Amway had very little dialogue with him, and stopped talking after saying "How can my sister like you naked~running".No matter how Ye Shenyue proves that she is definitely not that kind of pervert, it won't work.

Now this mode is completely defensive metamorphosis.As long as there is something wrong with Ye Shenyue, she can use this deliberately maintained distance to make her escape quickly.


If he is really a beast, how could she be weak enough to stop him!

Ye Shenyue didn't punctuate Amway's small movements, but she was in ambush for a long time before Ciel appeared, so he sat down and waited, then turned his head to look at Amway.

In the end, this was the first time Ye Shenyue had the opportunity to look at Amway like this. At first, she was afraid of being chased by Ye Ye, and then she was with all the girls, so it was the first time that she had stopped and looked at her like this.

Amway is very beautiful. This is completely inherited from the family's fine genes. She has long hair that is as beautiful and smooth as Ciel. The smooth long hair is sprinkled directly on the thin shoulders, with a strange charm.

"Don't look around, you beast!"

Just looking at her stall in Ye Shenyue, Miss Amway has already covered her chest, completely guarding the wolf's expression.

Against wolves?

And he covered his chest!

Explain what!

This second lady actually thought... actually thought he was looking at her breasts!

This... this... is a complete slander!

He... is he that kind of person?


However, just when Ye Shenyue wanted to glare at her, the sky seemed to dim all of a sudden, and a voice came from not far away. It was a group of people, and the huge body of the academy was among them!

And the behemoth in the sky is... Sigmund of the Shire!

When Yagami saw it, Sigismund opened his huge mouth, and then headed towards them... and started spraying!


It's a huge sound.

The earth shakes.Amway's petite body was about to fall, and Ye Shenyue quickly grabbed her, but he was not feeling well, because the ground completely collapsed!The ground completely sank because of a huge jet from Sigismund!

Having no time to resort to other means, Yashenyue had to catch Miss Amri who was closest to him.

It's just that the second lady seems to have misunderstood, and even at this time, she is struggling violently, as if Ye Shenyue is poison. "Don't... don't touch... beasts... beasts..."

But the "poison" body fell down together with the second lady's body.

Sigmund's attack... actually became so powerful!

Falling into the huge pit with Miss Anli, Ye Shenyue just thought about it in her mind. As for the struggle of Second Miss... He also selectively ignored it.

ps: The second is at nine o'clock.

Chapter 0163 Miss Mole!

Miss Shire has a weak point, and that is her breast pads!

But the younger sister is different, the younger sister sauce has a proud figure.With a body like this in my arms, it's still soft, and there are materials... This... Is this something that people can't touch?

The surroundings were pitch-dark, Ye Shenyue was completely awake when she fell, but Miss Anli seemed to be frightened and fainted, her soft body fell directly into Ye Shenyue's arms.

And Ye Shenyue was also a little angry, or rather moved.

"If you want to blame it, you are Ciel's sister..."

Ye Shenyue shamelessly moved out a reason.The darkness around him had apparently fallen into the dark pit.

There are no lights around, but his eyes have long been trained to be perfect, and night vision is extremely simple.

For example, sister Amway is real.

Ye Shenyue's hand just touched her face.The girl moved.

Because, he seems to have overlooked a little, girls are very sensitive to their own bodies.


A soft voice, like a coquettish cry.

"Yeah... man... woo woo..."

Amway woke up faintly. Although it was still pitch black in front of her, it was just the touch from a sensitive place that made her scream immediately. Amway and Ciel were definitely sisters, and even the loudness of the screams was the same.

Ye Shenyue knew that this time, Miss Shire's Sigmund was not aiming at him and Amway, but at the headmaster, so the headmaster, his bodyguard Magnus and Huo Chui's sister should also be here at this time. Therefore, if Amway's voice is too loud and they are attracted to them all at once, then his thought of being alone with Amway's sister will be stifled.

So, so, definitely stop Amway's shouting.

How to stop it?

In his heart, Amway's sister must be attacked, so he didn't have any scruples. He kissed him directly. Amway is definitely a clumsy sister. She is very clumsy and can't make a sound. Lying there, until she was almost out of breath, she patted Ye Shenyue's back hard and asked him to let go of her.

Amway was breathing heavily, looking like he was about to suffocate.And Ye Shenyue sat aside, waiting for her to quiet down.

"Ah... the man of the beast...!"

However, the free sister did not continue to pant and breathe as Yagami had expected, but spoke while exhaling.

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