Ye Ye, the automatic puppet, also needs to eat, and Huo Chui is naturally the same. The automatic puppet is to be close to the human form, and the eating is the same.

So the current sister-chan... it seems... really hungry.

"Don't look!"

Sister Niu passed her head and seemed to be a little angry.

It looks... so cute.

Such a girl is much cuter than the younger sister who was about to cut his neck just now.

"These are biscuits...should take a while."

Shaking her head, Ye Shenyue took out two packs of biscuits from her pocket, which were bought for Ye Ye, so give them to them first.Anyway, Ye Ye, who doesn't know about it, won't be angry.

Ye Shenyue thought about it, and handed it over. Sister Amway seemed to have broken the jar. She had been kissed and touched by him, so it would be nothing to be "raised" by Ye Shenyue. , but the reaction of the opposite sister Huo Chui suddenly became bigger.

"Don't think that if you give me this kind of thing, I will betray my master and submit to you!"

The beautiful girl turned her head and couldn't see her expression because of the veil, but even so, Ye Shenyue guessed that she who said such words was definitely... definitely...

Ye Shenyue shoved the biscuit directly into her mouth.

It's like feeding a puppy.

Hands are going in.

ps: I didn't find any recommendation today... Three more tomorrow.The first watch is probably at noon, and the third watch of Datang is also tomorrow at noon.

Chapter 0167 Do not be an accomplice (first)

The black underside but the veil embroidered with the bright red word "fire" was lifted by him, and then he stretched out the other hand and took out a cute crystal-shaped biscuit directly from the small bag. It reached the mouth of the stunned sister sauce.

Ye Shenyue's strength was a bit strong, so not only did the biscuits go directly into it, but even his fingers touched the girl's soft lips, with a warm touch, Ye Shenyue was not a newborn chick, It can be considered as a rich experience, so this time I can really distinguish it.

If it weren't for the presence of a sister Amway and sister Huo Chui, he would have reacted, and he really didn't want to take out his hand.

"Cough cough cough..."

Ye Shenyue's hand had just left, and my sister-chan coughed immediately, but the strange thing was that my sister-chan didn't spit out the cookie but swallowed it!

Are you really hungry?

In fact, sister sauce also wanted to spit it out, but Ye Shenyue was so stuffed in it that she didn't have the energy to spit it out. Since she couldn't spit it out, she swallowed it!

The idea of ​​an automatic doll named Huo Chuan at this moment is really simple.

"It's delicious... No... You beast, you treat me like that! It seems that I can only die to prove my innocence."

She licked her lips, and then said as if she was aftertaste, but she said that her sister suddenly realized that something was wrong, because she was forced to eat it by the other party just now, and the other party's hand had touched her lips.

That is, that is to say...she...she just kissed his hand!

This... this is even more terrifying than being confessed by the other party at the beginning... that kind of molestation!

Then, what appeared in front of Ye Shenyue and Sister Amway was that Sister Huo Chui once again took out the sharp blade that she never put down, the black sharp blade, and aimed it at herself.

This is a good girl.

Ye Shenyue gave Huo a compliment in her heart. If it were his girls... If you want to commit suicide, you must assassinate him first.Self-harm or something is really rare.

So the mere fact of hurting herself, not him, can add a little extra to her bad attitude.

Of course, the premise is that Huo Chui's sister sauce doesn't have so many complaints.

He no longer knew what Magnus had instilled in sister Huo Chui, what the so-called scope of chastity and zheng was, language molestation was impure, and even the slightest touching of the body was impure, So if something impure was really done to her, wouldn't the sky have to fall?

The younger sister's movements are very fast. She is an automatic doll, and her speed is far faster than that of a normal human being. As a soft girl, Miss Amway, who is weaker than ordinary people, she cannot see the actions of younger sister Huo Chui at all.She only saw that her sister-chan was about to self-harm and couldn't help it, so she closed her beautiful eyes all of a sudden.

But Ye Shenyue is different.

"You are enough!"

Ye Shenyue grabbed the sharp blade in her hand. He had regained 25% of his strength, and his strength was still stronger than that of Huo Chui's sister, so the current sister sauce couldn't resist her at all.

But it seems... Ye Shenyue is still wrong. ^Sister's strength is not up to him, but she is an automatic doll, she can do things that normal girls can do!

That is.


Kick hard!The kick is still the most vulnerable part of a man!

Ye Shenyue hurriedly dodged, but it was just by avoiding that Huo Chui sister that she was free.The blade was back in her hands.Then stared at Ye Shenyue. "If that's the case, then I'll kill you first and then commit suicide!"

never mind!Or take back my review!

Ye Shenyue dodged the attack of her younger sister worthy of being attacked, and her heart was sweating secretly. There is definitely something wrong with this younger sister sauce's thought circuit!My sister-chan chose to commit suicide from the very beginning, but if he stopped it, he would kill him and then commit suicide. Isn't this the legend that if you want to hang up, you have to pull a back?

Sister sauce, it's your absolute best!

But now the younger sister sauce can't listen to his words anymore. All kinds of attacks are used. It is stronger than Ye Ye, but Ye Ye has the strongest King Kong power, so he can still beat Sister Huo Chui in terms of strength. .


Ye Ye was subdued by him, yes, at first he replaced Lei Zhen accepting the moon Ye Ye in Feng Yue Hua given by Miss Nitro, but Ye Ye was saying "Would you like to be Ye Ye's person?" After that, she didn't become crazy like she said.At the beginning, Ye Ye was still very upset with him. Her master was only Miss Nitro, and the master gave her away at once, so Ye Ye was still very upset.

In the end, he decided to compete with Ye Ye, if he wins, then Ye Ye will follow him unconditionally, but if he loses, then he will return Ye Ye to Miss Nitro.

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