
Surprisingly, however, this automatic doll, whose entire body was covered in armor, snorted softly, and then jumped out of the wall.Leaving Ciel seems to be just to help her out of the siege.

Miss Ciel was left in a daze.

"Heh... I don't even need to go out..."

Alice's butler, who was watching from a distance, really narrowed his eyes. He was ordered by Alice to help Ciel. At least Alice meant that he didn't want Ciel to be caught so soon. .

Only now, an automatic doll suddenly appeared, this is something other than intelligence.

Chapter 0166

"At that time, the sword was only 0.05 mm away from me. There was a sincere love in front of me. I didn't cherish it. I regretted it when I lost it. The most painful thing in the world is this... If God can give One more chance, I will say three words to that girl: "I love you. "

If I have to add a deadline to this love, I hope it is... [-] years! "

"what are you saying!"

There was no other color on Sister Huo Chui's face, she looked like an expressionless girl, but her tone suddenly changed a lot.

Her sharp sword had slipped to the opponent's neck, but he didn't show a flustered or plain expression as she thought, but said some strange things to himself.

For example, what would tell her to love her for [-] years!

Is this... a confession?Or are you kidding her?


Ye Shenyue let out a long sigh, it seems that Master Xing's tool for picking up girls is also ineffective, girls in this world are not so easy to deceive!

"You smell so good."

Ye Shenyue said softly, and then the sharp blade was inserted into his neck all of a sudden!


Sister Amway screamed nervously!

Such a scene is so familiar. In order not to become a burden to Ciel, and to prevent her sister from being used by bad guys, she chose to commit suicide, one of which was to cut her neck!

But at the thought of the blood spurting her little hands began to tremble, and then backed away, but now, the scene is real! Sister Amway was frightened.scream.

She was frightened, but Ye Shenyue didn't, and his body turned very fast, let alone that he was once a zombie, even if he was smashed into pieces by the girls, it didn't matter, he could regenerate, but the pain was impossible. endure.But now what?Now he is a normal person. Even with more strength, the skin is not so high, so it is very likely that this ordinary sharp blade will stab him directly, and then bleed like a stream!

What a terrible sight!

Ye Shenyue didn't need to think about it to know, he was someone who was killed by three girls, and he didn't want to be killed again in this world!

So he moved and stepped back, which was 25% of the speed he had recovered at this time, and Sister Huochui couldn't react at all.

"Sister, you are too cruel!"

It's really too cruel, it's just a little bit of flirtation with a language to cut his neck directly!

Ye Shenyue, who had already retreated to the side, even hesitated in her heart whether to destroy this sister Huo Chui.This girl is really cruel, even more terrifying than Lisette's vicious tongue.

There is another strategy in his mind, that is to collect all six sisters... oh no, it is to collect all six dolls of Magnus, and then use his natural teeth to destroy the most primitive pure My sister was resurrected.

Soft girls are the most loving.

"It's you who is shameless first!"

Sister Huo Chui spoke through the red veil with the word "fire" printed on it, but while she was talking, the little hand was shaking gently, and then the sharp sword was pointed at herself, "I was molested by you, body It's not clean anymore, I can only apologize with death!"

This is a clear and beautiful voice, with great determination.

The sound was loud.



This time, not only Ye Shenyue was speechless, but even Miss Anli was speechless, although Miss Anli had already used her astonishing "please torment me!"

It was announced that Ye Shenyue was sluggish, but now, the words of this sister Huo Chui reminded him that one of his twin-tailed daughters in the world of Aria also held high "As long as you kiss Pregnancy" terrible declaration.

Are they ignorant or should they be praised for their simplicity?

"Sister, you are definitely thinking too much!"

Yagami roared directly at Sister Huochui who was wearing a black Gothic Lolita dress.

It seems that Magnus is not a good host, even such a simple "Guru..."

However, at this time, the voice that should have been very quiet was suddenly amplified in this deep pit.

This is the sound of the intestines peristalsis after being hungry.


Miss Amway's face turned red instantly. Although she saw that Ye Shenyue had avoided danger now, she was still shocked by what Sister Huochui said, but when she heard this voice, Sister Amway still blushed. , covered her stomach with her little hands.


But the sound didn't stop.

Ye Shenyue and Sister Amri looked at the owner of the voice at the same time.That is... Sister Huo Chui!

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