Ye Shenyue saw that her younger sister Jiang's face was already flushed, but she didn't know whether she was flushed with anger or shyness.

This is the first time she has been so close to a boy...with a man.My younger sister is someone who hates men extremely, so even though she can't see the light, she still wipes her thin lips with the sleeve of her school uniform.

It seems that as long as you do this, you can wipe away what just happened! "Haha... No matter how much you wipe it, it's useless, so you should just obey..."

Ye Shenyue looked at her behavior a little funny, and deliberately angered her.

It was only half of the words were said, and a piece of flying sprinkled over, "You girl...don't throw it away..."

This Amway actually grabbed a piece of dust from anywhere and threw it directly in his direction. She couldn't see where Ye Shenyue was, but she could still tell which direction the sound was coming from.

The sister's heart is really cruel.

"Beast men... hate you the most! Don't think that if you take my kiss in such a dark place, I will let you do whatever you want! You pervert!"

If I first saw Ye Shenyuequan~ naked when my sister-chan asked him to insult her, it was actually to make her lose her confidence and feel that she had nothing to miss, so she could kill herself quickly... But now, Ye Shenyue had already promised to save her sister, but if she said such words in front of so many girls, the girls would not allow Yashenyue to accept her "promise".

Therefore, the current position of Amway's sister does not need to repay Ye Shenyue.Her body is still her own, clean!

So so angry.


Ye Shenyue stepped back a little, back into the range that Amway couldn't throw away.Just listening to Amway's name for him, he frowned.

Beast man?

Is this a beast, or is he a man of beasts?

If you really count Feiju and the others, they are really monsters, maybe they can also be counted in the column of beasts, and he is their man, so he is also a man of beasts?

What is the logic!

Ye Shenyue's mouth twitched involuntarily, "Don't call this name! Otherwise, I won't help you save your sister!"

"Sister...Sister! By the said you want to save elder sister! How is elder sister now?"

As soon as Ye Shenyue mentioned the word "sister", Sister Amway's expression changed immediately. I don't know where she stole the power of 1.7 and jumped from the ground, and then there was no accident like she had clairvoyance. Grabbing Ye Shenyue's hand, you must know that she doesn't have night vision eyes!Did it explode like Kira in an instant?

The girl's hands are always soft, even if they have just played with the soil.

It's just that not only Yagami Yue felt the touch of her finger, Miss Amri also felt it, seemed that she took the initiative.

"Yeah... perverted!"

Sister Jiang jumped away in an instant, and then Ye Shenyue raised her hand and hurriedly blocked the dust flying from her sister again!

"Don't call it that! Also, I'll call you Miss Mole if you play dirt again!"

Chapter 0164 Sister's Sorrow

"Mole...Miss Mole!"

Ye Shenyue's words were really useful. Sister Jiang became quiet in an instant. It seemed that she heard a new term, and she was very interested for a while.

"Yes... it's Miss Mole! Mole likes to play with dirt the most... Also, Miss Mole's vision is blurred... But she is playing in the dirt like you are, and you can't see it. You can even throw it away!"

Ye Shenyue shook her clothes, but it was stained with something called mud, and it was obtained by Amway's sister who had no offensive power. If you say it, you will really be laughed to death.


After listening to Ye Shenyue's explanation, the younger sister froze for a while, and then hummed.

Apparently, she was still very unhappy with the title of Miss Mole of Ye Shenyue.

"Angry? Well...I'm leaving!"

Ye Shenyue glanced at Sister Amway. "Anyway, I just promised you to save Ciel. As for you... I don't care about 07..."

As he spoke, he made a walking sound on the spot.

My sister-chan became nervous all of a sudden, the surroundings were pitch black, and it looked really scary, but she still insisted, "You said that you want to save my sister, you can't lie to me... and I I don't want you to worry about it!"

What a bold statement!

It's just that my sister's legs are trembling.

Obviously insincere.



Ye Shenyue smiled, but it was pitch black around her, and my sister-chan couldn't see it, "Really? I remember this was a very mysterious place in the academy. I didn't expect that this time, Ciel's mistake made a mistake. We arrived at this huge cave which is said to be made by craftsmen, but the cruel thing is that the craftsmen were buried alive after finishing, and they started to mutilate each other without food, because there was no fire so they started In order to eat humans raw, it is said that this project has only taken more than [-] years. There are more than [-] workers. They are eating each other, maybe there are still people left, and then wandering around looking for people to eat... We came down from above. They must have noticed such a loud voice, maybe they are heading here right now..."

" must be lying to must be...don't think...don't think I'll be embarrassed to beg you to hold do you go now..."

Amway's sister is a girl, and her heart is already trembling. She doesn't have the courage of a powerful automatic doll like Sigmund. She is just a soft girl, and she wanted to continue talking tough.But hearing the sound of Ye Shenyue's footsteps leaving, the surrounding is pitch-dark again... No matter how brave you are, you won't be able to continue.

At this time, the voice of the young man came again, "What... Amway... appeared... to your left... a tattered... a human figure that even had meat on the railing..."


My sister's heart is about to jump out.Under the panic, where did she think about why there was still a smile in the boy's voice, she was terrified to the extreme.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry...I won't scold you..."

Sister Jiang couldn't bear it any longer, she ran up and hugged Ye Shenyue's knees. It was really embarrassing to hug her. Her legs were almost on the verge of sitting down on her knees, especially like...

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