
Ye Ye's eyes were red.

"Fox spirit!"

Ye Shenyue heard it right, this is indeed what Ye Ye shouted.

Little Loli is about to go hysterical.

It's just that Ye Ye is already a provocative title, but Frey's strange expression is still the dull and dull face.

The thin lips opened slightly, and Frey showed a strong disregard for Ye Ye, "It's noon now, I'll make you lunch."

While talking, he sat down, took down the small bag that Huang Quan was carrying, spread it flat on the ground, opened it slowly, and took out her signature dish.

sandwich.The appearance is excellent, but the inner taste is hard to say.

It was just for food delivery...

She's a really good wife and mother.

Ye Shenyue thought with a sigh.

It's only weird if you really think so!

Frey's statement is completely a liar's statement!

It's weird to believe her!

Ye Shenyue glanced at Huang Quan, and the big wolf dog also looked at him, his eyes moved, needless to say, this must be its idea, just say how can Frey appear so well.

In fact, it's fake that Frey came to deliver the meal. In fact, it was deliberately appearing in front of Ye Ye, and it was such an intimate thing as sending pants. Isn't this just announcing their relationship to the public?Then force him to admit that Frey is the real deal!

If it is pure Frey, then it must be silent like this, as long as there is nothing special, such as Ye Ye taking the initiative to provoke, will he suddenly turn his face and fight Ye Ye.

But now, to appear so proactively in front of Ye Ye is definitely not her style.

Frey is the kind of good boy who can endure silently, otherwise he would have started calling himself a girlfriend the day after the one with him.Only a woman like Lisette could do such a domineering character.

As for Xia Er... If it were her, then maybe she would really call herself a girlfriend through Tsundere.

And now, Frey doing this can only be said to be Huang Quan's idea.

In this regard, Ye Shenyue has nothing to complain about, because all of this is his own fault. Since he has done it, he has the courage to admit it, and he can still be with Frey in an open and honest way.

Only, now there is a problem.

You must know that Ye Shenyue is hiding a lot of things from Ye Ye because she is afraid that Ye Ye will be hysterical. A small infirmary specially designed to relieve the worries of beautiful girls.

In the end... it's about Frey.

Although the day after that, Ye Ye seemed to have guessed it secretly when meeting Frey, that's why it was so hot, and that's why it turned black, but Xiao Yeye is still selfish and possessive after all, It's just that Xiao Yeye didn't mention or say it in the bright face, and still regarded himself as his wife.

But now, that thin network of relationships has been punctured.

Frey...will be revealed to others too.

Ye Ye's position was threatened.

At this time, Ye Shenyue felt three gazes. This was an automatic doll from his family that had tears in his eyes, and Frey's plain but a little excited gaze. The last one... is pure It was the second young lady of the Birao family who felt curious.

Things seem to be getting more and more complicated, and the second lady seems to be less concerned about seeking death or ravages.Now is the stage of interest.It is said that if you are interested in a man, then you have to be careful, because then you may go down the road of no return.

This is definitely good news for Ye Shenyue.This guy has long regarded Ciel as his own, how could he let the second young lady who has the same appearance as Ciel escape from his hands?

It's just that the current Ye Shenyue can't take care of the second lady anymore, and now he really has only one choice in front of him.

Acknowledging Frey's identity.

Acknowledging Frey's identity?

Acknowledging Frey's identity!

Opening her mouth, Ye Shenyue finally made up her mind and announced her final decision to the public, "Actually..."


Both the wolf dog and the girls looked at him, waiting for him to say the next sentence.It's just that tears have slipped out of the corners of Ye Ye's eyes.

"Actually, I like Ye Ye..."

Ye Shenyue found that Loli's tears seemed to stop.The dull Frey's face was a little lonely.

"But I also like Fu 650 Lei..."

Then, Frey's face instantly turned red.

"And...I like Ciel too..."

"I still like Lisette..."

"I'm a philanthropist! I like everyone!"

Ye Shenyue closed her eyes.

He seems to have returned to the world of zombies in an instant, and it seems that... he used to announce it.

"What? You fell in love with my elder sister? How could it be possible... Such an excellent elder sister is madly in love with this beast naked Lou~!"

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