The result of the game is the present fact.

And now younger sister Huo Chui, who is weaker than Ye Ye, Ye Shenyue recognized her kick and swipe, he just needs to guard against her kick attack, the rest... in the surprised eyes of younger sister Amway Among them, almost for a moment, my sister-chan was motionless.

...It's not that she can't move, but her hands and feet are restrained.Forced into a squatting position, Ye Shenyue lowered her sister's face to Huo, but she didn't mean to be light, one leg pressed her sister's two legs, and then her hand went around her sister's back and held her hands with hers. It was suppressed, so my sister lost her attacking power.


The whole action was done in one go, Ye Shenyue held down her sister and immediately called another sister.

"Ah... yes!"

It's just that Amway's sister, an ordinary person, saw such a scene in the blink of an eye. She was very surprised and came over quickly, but she just took two steps and stopped again.

Ye Shenyue looked at her strangely.

"I...I still don't do this kind of accomplice, help you hold her down and let you rape you...I really can't do it..."

Sister Amway's expression is very determined, and she doesn't want to leave when she stopped!

"Strong... rape!"

The restrained sister Huo Chui continued to struggle, as if at this moment, she had already been violated by the man who was restraining her!

"Rather than being humiliated and raped by you, then... then... I bite my tongue and commit suicide!"

My sister can still talk.

The tone is also very firm, and I will not go down to Amway's sister sauce at all!The expressions of the two girls seemed to be frozen, resolute and decisive!

"Bite your sister! I just asked you to feed her!"

Ye Shenyue was crushed by these two sisters in an instant. She grabbed the second biscuit from the small bag on one side, and quickly stuffed it into her sister's mouth. He coughed out immediately.

"...just...eating cookies?"

Amway's sister showed a timid expression, this expression was because just... just now she suspected him.Could it be that he is really not a beast?

"Cough cough..."

Sister Jiang continued to cough, and there was an expression on the face opened by Ye Shenyue.

"Otherwise what do you think I'm doing!"

Ye Shenyue said angrily, then shoved the biscuit directly into her sister's hand, stood a little away by herself, and returned to Amway's sister. This is setting an example and staying away from her sister's side to show that she is true Innocent, there is absolutely no such violent thing as their brains make up.


Sister Amway stopped talking, just sat down and ate the biscuits in small bites, and Sister Jiang became obedient. If she just eats biscuits, it seems that there is no problem.

Chapter 0168 The agreement with Magnus (second more)

Delicious food.

If you see a beautiful girl, it's more effective than eating when you're hungry, but this person is definitely a pervert!It has actually reached the point where you can control your own desires~ after a look!

And Ye Shenyue didn't admit that she was such a pervert, but now it's really a pleasure to watch the two girls eat biscuits in small bites.

When Sister Amway was quiet, she felt like Shire. She was indeed a real sister, holding biscuits in both hands, her little head lowered, her little lips parted, and she bit her little by little, with a faint hint of light on her cheeks. Pink looks very cute.

And what about sister Huo Chui?

Sister Jiang has been freed, both hands and feet are free, she gently lifted the veil with her left hand, she gained freedom and immediately put down the veil that was lifted by Ye Shenyue, and is now gently lifting it A small corner revealed a faint pink lips that Yashenyue verified was definitely warm, and then the other hand held a cookie and gently brought it to her lips.

It looks very ladylike.

Sure enough, even though her personality has changed by a thousand miles, the demeanor of this young lady is still the same, as expected of an automatic doll forged from the soul of the real Nadeshiko sister-chan.

Finally, Sister Amway, who was staring at Ye Shenyue who was very uncomfortable, said, "Don't stare at me like this! Although I am already the meal in your bowl and the meat in the pot, I still have something to eat. Free. Don't say that such freedom is not given to me!"

This speech is still as touching as ever.

As if she noticed Ye Shenyue's sight, Sister Jiang turned her head and sat on the side, but that little hand was still holding the biscuits, eating bit by bit.

Maybe the younger sister at the moment is thinking that she is hungry, so she can't beat the opponent. If she replenishes her energy, she may be able to pull back a round, such as killing the opponent first and then committing suicide.

"I just think you guys are cute."

Ye Shenyue shook his head, his sister-chan's words always made his heart unbearable.


Sister Amway's face turned red all of a sudden, but her lips were still unforgiving.And another sister sauce.


Actually ignored him.

Without saying anything, he molested her again, and then she was already insulted and committed suicide or something.

It's really surprising that my sister-chan actually compromised like this.

"Fire drop!"

However, at this time, a terrifying voice appeared. It was Magnus, oh no, not only Magnus, but also the burly-looking dean with short brown hair beside him!

Ye Shenyue had seen the headmaster, and after Felix's incident, the headmaster announced that he could participate in the night party.However, it was also the dean who announced that Felix had lost the opportunity, so he was targeted by Felix's family, and then conspired with Alice, who had transformed into a super strong.Then he forced Ciel to attack the dean, which eventually turned into this situation.


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