Chapter 0187 President's request

early morning.

The faint sunlight entered the room and fell on the thin quilt. It was still summer, so a thick quilt was not needed, as long as a thin quilt was fine.

Soft little hands are pinching his face, as if playing.

The girl's face instantly turned red, but instead of blushing, she was a little excited, "It's so itchy..."

This is the voice of a little loli.

Then there was another voice that also belonged to Loli.

"Kissed Xiao Duo on April [-]st!"

Did you kiss Xiao Duo?Are you sure you didn't kiss Ye Ye?

Ye Shenyue's forehead suddenly burst into sweat, then she opened her eyes and saw two little loli.One pink and one purple.

Where is the black he is familiar with!Not his naughty automaton!

There seemed to be sweat behind Ye Shenyue's back.

He remembered it wrong again, he was used to being teased by a black-haired loli every morning in the clever world, but now he has left that world!Now it's the world of April [-]st, still in Miss Yuko's house!

Ye Shenyue's heart froze, although in the world of ingenuity, he can calmly face Miss Nitro, who has the attributes of a royal sister to Miss Yuko, but it is different for Miss Yuko.That's because he has the weakness of Miss Glass, so he's not afraid of her, but now... But Miss Yuko has mastered this and that weakness!

People had to bow their heads under the eaves, and they were still under the eaves of the great witch, Miss Yuko.

Miss Yuko!

Miss Yuko shouldn't be here!

Ye Shenyue raised her head, this was the first time he ignored the loli, and then looked at the door that had been opened.

There's already someone by the door!Still a woman!

"On April [-]st, I seem to have said that it is not allowed to attack Xiao Duo and Xiao Quan!"

Miss Yuko, leaning against the door frame but wearing a very solemn kimono decorated with butterflies, spoke softly, her eyes lowered slightly, and there seemed to be a terrifying feeling in her eyes.

Ye Shenyue felt a needle-like touch.

Miss Yuko has a thorn in her smile.

"Ahem...this is purely an accident...just an accident..."

Ye Shenyue suddenly woke up and got up from the bed, but only just came out, but her face suddenly turned red.

Ye Shenyue has been cheeky for a long time, and it is really not easy to make him blush.

Because it's really happening right now.

He got up abruptly, and the quilt on his body naturally fell completely.

Under the projection of the nth ray of brilliance in the early morning, the skin was completely highlighted in the sunlight. It was obvious that it was not a strong but very strong body.

This is a naked body.

"Oh... so what about this? Did you show it to me on purpose?"

Miss Yuko suddenly laughed, smiling so beautifully.Only the needles in it were all exposed.

The brighter the smile, the more tragic the consequences.

Frightened by this smile, Ye Shenyue's heart was half panicked, and it was strange that Ye Shenyue was not facing one or two Yu sisters, but only Miss Yuko could eat him to death.It was as if she was completely in control.

It's just that Ye Shenyue is not the kind of person who gets soft feet when she is frightened by Sister Yu. Even if his feet are soft, his mouth can't be soft.

"Oh... so, you're criticizing me..."

Miss Yuko's brows twitched indistinctly, her hand was placed on the slippery shoulders, and then she actually pulled down, revealing her pink shoulders immediately.Large tracts of skin are directly exposed.

Ye Shenyue swallowed, this guy definitely did it on purpose!Must be intentional!

"This is a mission from another world, um... It seems to be called Migo Shizuku (na)"


Ye Shenyue was a little puzzled at first, but when she heard the name, she subconsciously called out.

"Well... it looks like you are quite familiar... that's a beautiful woman... No wonder our handsome man also paid attention to April [-]st. As expected, April [-]st is such a person..."

Said in a deliberately elongated voice.It seems that Ye Shenyue bullied her and ignored her all of a sudden.


Miss Yuko, you don't even need to eat this vinegar!

Ye Shenyue kept complaining in her heart, but the more important point was not here, but Sango Shizuku!

Just a beautiful girl or a beautiful woman with a personality can't make him show such an expression, what really surprised him is the world where Migo Shizuku lives!

...that's a world called Kempfa!

It was a battle between two gods, because the power of the gods was too powerful, so only humans could be selected for a small-scale battle.

It seems to be quite similar to the plot where Gaia and Alaya came to fool him at the beginning.Could it be that...these two boring gods...could it be Alaya and Gaia? There seems to be a real possibility.

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