The headmaster, who had been watching the play, said with a smile, which meant that Miss Ciel's attack was nullified.

Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand, and Miss Amri, who originally wanted to grab the hand of the other girls waiting at the pit, put her hand in his hand obediently.

The "I know" smile of others made her heart pound.

However, this is also a helpless choice. When she was in the pit, she had already betrayed herself, and when she was outside, she had to save her sister. She had nothing to sell, so she could only be a little more obedient.

Magnus and the dean walked together, and Sister Huochui joined the other five automaton girls outside the pit. After a close observation, Ye Shenyue found that these six automatons were really Cute, although they are all waiting for Magnus to come out, but the expressions and movements of the five automatic dolls are different. Two are sitting by the pit, and their four thin calves are constantly swaying, very leisurely. One looks more serious, holding a weapon and the other is looking down. It's really cute, each one is different.Seeing that Sister Huo Chui returned to the team, although she was covered with a veil, the movements of the five automatic dolls became happy. It seems that these five have become good friends with Sister Huo Chui.

In fact, the six automatic dolls were all made using Leishen's younger sister Nadeko, and they were originally one, so their relationship was still very good.It's just that since they are all made of the same artificial material, why are the characters different?Could it be that the original Nadeko sister-chan also has a Li personality, a third personality, and an Nth personality?

I have to say that Ye Shenyue has a lot of ideas.

"Sister Huo Chui, be sure to release water next time!"

Seeing that her sister was about to disappear, Ye Shenyue's heart tickled and she immediately cried out.

"No, I must kill you, and then commit suicide."

The little sister turned her face gently, and a gentle breeze blew away her black veil with the word "fire", revealing her beautiful face.

The words are still so powerful.

It's just that he didn't know why, he seemed to see the corners of her small mouth twitching slightly.Is it proud, confident or what?

He did not understand the girl's mind.

The hand of Miss Amway, who was holding his hand, suddenly tightened, "You really are such a pervert, you always have a relationship with the automaton."

Then she showed a very sad expression, "My sister is actually in love with a pervert like you... No, if you must want to vent your desires~, then please let my sister go... As long as you ravage me All right……"

Closing her eyes slightly, my sister-chan is actually going to dedicate herself to Ciel!

This feeling is really broad!


Ye Shenyue did not answer, or could not answer.

"Isn't that okay? Sure enough..."

The younger sister thought to herself, "You really have such an idea. Not only do you want to put me on the bed, but you also force my sister to climb up, so I become a sister flower... You pervert!" "Sure enough, it's a pervert! To make my sister and I pose such a shame... You might as well kill us..."

The younger sister's face was completely rosy. As for what was in her mind, it was impossible to say.

" go over there quickly!"

Their current location is still at the mouth of the pit, there are still a row of people around, and most of them are still girls for some reason, so the words of Sister Amway have also been heard by everyone. Rao is Ye Shenyue's thick-skinned, but now Seeing the perverted expression in the crowd still couldn't stand it.

Just drag the second lady and run away, if she stays here again, maybe she won't say 3P, 4P, 5P will be said!

However, when Ye Shenyue was running to avoid their perverted eyes, she stopped at the place passing the grove, because of another poisonous tongue... Oh no, because Miss Lisette, who had gone to find the news long ago is back.

ps: Take a look at the situation, if there is still a recommendation tomorrow, it will be three more.The first watch is early in the morning, the second watch is at 8 pm, and the third watch is at 10 pm. This is a voting decision. I don’t know why you all like the two night watch…

Chapter 0170 When the counterattack is in progress (the first)

"You pervert... I heard rumors that you are a pervert from far away."

There was no one else around, and Lisette, who was standing alone, pushed her glasses and said bluntly.

The posture is somewhat similar to that of Mr. Kimberly, who was leaning against the tree trunk like this last time. Both of them were watching a play, and they didn't say a word, and finally made a big comment to him when he passed by.

They are all evil people!

Ye Shenyue knew what she knew, but she still sighed a long while looking at the chairman.

"What? You said you were perverted and you really admitted it?"

Obviously, the chairman seems to have misunderstood him.

"It's not that, Lisette, you make me not know what to say. She has beautiful and slender pink hair, she wears glasses and has a ladylike temperament, and she has the envy of loli breasts, but it's just that This tone...why can't it be more ladylike? The tone should also be slowed down?"

"Do you mean to learn from you? It looks like a human being on the outside, but is actually a pervert on the inside?"

Well, he has yet to win the battle against this poisonous-tongued girl.

It's just that he can't beat her, can't he beat her?

Ye Shenyue let go of Amway's sister's hand and stepped forward gently, her hand reaching out to touch the slender and elastic waist of the chairman.

The chairman's brows moved slightly, and then she wanted to avoid her, but behind her buttocks, there was a small white hand in Amway's surprised eyes.

"Don't disobey your father!"

This is a figure slowly flashing out of the void, this is a girl wearing a black gothic loli skirt, with beautiful long silver hair, and a delicate face like a doll.

Of course, looks can no longer stop Amway sister, surrounded by beautiful women, Amway sister no longer knows what beauty is.

But now, this girl with long silver hair is very attractive to her because she actually has a pair of beautiful black wings behind her back, which is very beautiful.

Is this an angel?

" is this..."

In Amway's sister's heart, no matter how you look at it, the chairman is a tough type that cannot be bullied, but now this resistance is so powerless.It was indeed defeated.

However, this is no longer a heavy burden. In my sister sauce's heart, it seems that a certain scene in the pit suddenly replayed.

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