forehead.

"If you don't want me to be seen, hurry up!"

Ye Shenyue yelled at the black-haired Loli.

Feeling completely the meaning of Ye Shenyue's words, the second lady immediately quit.

"Who... who wants to see it!"

The second lady of the Birao family covered her face in a panic.Even his eyes were closed.

And Ye Ye pouted, and then puffed out his cheeks again, just wanted to leave but didn't.

After looking at Ye Shenyue and then at the second lady, she puffed her cheeks, "I always feel adultery!"

Ye Ye, who felt in his heart that if he walked away might promote some kind of development, immediately stopped moving.

"You have an adulterous sister!"

If Ye Shenyue could give Ye Ye such a ruthless reply, it's just no matter, no matter...Xiao Zi is Ye Ye's sister in 07, and he seems to have an affair with Xiao Zi...

"Give you."

However, it was Frei who appeared at this time, followed by a group of big wolf dogs. The wolf dogs, led by Huang Quan, were very close to Frei, while Frei was holding a pair of wide pants, still pure white.

Ye Shenyue's eyes swayed, and her eyes swayed. Isn't this pair of pants... that he fell into the room?

Frey actually helped him get it back!

Ye Shenyue, who took the trousers from Frey's hand, didn't know whether to show a happy or depressed smile on her face. Frey was so well-behaved. Who deserves praise? It's just that it's on his left now, but There was also an automatic doll that immediately turned hostile upon seeing Frey approaching.

The automatic doll was only calmed down by him, and now Frey, the fuse, has emerged again. Isn't it constantly reminding Ye Ye what super friendship happened between him and Frey just now?

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