It's just that Hongyin seems to have misunderstood.

"Sure enough, I'm going to transform? That's right... After waiting for half a year, I finally got a Kempfa..."

Still quite excited, holding the gun, "Hurry up and transform... Come... Let me try..."


Ye Shenyue raised her hand.


10 seconds. 30 seconds, then 1 minute!

"Damn you, this is the old lady!"

Ye Shenyue raised her hand but there was no response!

The red-haired girl immediately got angry, took the pistol directly and shot at Yashenyue, firing several shots in a row.

Her heart is not bad, the place to drive is not the point, just the hands and feet, and most of the bullets are also directed towards the ground.

Even so, Yagami doesn't want to dance the "bullet dance" on the ground. As the name suggests, she moves her body quickly and then jumps to avoid bullets. It looks like dancing to outsiders.

He stepped forward sharply, and then struck.

Ye Shenyue was most satisfied with her speed, and in an instant the speed was brought to the extreme.

Then he directly grabbed Hongyin's pistol, making her unable to shoot.

"Quick... let go of me!"

Ye Shenyue grabbed her, but suddenly flashed behind her and grabbed her pistol from behind.Even with it, even she was caught.

That's why she resisted.

The man's breath was at his side, and Hongyin's face was a little red, but more of anger.

"Then are you still shooting?"

"Are you still attacking me?"

"You are threatening me..."

Miss Hongyin seems to be still angry.

"I'm threatening 020 you, how about it? If you don't agree, I'll just break your pistol!"

As he said that, his hands were slightly forced, and he directly bent the pistol to one side.

The red-haired girl felt that her weapon was under threat.

Depressed in his heart, when he was about to kick back, he was avoided by Ye Shenyue's kick.Yashenyue is almost immune to this kind of trick that can threaten the happiness of life.


10 seconds.

"Okay...I admit defeat..."

Even the last attack can't work, Hongyin is completely defeated now, she has no doubt that Ye Shenyue can really break her weapon, if it is really broken, then there is nothing to do with her.

After the transformation, she has a refreshing personality, comes and goes quickly, and admits defeat faster.

"Is that right... Little Hongyin sauce..."

Ye Shenyue touched her head.But she opened it all at once.

"Don't call me Xiao Hongyin!"

Lord Hongyin blushed slightly and said, she has become such a completely strong character now, calling this little Hongyin or something is really a bit blushing.

The originally bold personality actually has a little more shyness of the girl next door.

ps: Kempfa's plot is not much, less than 20.

Chapter 0195 Be my girlfriend (two more)

"Let me tell you... I didn't mean to walk in front of you... I just wanted to take you to get acquainted with the environment!"

The girl with shoulder-length red hair walked in front, holding a black pistol in her hand, her tone was very hot.

What are you talking about, Ye Shenyue counted them and they only walked a thousand meters, but Hongyin has said it no less than a hundred times.

"Little Hongyin, you are so foul-mouthed, this is completely different from your original timid and gentle personality."

Ye Shenyue said, holding Hong Yin, who had been classified as a beastly clan by him, to give him a good education.

"Yo... It seems that you understand it quite well. You understand it so clearly. Could it be... um... Could it be that you have fallen in love with me!"

The red-haired girl said in amazement, and then added loudly, "You can't like my old lady, my old lady doesn't like you so bad, and she took the initiative to touch other people's guys for the first time!"

"Hey...what do you call a guy who takes the initiative to touch you!"

Ye Shenyue first ignored the words she boasted and fell in love with her, but the words that slandered him and molested her were not enough.

You must know that they have already reached the main road. Although there are not many people, you can occasionally see several students, and I don’t know what luck they have gone through today, but they are still all girls. Ye Shenyue is completely It is conceivable how these girls would gossip, such as directly imagining him as a terrible super erotic or something.

"Not active yet?"

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