It's just that this is not what he pays special attention to. What he really pays attention to is the protagonist of the original book. According to the protagonist effect, if he wants to complete the task, he has to become the protagonist. If he has become the protagonist, he will become a famous person. This is a boy. .

But once you transform into a girl!

My scalp tingles just thinking about it.Definitely not acceptable to normal men!

At this moment, Ye Shenyue seemed to have seen the scene of him transforming into a woman.

That's totally chill.

No wonder, no wonder Miss Yuko didn't get very angry when he was arrogant. Her feelings were deliberately taking out this task to run against him.

It's just that a man has integrity. Ye Shenyue once transformed in the world of zombies. Although that time was transformed, his body was still his own. In Kempfa, the body has changed, and there is no more. How to commit a crime, a tool for committing crimes!

"That...Miss Yuko...Can you...can you not go?"

Ye Shenyue held the chance of giving it a try.Maybe say a few good words and you can escape.

However.How can the girl on the opposite side talk so well?

"What do you say?"

Miss Yuko asked softly, but in front of Yashinyuki was an unprecedented bright smile.

It means... there is no negotiation at all!Miss Yuko... Lady Queen... Lady Witch... Lady God is in full swing!Ye Shenyue almost flew out by this momentum.

Ps: Don't complain that the protagonist can't defeat Miss Yuko. Yuko is the last boss, so you have to take it slow.Next up is Kempfa.mess with a person.The next chapter will grow up.

Eh, it took me half an hour to get a response...

Chapter 0188 Mr. President

Standing by the pond with bare feet, the pond is very beautiful, and there are small fish in it, which is a very vibrant scene.

"Miss Yuko, I'm afraid that once I jump in, I'll destroy their lives... It's wrong to destroy others... So... let's not do this task..."

Ye Shenyue looked at the pond below and said hesitantly, this is because Miss Yuko cast a spell, and she can go to other worlds through this spring.In other words, as long as he gently jumps down, he will enter the world of Kempfa.

It doesn't matter if you get to that world, the problem is that you will become a girl!

This is absolutely... absolutely unacceptable!

Ye Shenyue turned her head and met Miss Yuko's serious face. With his face towards Miss Yuko, this expression meant that he was absolutely uncompromising!

Miss Yuko disagrees!

"That...Miss Yuko, I really didn't mean to..."

The arrow was on the string and had to be sent, Ye Shenyue was already standing on the edge of the knife.On the one hand, he was about to transform into a woman, and on the other hand, he wanted to please Miss Yuko.

I really hope that Yuko-san can calm down.

"Actually...Miss Yuko, I like you!"

Ordinary women will not let him disappear immediately when they meet a boy's sudden confession, so they have to ask more clearly.

So, Ye Shenyue is reluctantly trying to find time to convince Miss Yuko, as long as she says "Oh, when did that start?"

Then he can start his trick of flickering and fool Miss Yuko!Then you can avoid going to Kempfa.

Ye Shenyue's abacus rattled, but he still overlooked a little, that is Miss Yuko.

The woman who can make him unsure is the average person.


Miss Yuko directly took the black round moco sitting on her shoulder in her hand, and then squeezed it. Finally, she threw a ball directly at him, who was standing by the pond with an unstable center of gravity!

And the last thing Ye Shenyue heard was the sentence, "If I had known today, why did I have to..."

It's summer, jumping into a pond in summer time feels just cool.

Ye Shenyue, who was completely submerged by the water, couldn't bear it any longer. Even in the water, she scolded fiercely, "Sango Shizuku, you bastard!"

If it wasn't for the needs of Migo Shizuku's mission, then he wouldn't have come to this world, and he wouldn't have anything to do with this world, so he wouldn't have to transform into a woman!

Therefore, it is the fault of President Migo Shizuku for all the mistakes!


"Oh... so, it's all up to me?"

Slightly cool but more serious tone.It's a completely different tone from that of a girl named World who said "That's my fault."

After a mist of water, Ye Shenyue felt that her face was grabbed by a pair of hands.

Then as soon as I opened my eyes I saw an enlarged face...

The woman is very beautiful, tall, and has the classical standard of temperament. The beauty is black, long and straight, and her figure is also very good.

It's just that at this moment, the owner of this face has a serious expression and seems to be offended.

"President Migo Shizuku!"

Ye Shenyue was startled, could it be that she has already arrived in Kempfa's world?

"That's right...then...I'll give you a prize..."

The president let go of Ye Shenyue's face, and then smiled softly at him.

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