Ye Shenyue pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose and said, he is not short-sighted, but with a pair of glasses with no degree, he has a lot of refined temperament.

"How do you say? I haven't said that you are bothered again..."

Aihua slightly restrained but still kept laughing.

"You're not the same!"

This time, Ye Shenyue had momentum. "What's the matter with you and Sha Cangfeng? She called you Senior Sister, it's not a matter of one or two days!"

"Yo... jealous?"

Aihua and Yashenyue stood a little closer, "Okay alright...I'll tell you something...I saw some gods after committing suicide, and then I was assigned here and became a member of the school, just a body. It's very unstable, maybe it's because of being a foreign object, so it's rejected by the rules of this world, and it can only disappear in the end..."

"The rules of this world?"

It was the first time Ye Shenyue heard this word.

"You don't know this?"

Aihua gave him a strange look, but she also began to explain, "This is what I felt when I was in the world of the absolute garden as a magician of the absolute garden. The so-called rules of the world are the exclusion and correction of this world. Power, every world has its own power of correction, I am foreign, of course I will be repelled by it, so the soul power is also constantly disappearing, and it can only appear for a while when you call me."

"And that Shacang Feng... eh... You should ask Xiao Nagi, she will know better, the power of this Kempfa is really strange... I used to have one... but it was red, and because of Being repelled by the rules of the world too much, I just disappeared, Xiao Nagi thought I was killed..."

Aihua continued to explain, and at the same time held Ye Shenyue's hand, rather than explaining, it was more like walking 0.4 steps, like a couple, although they were a couple.

five minutes later.

Walking alone on the street, Ye Shenyue was a little lost. Although he thought that Aihuajiang would only appear for a while, he seemed to regret it now.In fact, this girlfriend is also quite good.


However, at this moment, the toe he was about to lift was only 2 centimeters away, and suddenly there was a sound.A sharp bullet hit the ground deeply.

"Hey... hurry up and transform! Otherwise, be careful if the old lady shoots you or something!"

Ye Shenyue looked at the person who was speaking. This was a girl who was wearing the same school uniform as Shacang and the others. She had red hair and had the explosive temperament of a racing party.

Chapter 0194 defeat red sound (one more)

Shoot you!

If a boy said this to a girl, then if the girl happened to belong to the sturdy faction, he would immediately slap him and shout that the old lady is too lazy to kill you. If you meet the girl next door who is more likely to be shy, she must be red-faced Pushing the boy, "Don't say such shy words in public."

However, it is a pity that such a scenario will not happen.

Because the person who said this is a girl, a very sturdy girl, holding a black pistol in her hand, smiling, but also a fierce smile.

This is a girl who is not easy to offend, with a very hot personality, and it was a boy who heard this!

Generally speaking, shooting you is a boy's line no matter how you look at it!

Ye Shenyue's brows moved, and then she took her 07 schoolbag and strode forward, but the bullets flew over one after another.

"Bang bang bang!"

He landed on the place where Yagami Yue was going to land three times in a row. If he was one second faster or one second slower, he would be shot through his foot by a bullet!

Even if the clay figurine is bullied like this, he must be angry.

Ye Shenyue didn't know who the person who suddenly shot him was, or she knew who she was, so she didn't do it on purpose.

The girl who fired the gun had short shoulder-length red hair, and her eyes were full of lively colors that twinkled.Very domineering, he stood above the traffic light with one hand on his hips and pointed a gun at him.

This is the red tone.

He wears a blue Kemp's ring on his hand, exactly the same as his.In Kempfah's war, the same color is the partner, and the different color is the enemy!

For example, his blue is the same as the red of the chairman Migo Shizuku.

hostile colors.

"We are companions!"

Ye Shenyue opened her sleeves and revealed the blue bracelet on her wrist!

This is the symbol of companionship.


However, Hongyin, who was still standing above the traffic lights, seemed very disrespectful, "I know that you also have a blue bracelet on your wrist, but you have to show your skills first, otherwise I don't want such a weak partner!"

Well, this Miss Hongyin actually wants to inspect him.

It's just that it's not up to him to decide what kind of transformation he will be, and he still feels foggy.And when Aihuajiang appeared on the stage, he was definitely accusing him of being distracted again.

He wouldn't do such a thankless thing.

And the plot of Miss Hongyin's appearance seems to be a little late. If according to the plot of the original book, she should have appeared earlier, in front of Shacang, instead of now, everyone is gone and the tea is cold.

Ye Shenyue shook her head and wanted to leave.

However, Lord Hongyin felt that he was being ignored, and was dissatisfied in his heart. He immediately picked it down and shot Ye Shenyue several times in a row!

Guns blocked his way.

Well, it won't work this time.

Ye Shenyue put her schoolbag aside, then turned back, seeing Xiao Hongyin who had jumped off the traffic light, she had already made up her mind to teach her a lesson.

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