"I want you to take care of it!"

It's just that my sister sauce seems to be angry too, she patted off Ye Shenyue's hand, but she seems to regret it just after the shoot, because Ye Shenyue actually turned around and was about to leave with a small bead that glows, and she doesn't want her anymore. Momo.

There was no one around here, and my sister-chan was frightened all of a sudden. Although Ye Shenyue lied to her just now, there may not be anything buried alive here, but the surrounding walls are completely artificial and look mysterious. The hideous cave told her that maybe something terrible really happened here.

So sister-chan stood up immediately and grabbed the hand that Ye Shenyue was about to remove.He was still holding on tightly, as if his fear had conquered everything.

Feeling the touch on her fingers, Ye Shenyue smiled, this sister is really easy to bully, "Kiss me!"

"Um... ah? What did you say?"

The sister raised her head in astonishment.

"Don't want to? Then forget it... I'd better go by myself... She's really a second lady with no credit... I'd better go to Ciel... Uh... She's really good... I was thinking of letting you kiss me. ……never mind……"

Ye Shenyue touched the profile of the kissed face, but saw that Sister Amway's tears were about to come out again.

"Then you go to your sister... Anyway, I'm nothing compared to my sister..."

My sister's mood dropped again.

Yes, she is the younger sister, the younger sister that the elder sister loves very much, and Charles wants to kill the dean for her younger sister.But as a younger sister, she doesn't say anything, just because her elder sister is so good, she will still be depressed. Whether it's adults talking or anything else, it's her elder sister, everything belongs to her elder sister, and her younger sister can only take a back seat.

She is nothing compared to her sister.

Being a younger sister has achieved this... It's really sad.

Ye Shenyue vaguely felt why her sister-chan was so sad.Grabbing her wrist, kissed her cheek gently, and saw her sister's eyes raised, "This is not right... Actually, there is one thing that Charle can't compare to you, and that is your strength."

"Even... elder sister can't compare to me?"

Obviously, the excitement of the younger sister sauce has been mobilized at this moment, and even Ye Shenyue's casual kiss can be ignored by willpower.

And the small expression... seems to be very excited.

It seems that this younger sister is also a master of competition!

Ye Shenyue smiled secretly in her heart.


A very slight sound, it was the sound of footsteps approaching from a distance.


However, at this moment, Ye Shenyue's brows furrowed, and the body that was about to turn stopped suddenly, and in less than 0.1 second, the sharp blade fell on his neck.

Very sharp sword.

And that voice... was very nice, a little flat but a little familiar.


From Miss Amway’s point of view, I can see the current situation of Ye Shenyue in an instant. He is covered by a beautiful long pink hair, and then his smooth and delicate face is covered by a cloth strip with fire characters written on it. This is a beautiful girl.

Of course, according to the current scene, it's not the time to watch beautiful women, but Ye Shenyue was pointed at by the girl with a sword!

Life is in danger!

Hair and the other side.

She gave Sigmund an order to directly blow up the headmaster, Yagami, and the others, and Miss Ciel hid against the wall with the shrunk Sigmund.

"I...I killed..."

Miss Xia Er's body trembled a little. She is a young girl. Although she looks strong, she is still a simple girl at heart, otherwise she would not be deceived by Ye Shenyue.


Sigismund flapped his wings, "Actually... I think, maybe I still have to find Yagami... Maybe... he still has a solution?"

"No way...no way..."

Ciel's reaction suddenly became fierce, "He must not be able to resist the entire country... Even if he is really capable, it will ruin his future..."


Sigismund sighed, but his eyes suddenly widened, and his figure suddenly increased, "Charle. Be careful!"

Immediately, several automatons were picked from outside the wall.

These are the defending automatons in the academy!

Sigismund's movements were a little slow, but Ciel was just a simple human. One could not dodge in time, and an automatic doll had already attacked.


The automaton was knocked out.

Ciel's eyes widened, and then he found a humanoid automaton wrapped in armor, and it was the automaton that she was about to attack her.

And now... still going!

Her Sigmund also got bigger, but then shrunk again, because it wasn't necessary anymore, and the automaton that popped up just instantly wiped out the other charr-chasing automatons.

"That...you are..."

Ciel always felt that the other party seemed a little familiar, but he couldn't tell the difference for a while.

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