The library committee member, who was originally stared at by the boys around him, was a little embarrassed when he heard Ye Shenyue's words, and then became excited.

Her face was very red, even redder than when she turned into a violent woman and was seen in her thong!

"'s the first time I've been confessed like this by a many people watch &...I..."

Hesitant, blushing, a look of wanting to agree but having concerns.

You really promise!

Ye Shenyue was just on a whim just now. Seeing that Xiao Hongyin was still hesitant, she seemed to want to agree, so she immediately grabbed her hand and ran away.Although it's good to stay and wait for her answer, maybe you can have a girlfriend right away.

However, his perspective fell on Miss Hongyin's wrist, and on the slender white wrist of his right hand was wearing a beautiful dark blue bracelet.

This is the Ring of Kempfah.

The red tone is Kempfah!

And he also has a bracelet on his hand. He is also Kempfa. When he thinks of Kempfa Yeshenyue's back, a cold sweat breaks out. When he transforms, his girlfriend will appear directly. Aihua was immediately dismembered within five minutes?

"Ah... is this going to elope?"

Hong Yin's face immediately turned red.

Ye Shenyue was sweating profusely, my sister, his actions are so simple, please don't give this behavior a terrible name.If Aihua knew that he would definitely turn into shaved ice!

Ye Shenyue pulled Hongyin's hand through the obstacles, and his goal was only one, and that was the library!


Although it is the same school, boys and girls are separated, but the strange thing is that the library is shared.So in the library you can see both girls and boys.

Therefore, Ye Shenyue and Hongyin won't receive much attention here.


Hong Yin leaned back against the wall, breathing a little.

"Yishenyue classmate, why are you... why are you not breathing... You seem to have good physical strength..."

Hongyin said with a pause, gasping for breath as she spoke, Ye Shenyue completely said, "Could it be... Could it be..."

It's just that she didn't wait for Ye Shenyue to answer, "Could it be that you trained for a long time to get the girl into a corner?"


Ye Shenyue looked at her blankly.

"If you don't speak...then it's the's embarrassing. Although this corner is relatively deserted, it shouldn't look like anyone came over, but...but people will feel embarrassed...and we are only the second time. It's just a meeting... I can't do such an outrageous thing like this... and I have to go back to class later, if my classmates see something... ah... people are dead..."

It's just that classmate Hongyin is in yy, and she doesn't know which step she thought of, and her whole face is completely red.

It's cute with her petite, slightly weakened body.

It's just that now is not the time to appreciate it.

Ye Shenyue has fully understood how powerful she is, and the ability to supplement this brain is completely beyond the scope of human beings!


Maybe it was classmate Hongyin who saw that Ye Shenyue didn't respond after seeing Ye Shenyue, but she finally woke up and slowly calmed down.Then his face turned even redder.

She seemed to feel out of place, too.

" are you bringing me here all of a sudden?"

Pretty ladylike.

"...The question is what do you want me to do?"

Ye Shenyue covered her forehead, this girl seems to have forgotten who was looking for who! "It's easier to talk here, and you're not good at being stared at by so many boys!"

It's not that even if Xiao Hongyin is not one of the two beautiful girls rated by the "Beautiful Girl Research Society", her cuteness and a little shy temperament are also noticed by the boys, and it is not easy to have When girls come to the boys department, of course the boys have to stare at them.

It's just that they are still watching the fall to the ground, that grandson actually has a beautiful girl~ I don't know.

"this and that……"

Hongyin felt that she had misunderstood.A little embarrassed, he said, "Introduce myself first, my name is Mishima Kone, the librarian, and of course Kempfa, I woke up half a year ago, um... The one you met in the morning was me... "

"But... what you said, you already knew my character and other things... are these true?"

The voice was very soft, almost inaudible, but his face was very red.

This sentence can be put in another way, that is, "Have you liked me for a long time?"

It seems that Xiao Hongyin also knows what happened after the transformation.


However, just when Ye Shenyue was about to answer, a voice suddenly came from behind. It was the sound of the camera taking pictures.

Someone is taking pictures!

Ye Shenyue turned her head and saw a girl with brown long hair who was holding the camera, and she was very beautiful with a big hair band with dark green eyes on her head. Of course, this is not the time to see if the other party is beautiful or not, Ye Shenyue just stares at the camera in her hand!

Chapter 0197 The melee in the library (one more)


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