in particular……

Amway looked at the only girl who didn't put her eyes on her.

Those are plump breasts.

She can't compare.


Amway turned back and looked at Ye Ye in Ye Shenyue's arms.

Gritting his teeth, he looked at Lisette and the automatons around her.

Although it was only a short contact, she also got a lot of information. For example, the owner of this automatic doll who was holding a giant sword just now is this boy, and it seems that this boy is still very powerful... These automatic dolls seem to be They all have an inexplicable relationship with him.

With more... Maybe I can really beat the less, and then I can beat Alice.

If that's the case, then her sister... may be able to be rescued too.

Moreover, just now... she also heard the declaration from Ye Shenyue that she likes her sister or something.

To sum up, if she wanted to save her sister, she really had no choice but to do so.

Second Miss Anli knelt down and lowered her head deeply in the direction of Ye Shenyue, "I hope you can save my sister... Then... I can do whatever you want... Whether it's to vent your animal desires Or beast things can be..."

ps: Three shifts on weekends and three shifts tomorrow.

Chapter 0162 fell!

"No matter how you vent your animal desires, you can!"

Ye Shenyue's heart was about to fly at the price that Second Miss Amway said.

really fly?

No wonder!

Ye Shenyue, who is walking in the grass with Miss Amway, has been confirmed. This second Miss is definitely a person!

She had already seen that his "Crystal Palaces" didn't seem to be so harmonious, so she deliberately appeared in public... Yes, if he was the only one in private, then the second lady could say anything, but the second lady was in person... He said so in front of all the girls.

Can he agree?Can he agree?


Therefore, Ye Shenyue definitely made a loss-making business!If he is really like this, he will definitely be despised like this by the girls.

So, he can only calm down. have to do this for Amway!

Really need help!

Maybe it was because she was really relieved. This time, Ye Ye, who was the most jealous and possessive the most, didn't come over. She seemed to have a unique interest in the first meeting of Zhenhong and the mercury lamp.

She thinks that she is the little loli that Yagami likes very much, but she feels dangerous to loli who are smaller than her size.

In particular, the sentence "Father" made Ye Ye unhappy.

And what she has to do is...quick...quickly...well...let these little loli admit her identity as a "mother", as long as the "children" admit it, then her status will also be There are no more threats.

It seems that the once possessive automaton has transformed into an intelligent automaton that has learned to use a different method.

And Frey, who had already been admitted, went back obediently. Frey still has another task, because Ye Ye was transferred by Yagami at the beginning with shopping, and finally got Lisette's instructions. Knowing that Ye Shenyue lied to her, Ye Ye, who was in a fit of rage, took the goat and stole the Angel when she met Loki who was holding the Angel. He threw away the great sword that Chi Angel had transformed into.

Now Loki is angry, so he can only rely on this sister to talk about his brother.

In the end, it was Miss Lisette. After being stunned by Yagami, she seemed to want to go back and see if she could investigate other information about Alice, who was behind the threat to Ciel.For example, the place where she was hiding, although Ye Shenyue remembered the plot, but she forgot where Alice was hiding, how to catch her out and teach her a lesson if she didn't know where she was hiding?

To actually threaten his Ciel is too much!

Yes, in fact, the man behind the scenes that Amway always thought was actually a woman.

And her identity is still the daughter of the academy, but as a daughter, she wants to murder her father?

Only Alice could do such a thing.

But it wasn't her sincerity, she was just having fun, and she really wanted to explore the secrets that the dean had been hiding all along. She took advantage of Felix's family, so she took the opportunity to plan this time.For Felix's family, they not only hated Yagami, but also the headmaster. Compared to Yagami, they hated directly declaring Felix to be a magic eater. The headmaster who brought shame to their family.

The poor dean has completely become a post, and their revenge, of course, is to retaliate against the dean.

That's why Alice instructed Ciel to assassinate the headmaster.

And the academy had the protection of Magnus and his six-member army of girls, plus her own strength, so Alice didn't think that the academy would be so easily killed by Ciel.

In other words, this game was just designed casually when she was bored!

She's a really bad and scary girl.

Such an arrogant girl can only catch her and teach her a lesson!

Ye Shenyue was thinking of catching the thief first, but in addition to asking Lisette to find Alice's hiding place, he had another piece of news, and that was Ciel!

Find Ciel first, and let Ciel reveal Alice's hiding place. This is the easiest and clearest way.

According to the plot in memory, Ye Shenyue brought Amway to the grass. In the plot of the original book, Ciel appeared here, and then attacked the dean who seemed to have something to do here.

However, looking at Amway, who was behind him but kept a distance of one meter from him, was very unpleasant.

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