
Looking at the girl who was taking a photo, Yagami and Mishima Kane called out her name at the same time, and they formed Shakura Kaede!That is to say, Shizuku and Migo Shizuku, the chairman, are called one of the two beauties.

Of course, this is just ordinary information. This beautiful girl is the mediator who supervises the battle between Kempfa on both sides. She is also a lily girl, and she is also Yagami Yue's rival in love!

After all, his girlfriend Aihua was targeted by this guy.

Now, the rival is taking pictures.

"Yo Xi!"

Sha Cangfeng, who took the camera off, shouted cheerfully, "As long as these photos are developed, Aihua-senpai will know that you are a philanderer, and then you can make her give up her heart! Men are unreliable for anything. of!"

Classmate Sha Cangfeng is still worried about Aihua having a boyfriend, but now she was just bored to the library to relax and she found such a scene, it is really necessary to help her Lily!

Therefore, Miss Shacangfeng seemed very excited.

"Then that's it...bye bye..."

Feng kissed the camera, then turned around immediately, needless to say that she was going to develop the photos. What she was holding was just an ordinary camera, not one that can be charged immediately, so some procedures were needed.

"Yeah... how can I do this... How can classmate Shacang be such a person, if she is really... eh... wrong... female... girlfriend?"

There was a nervous look on Hongyin's face, but the nervousness stopped immediately with the flexibility of his brain.

If it's a girlfriend...if it already has a girlfriend, then...then...then why...why still confess to her?

"Could it be... Could it be that, classmate Ye Shenyue, you want to have two boats with one foot?"

More than just one foot and two boats?There are obviously dozens of them!

Of course, these words can't be said to her, Ye Shenyue's figure has moved, and the target is the camera in Sha Cangfeng's hand!

Although Aihuajiang will understand the righteousness, he has not taken off his clothes or pants at this moment, so Aihua should understand.It's just understanding, Ye Shenyue doesn't believe that she will let him go so easily with her bad personality!

So, the first thing to do at this time is to grab the camera that has not yet posed a threat, and then pull out the negative and stomp on it hard!

"what do you want to do!"

Sha Cangfeng was happy, but his eyes were sharp, he reacted immediately, and then screamed.

"What to do...of course..."

Ye Shenyue showed an evil expression.It's like doing bad things.

"Drag her into the corner!"

Hongyin said with a red face, she didn't have the ability to do anything, and she had no choice but to watch.

It's just onlookers, why add their own brain supplements?

Ye Shenyue's movements were almost stagnant.


However, when Ye Shenyue's hands were about to grab the camera, Sha Cangfeng made a sudden movement, and her feet might not be able to move so fast, so she used her hands and threw the camera up!

This is also a matter of urgency.

"Hehe... Don't you know that my speed will be faster?"

Ye Shenyue chuckled lightly, and was about to grab the camera with both hands.


With a soft sound, his hand caught it.

The night god moon fell to the ground.

Empty hands.

It wasn't that he got it, but at the moment he was about to touch, someone immediately took the camera away.By surprise.

"Little Nagi!"

Sha Cangfeng said excitedly.Looking at the person holding the camera.

This is a school uniform in the girls' department, with the figure of a royal sister and the domineering black and straight.

This is the student council president.

She caught the camera with both hands!

It was she who made Shacang-classmate excited.

As long as Nagi catches the camera, she wins.

"Uh... Little Nagi, you...why..."

However, when she stepped forward, her neck suffered a sharp pain.She was hacked by the president!

Shacangfeng looked at Xiao Nagi in amazement, but his eyes slowly closed.

The president, while holding the camera, stood up while holding her.

"It seems... this photo is in my hands."

The president smiled slightly, this is a black belly smile.

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