Sister...Sister...Where is it?


Ye Shenyue looked at her younger sister nervously with a smile, and Ye Shenyue pointed at the girl who came out of the small door of the warehouse and walked straight.

It was a girl with round glasses and braided braids. She was wearing a school uniform of the same pattern for girls, with a chubby little pigeon standing on her shoulders, looking very cute.

She looks like a literary girl.

"That's... my sister!"

Sister Amway looked at Ye Shenyue and kept saying it twice. Only by saying it twice can she show her stunnedness. Could it be that Ye Shenyue was playing with her?

Do you really think her appearance is white?

No matter what, my sister has to look exactly like her!

"I looked in the mirror this morning!"

The younger sister also looked back at Ye Shenyue, her tone was not very good, with a little excitement.

"Well... how?"

There was a strange expression on Ye Shenyue's face. Could it be that she saw her getting too excited all of a sudden and went badly? What does it have to do with the current conversation after looking in the mirror this morning?

The only thing in exchange is the sad and angry expression of my sister sauce!

"So you shouldn't lie to me! Do you really think my sister and I are so easy to lie? Just find someone and tell me it's my sister, but I... and my sister are twins, they look exactly the same and you see Look at that girl, how does she have anything similar to my sister...anything like me?"

The sister shouted out directly. "If your goal is just to spoil me, do it sooner! Don't lie to me like you are now! You big liar!"

Closing her eyes slightly, her slender eyelashes kept shaking, and my sister-chan became hysterical again.

"That is……"

I have to say that Ye Shenyue's voice was too loud, or that Amway's sister-chan's hysteria was too strong. Ravenna, who came out of the secret room with a cold face, and her chubby shoulders The little white dove looked over.


The voice of the chubby little white dove on the shoulders has a taste of old age, this is the voice of the little blue dragon Sigmund.

"How are they there?"

Ciel... oh no, Ravenna frowned slightly at this moment, the temperament of a literary girl disappeared in an instant, and it turned into a arrogant frown unique to Miss Ciel.

"I don't know, maybe I found some news... Shouldn't it be..."

Sigmund is a taboo doll who doesn't know how many years he has lived, and it seems that he already knows the reason why Yagami is here.

And... also brought Amway!

If there is no complete plan, I will not bring Amway here.

"Could it be... um... hey... what are you doing!"

Xia Er's voice was slightly hesitant, but it was only for a second, and then he quickly trotted towards the direction of Ye Shenyue, running in a hurry.

Because at this moment, it fell on Ravenna... Oh no, it was actually in the eyes of Ravenna played by Ciel, Ye Shenyue actually directly grabbed the hysterical Amway sister, and then hugged it sideways, palms Furryly, he lifted off his sister's skirt directly, and then his hand fell like "smack"!

actually... actually in...

Seeing her sister being humiliated, her sister finally couldn't help it.

Her body was disguised by Alice's power. When she was excited, the disguise would disappear. Just like now, when she came to Ye Shenyue, she had completely transformed into Miss Ciel. At the same time, the chubby little white dove on the shoulders has also become the little green dragon Sigmund!

"elder sister?"

With a face full of shame and anger, his sister, who continued to say some shocking words, finally called out.

"elder sister!"

Sister Amway, who was originally caught by Ye Shenyue, didn't know where she got her strength, ran directly to Ciel's side, and then directly hugged Ciel, who was about the same height and appearance as her!

"Charle, Sigismund, you have finally come out."

However, at this time, Ye Shenyue clapped her hands and put her hands in her pockets, with infinite style~sau... Oh no, she was actually looking at Miss Ciel with infinite grace.

"Uh... is this... forcing me to come out?"

Ciel's expression froze for a moment, and Sigismund on his shoulder flapped his small wings, obviously a little surprised.

ps: The world of skill girls will end soon, next is Kempfa and then the sky falls.Hope you can continue to support.Grateful.

Chapter 0172 see Shire (third more)

Could it really be to lure her out, so I deliberately hit... hit Amway's little ass?

Miss Shire, who had revealed her real body, looked a little weird when she looked at her sister who was crying with pear blossoms and rain.

"Well...otherwise do you think I'd be such a beast?"

Ye Shenyue spread her hands, showing the appearance of a gentleman. Although Miss Xia had some understanding of someone's unruly private life, she maintained a strong opposition to his deliberately displayed tall image.

Only now, seems to be able to say the past.

Just nodding to understand is nodding to understand, Sister Ciel still thought of something very important.

"Why are you here? ... No matter what the reason you are here for, keep your distance from me!"

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