From the corner of his eye, Ciel glanced in the direction of the door of the small warehouse where she came out, as if someone was still watching.

Yes, there is someone watching. There is a powerful automatic doll by Alice's side, that is her housekeeper, whose name is Zhen. This is the one who lost after Ciel struggled and fought the opponent.

But now, in order to protect Ye Shenyue and Amway, Xia Er has only one choice in front of him, and that is to distance himself from the two of them and not let them interfere with him. She does everything anyway, as long as she becomes the target alone. Well, it would be bad if they were also targeted by Alice.

That's why Ciel-sama said so against her will.

At the same time, thinking about turning around like this, even his own sister was pushed away.

"elder sister……"

Sister Amway burst into tears. "It doesn't matter, you don't have to put all the burdens on yourself. I have already found a helping hand. As long as Ye Shenyue appears, I will definitely defeat the mastermind behind the scenes!"


However, Miss Shire shook her hand angrily, "Don't include him! You know, for him... I am... um..."

Ciel was indeed very angry. She took on this terrible task for the sake of her sister and to divert Alice's attention to Yagami, even if it was to revive the honor of the family.

But now, these two idiots have come to the door on their own initiative, aren't they asking for trouble?

So the eldest lady was really pissed off.

These two idiots!

"What are you?"

Ye Shenyue stepped forward and looked down at Ciel, "You didn't tell me what happened, but did it by yourself! What do you think of me? You don't believe me!"

Ye Shenyue is also a little angry. Although he already knew the plot, he should have reminded Ciel first, but he forgot, and Ciel still doesn't believe in his power, and puts all the responsibilities and burdens on his own. body!

This is not to believe his performance!

"'s not like's not that I don't believe you...but..."

Charles looked very urgent, which was completely different from the angry expression he had just reprimanded his sister, Sigismund on his shoulders flapped his small wings, "Charle is actually afraid that you are going to face the whole of England! This time Maybe the mastermind behind the scenes represents the entire noble legion! So even if you defeat him, it doesn't make sense!"

"All of England?"

Ye Shenyue lengthened her voice.

On this side, Charles, who had already been told by Sigmund, bit his lip, "Who told you to talk too much! The chicken snack at night was replaced with sardines, and it was still the smelly kind!" That's what he said, but also It's a broken jar, "That's it, have to keep your distance from me, it's best to leave before they come."

"Hehe... It's really a lively scene!"

However, at this moment there was applause, an applause that appeared out of thin air, and then, in front of Ye Shenyue and the others, two people appeared from the air, a handsome young man, and a man who was always well-dressed and combed his hair. Bright butler.Polite manner.

..."...No...not good!" Xia Er's voice immediately became excited, and then, he actually wanted to stand up and protect Ye Shenyue behind her, but was Ye Shenyue the one who wanted her to protect?

Ye Shenyue looked at Ciel, smiled and shook her head.

"It seems... you still don't know your man's abilities!"

Ye Shenyue smiled, "Let's not say whether she can represent the entire British aristocracy, even if she does represent, so many nobles... It's time to change the dynasty!"

"Yo... that's really a bold statement... I can understand that you are provoking the whole of England? Charles, you really found a good man..."

The corners of Alice's mouth slid into an arc, and she spoke softly, very politely, without showing any bad character at all.His gaze fell on Charles.

It's just that there is something wrong with Ciel at the moment.

" relationship...should...should not...haven't...reached that point...if you insist on talking about a man, then...then at least... At least it's after marriage..."

In the strange eyes of sister Amway, sister Ciel's little hands kept holding up, as if her mind was spinning rapidly and it was about to break.

"Charle...Charle! Everyone is looking at you!"

Sigmund, who was flying on his shoulders, reminded helplessly.


The lady's face instantly turned red.

At this time, she actually fell behind her sister, Amway's sister was pushed to the front by Ciel, and her sister was also frightened. this still the elder sister who is stronger than her in everything?

Chapter 0173 easy solution (one more)

"Alice, are you sure you want to keep playing?"

No matter what the mood of the two sisters of the Bilao family was, at this moment, Ye Shenyue smiled at Alice who was still dressed as a handsome boy. This was a smile that could see through everything.

Even her name was spoken. "Alice. That's your real name, the same last name as the dean."

"……Ha ha……"

The handsome young man's eyes fell on Ye Shenyue's body, concentrated for three seconds, and then laughed softly, but the voice became a girl's voice, not the one she just pretended to belong to. Teenage neutral voice.This is an admission!

Admit that she's a fake, not a real teenager.Otherwise, the girl's voice will not be revealed!

"Looks like you've done a lot of research. What did your Lisette do? It's really good to have a Disciplinary Committee member. It's not bad just to collect information..."

Alice did not restore the girl's face, but continued to speak in a girl's voice.

"Each each other..."

Ye Shenyue also gave her a compliment.It's just that this admiration contains moisture, because he deliberately acted so high-profile to attract Alice's attention, in fact, to attract the attention of British nobles, and then prepare to catch them all, so it's a long time ago that he was investigated or something. as he expected.

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