She didn't understand it very well, but she still understood that the mercury lamp was the chairman's automatic doll, but the current automatic doll betrayed the master and helped Yagami Yue to bully the chairman together.

This... how does this seem like she misunderstood in the pit, Ye Shenyue asked her to hold down Sister Huo Chui and then rape her?

I have to say that my sister-chan's mind is very complicated at the moment.

In the end, a thousand words were reduced to a sentence.

"It turns turns out really are such a person!"

It would be fine if it was just talking, but at this moment my sister wanted to run away, or just run away!


Ye Shenyue grabbed her sister's hat, which symbolized the family's hat, and the sister who had escaped came back.

It seems that even the second young lady who is not in the mainstream is still the second young lady, and she still cares about the honor of the family.


The second young lady who came back just stared at the hat in Ye Shenyue's hand and didn't look at him.

It's like she knows she can't escape, but she has to keep her head down and not look at the terrifying big devil. Although Ye Shenyue is not the big devil at this moment, she is not far from the devil in the second lady's heart. The sisters were pressed together on the bed and then asked her to do something to her sister, such as holding down her sister's behavior, she is definitely a super devil!

"Lisette, have you found the location of the man behind the scenes?"

Yagami grabbed the azure beret hat, ignoring her sister-chan, who continued to develop various super brain supplements, and focused on Lisette, who was always staring at him.

It was not easy to take advantage of Lisette, and it was even more difficult to make her willing.

And the mercury lamp, which had already helped Yagami to complete the mission, floated from behind Lisette to Yagami's side without any accident.

Then let Ye Shenyue touch her head.

Although the mercury lamp received blood from Lisette when it was made, it was made by himself, and the mercury lamp still listened to his words.

So, it's okay for her to betray Lisette immediately.

This is the producer's benefit. If he guessed correctly, when Miss Glass was able to give Ye Ye to him so readily, she also left behind her. As long as she achieves her goal, Ye Ye can be recovered.

Where did he think that Ye Ye had become his thing.

So Miss Nitro's plan was shattered like this. She couldn't choose to control him, but to cooperate with him. Maybe the little purple sent here is a signal of this cooperation.

Showing her sincerity.

"Found it. Just..."

Lisette still gave Ye Shenyue an angry look. If she couldn't see this simple way of changing the subject, she would have lived for hundreds of years in vain.

However, she has already betrayed that Felix belongs to Ye Shenyue. The closer the automaton and the master are, the faster the power will recover. Through the kiss just now, she also gained a lot of magic power, which can be regarded as... each other. offset.

"Very good...then's time to counterattack. Amway!"

"Huh... ah?"

"Let's go pick up your sister, Charles..."

Ye Shenyue stretched out her hand towards Amway's sister who had already taken off her hat.

Chapter 0171

It's just a hidden place, very close to the academy or in the academy, in a warehouse, and it is generally difficult to attract people's attention.

But this is the place.

According to the exploration of Miss Lisette, the current chairman, the person behind the incident is hidden here.

Because, a piece of information provided by Ye Shenyue was ticked, that is, Miss Ravenna had appeared near this warehouse.


Who is Ravenna?

According to the development of the plot, Alice is a delicate person, she will not let Charles get caught in vain, there must be a way to hide, such as... disguise.

Let Ciel disguise himself as another person to avoid everyone's attention.Then.She chose Ravenna, a girl in the academy with a normal appearance with braided braids.The strength is not strong and will not attract the attention of others.Moreover, Ravenna was chosen because she carried a small white dove on her shoulders, a chubby little white dove, just like Charles also carried Sigmund.

After knowing the information provided by Yagami, Lisette immediately had an answer.

Then, Ye Shenyue brought Sister Amway here.

The soft hands are the soft little hands of girls. Sister Amway is very good, but she has to be good even if she is not good. She is weak but her brain can still distinguish clearly.She was also kissed and touched... the place where the baby was touched was also touched, and now it's nothing like pulling hands or something.

However, Sister Amway was a little puzzled that when she put her hand in Ye Shenyue's hand, Miss Lisette's lens suddenly reflected light, as if to remind her but she didn't say anything in the end.

Of course she didn't know that a certain committee chairman found in her the self-defeating thoughts that she had been defeated.She also went through such a mental process at the beginning, saying that you don't need to pay too much attention to this, that you don't need to worry too much, and then it became what it is now, except that the last step was not carried out, and the things that could not be touched in the end were played over and over again.And now, this little sister must have been poisoned by someone.

Since there is no way to save it, Miss Lisette said nothing.It's just that gaze, pinned to Ye Shenyue's body, is not ordinary ruthless.

At this moment, the little hand of Amway's sister, who has been judged as "incurable" by the chairman of the committee, was faintly sweating.

"found it!"

Ye Shenyue finally made a sound, but her sister's heart beat faster because she heard her sister's message.

As soon as they got into the big pit, they heard the news that their sister was being hunted down. This is against the whole academy. What should my sister do!

So compared to men, sisters are more important.The small head that was still dumbfounded immediately lifted up, and then looked around.

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