"Xue...has the same surname as the dean of the school!"

At this time, Ciel finally woke up, and immediately called out as soon as he woke up. "Could it be... don't tell me..."

"Well... In fact, Alice is the only daughter of the dean! She was transformed into an automatic doll because of her body! So, she is an automatic doll!"

"...hehe... it seems... it seems... you really know a lot..."

The corners of Alice's eyes have become cold, this is murderous intent.

Alice is a bad guy, and it's the bad guy who hates his secrets to be fully exposed.

"Really! You understand what happens next!"

Alice "Why... how is this... so it is... no wonder..."

Hearing Ye Shenyue's revelation, Miss Ciel immediately knew that it was no wonder that Alice could have such abilities. As a human being, there are not many people who have all kinds of strange abilities, but they have the power that can be transformed into someone else. fewer people.

But now, if she's an automaton, then it makes sense, automatons are a no-no and can do things humans can't, like her Sigmund, who can easily destroy a castle .

However, seeing Alice and the housekeeper disappearing instantly, she immediately became nervous.

"Not good... Ye Shenyue... Be careful... Their speed is very fast..."

It was really fast, and it disappeared in an instant.

"Bang bang bang!"

It's a sound that barely reveals itself in the air because the speed is too fast.

"Bang bang bang!"

It was the sound of collision again, this time, the figure flashed out, but it was four figures.

Three girls and one housekeeper.

Seeing the two girls suddenly appeared in the air, Ciel and his younger sister Amri were stunned.

Because these two suddenly appeared and resisted Alice and her super-fast automaton. The real girl is none other than someone they are very familiar with... Ye Ye with black hair and black pupils, if only Ye Ye Then forget it.Because Ye Ye is an automatic doll of Ye Shenyue, as an automatic doll, it must protect its master at any time.But another person is particularly eye-catching.

That was Lisette who had taken off her glasses with a plain or arrogant face, Mr. Chairman!

It's actually her!

It stands to reason that Ciel doesn't need to be surprised, but that night, she only patronized Felix and didn't notice Lisette at all, and didn't notice that Lisette was Felix's automaton!So the news really surprised her.

"Sure enough, it really is her... Miss Lisette... Or should I say Felix's automaton, Eliza!"

Alice was slightly out of breath, and the people around her were really uncomfortable. Alice was facing Lisette, and the real one was Ye Ye. She had the most powerful King Kong power, and both speed and strength were defeated by Ye Shenyue. It has been strengthened not only twice, but Ye Ye can take down Magnus' two automatic dolls with one attack!

So, even if it was really, Ye Ye injured his arm...

"You really hid her!"

"So what?"

Ye Shenyue's hands were turned in her pockets, as if she was looking for something.

"But even so...you can't beat me!"

The corners of Alice's mouth twitched, and the hand that was really injured by Ye Ye was also recovering quickly, or in an instant.

This is one of her abilities.

As long as she doesn't die, she won't die.And as long as she is by her side, she will never die!

So, she is invincible!


Ye Shenyue deliberately lengthened her voice, and then took out a huge object from her pocket amid the astonished expressions of Amway and the others.

Looking at the machine, Lisette's mouth twitched, but she attacked.

As long as you see this machine, the end is doomed.


How did Lisette lose?It was this machine that lost and was sucked out of its magic power, so it's still a mess, and it can't move!

The same is true for this Alice, as long as she is an automatic doll, she cannot escape the weakness of being sucked out of magic power and unable to move!So, the ending is already unfolding.

The ending is like this.

in the house.

"Ye Shenyue...you beast! I must kill you!"

Miss Alice, who is hanging in the middle of the room, still has a little 1.5% of the momentum of calculating others?

In a room where no one... oh no, or she was alone in a room where she struggled pitifully and screamed, but that voice... was blocked by Ye Shenyue's enchantment. Just... can't get it out.

Miss Alice was blushing, or rather embarrassed.

Gein, her body... was actually stripped naked, completely naked, covered by a fishing net and fell under the beam of the house.

As long as she moves like that, the camera below her will record it, and she will show up!

So, I can only curl up, what... can't do anything!

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