
He opened the box with a soft sound, and saw two round gem-like things shining with a faint golden brilliance.

"Eve's heart."

Miss Yuko's slender fingers rubbed lightly on the edge of the wine glass, and said the names of these two little things in one sentence.


It's not uncommon for Ye Shenyue to have a lot of knowledge about Miss Yuko, otherwise how could she be called a dimensional witch?But it has the power to travel through time and space!

"Xiaoduo and Xiaoquan have always had no souls, so they can only stay in the store, but if they are fitted with this Eve's heart, they might be able to go out."

Xiaoduo and Xiaoquan are dolls created by Miss Yuko with her powerful magic power, but they only rely on magic power to move, but they have no soul, so they cannot leave the store.

And Eve's heart is a high-end product in the world of clever girls, which can bring life to the unconscious automaton.Almost became a soul-like existence.

If the two work together...then...maybe it can make Xiaoduo Xiaoquan break the ban on not going out of the store.The two loli are so cute that they can only stay in the yard, which is undoubtedly a torture for them with lively characters.

Ye Shenyue's Lolita heart... oh no, it should be Lolita's heart, how can she bear it?

He was thinking of getting along well with the two loli.

After all, in the store, either Ms. Yuko was staring at her or a customer came in, so many things couldn't be done, right?

So, if you want to develop a relationship, you have to go outside!

Walking out of the store with two loli is a big step forward!

"That's a really good idea..."

Miss Yuko stared at him, and Yashin Yue felt that she was stripped out again.

Miss Yuko must have seen through his mind.

Sweat on the back, I should have known that I shouldn't be thinking foolishly.After all, the royal sister had told him from the beginning that he was not allowed to play these two loli's ideas.


While he was waiting for Miss Yuko to get angry, she didn't.

"Clap clap clap!"

Miss Yuko patted her palm lightly, and in front of Yashin Yue, the wooden door was opened, and two little loli came in obediently.

Miss Yuko picked up Eve's heart that was placed on the tatami, and then directly grabbed it in her hands and passed through Xiaoduo and Xiaoquan's bodies, and put it in without any wounds.

"This is……"

The two loli looked at each other, and they felt that their bodies immediately changed, as if... something forbidden immediately shattered.

"You go out the door and see..."

Yuko ordered.

Xiao Duo and Xiao Quan immediately ran out in surprise.

The two raised feet gently stepped towards the door that they had been unable to cross for so many years.


| The little feet landed steadily!

They... went out!

The two loli were excited.Then ran back quickly.

"Thank you, master."

She bowed respectfully to Miss Yuko.

"Don't thank me...I didn't bring this thing back..."

For some reason, Yashinyuki always felt that there seemed to be a bit of displeasure and jealousy in Miss Yuko's words?

"Little Duo..."


The two cute loli looked at each other and made up their minds together.

One was on the left and the other was on the right. He squatted down and kissed Yeshenyue on both sides of the cheek.

"Cough cough..."

Ye Shenyue touched the places on the left and right sides of her face where Lolita had kissed her. Although she really wanted to grab them and kiss them back, it's just... there was a royal sister staring at him in front of her.

"It's hard to go to another world once, your goal is for Xiaoduo and Xiaoquan..."

The slender fingers were gently touching his chin, and the breath of a mature woman was blowing in his nostrils, and Yagami's heart couldn't help beating several times, and sure enough, "No wonder he is called a lolicon... …”

"Cough cough... In fact, I am in full control... Really..."

Yagami hurriedly escaped from Miss Yuko's "claw" while talking, why did he feel that Miss Yuko seemed to be deeply unhappy with the word lolicon?

It still seems disgusting.

ps: continue to update at night.

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