It was a sound of horror, as if he had heard the most terrifying thing.This is the shocked second lady.

Only, a new voice emerged.

"Die... what are you talking about!"

Completely mean and deliberately making things difficult.

This is a girl with beautiful pink long hair and a pair of flat glasses on the bridge of her nose. She shouted out the harsh tone. At the same time, there were several little Bi Yeye behind her. Also petite ~ small automaton.

Beautiful foreigners in red, pink, dark green, and blue clothes.

These are very cute automatons.

And one of the automatons with long silver hair that looked a little indifferent raised his eyes.

"So... Father, you like us too~~" Xn's several automatic dolls said at the same time.

The loud "father" almost turned Ye Ye and the second lady petrified.At the same time... Ye Shenyue's mouth twitched.

This Lisette...just in time.Exactly when he announced all the relationships.

Chapter 0160 Alice's Conspiracy

It looks dark like some hidden basement room.

Although it is in a place where no one can see the light, the decoration inside is very good, whether it is the placement of the table or the tiles on the ground are very elegant.

With a creak, the hidden door was pushed, and a girl entered.

On her head is a blue beret belonging to the Birao family's symbol, and on her shoulders sits a small blue dragon.She was wearing the uniforms of the girls.The chest area has been well decorated, and it is not obvious from the appearance that it is actually a chest pad.

If Ye Shenyue was here, she would definitely recognize that the girl who came in now was Ciel!

He was looking at Miss Shire, who directly ordered Sigmund to blow up the clock tower in the academy!

It's just that Miss Shire's expression at this time is very cold, and the people in the room are completely expressionless.

"Come back... I think you seem to have gone against my will. I asked you to kill the academy principal, but what about you? It's just to destroy the clock tower, it's just dealing with it..."

The one who spoke was a handsome young man whose real age and height could not be seen. The young man was sitting on a chair, and there was a crystal ball on the table in front of him.

The crystal ball was covered by a red strip of cloth.

The boy tapped the table with his fingers, showing a very dissatisfied expression.

"...So what did you promise me?"

As if not aware of the handsome boy's anger, Ciel spoke in a very cold tone.

"Don't worry...I won't move your sister. As long as you fulfill my request, I will let her go. Otherwise...hehe..."

The handsome young man pulled the red cloth strip at once, and the picture immediately appeared on the cloth strip.

This is a zoomed-out picture. On the picture is a girl with long flaxen hair wearing an azure beret. The girl is sitting in a corner with some discomfort. There are several people around.A teenager and a group of girls.

"Look...your sister just entered this academy, and she has met so many people... ah... let's see... there is the chairman of the ethics committee... well... and her automatic person. Guys... um... and the second-to-last who is in the limelight and his jealous automaton... and finally... and here... Frey, who was just released from the orphanage... ... She is smarter than your sister, and she found so many reliable helpers all at once... It seems that she can be freed from my hands without you."

This was completely joking, the handsome boy looked at Ciel mockingly.

"But... do you think that just relying on such a few people... can deal with the entire family and the entire empire!"

Fighting against the entire country with the power of a single man will undoubtedly make the man's arm a chariot.


Charles bit his lip and closed his eyes, this is a helpless expression. "What you want me to do, I will naturally do it well. But... you can't hurt my sister and... Yashenyue!"

There's no way for her to say why she's here and why it's happening, starting from a week ago.

Shire's family was torn apart because of offending the black prince. She lives alone, while her sister, mother, and father don't know where to live.

She has no news from them.

But yesterday, she had news of her sister, because of this boy, this handsome boy brought her news of her sister, and then she also met her sister.

Now her roommate is her sister.

It's just that this exciting news finally turned into terrible news. Everything about my sister is in the hands of this handsome young man. If she doesn't do what this young man wants, then my sister will be punished like this... and then... ...and finally...even being sent to places she couldn't imagine.

She can't lose her sister.

Therefore, there are only two paths in front of her. The first is to resist, and the second is to obey. The boy who obeys the boy agrees to the boy's purpose and goes to assassinate the dean of the academy.

And the first way is to resist.

She had already tried it.

Her Sigmund failed.She knew through Sigmund how powerful this young man was, and his automaton was not the one that could win at all.Failing to see the trajectory of his movement at all.

But she's not just alone, she still has people she can rely on, but can Ye Shenyue defeat this boy?

She may think it is possible, but the identity of the other party prevents her from telling Ye Shenyue.

This young man came on behalf of Felix, and he represented the entire Felix family...or this Britain!Fighting with the country...this...can we win?

If you lose...the definitely unbearable.

Gritting her teeth, in the end, Miss Ciel chose to take action by herself, and it was enough to grieve herself alone.So, she just appeared here.

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