Chapter 0198 Battle! (Second more)

"Ding dong..."

The flashing light finally went out.

"Clap clap clap..."

Some anxious footsteps sounded in the empty corridor. If you were timid, you would definitely think that this was a horror movie.

However, this is not a horror movie, although it looks terrible, a flickering light suddenly dimmed.

"No... no problem... classmate Yashenyue..."

With cute round glasses, Mishima Red Sound is holding her little hands and looking around nervously. If you say nervous, there is actually a more accurate word, and that is fear!

It's pitch black all around, and the lights flicker and go out, isn't that scary?You must know that she is a girl, and she is also a little librarian, no matter how you look at it, she is a weak character!

Cowardly and a little shy.

Of course, she also has a big characteristic, that is, she likes to misunderstand other people's words and delusions about pornography, but she likes delusions, but she can't think of them at this time.

If it's just darkness, and it's just two people, then she can still delusionally wonder if it's Ye Shenyue who brought her here on purpose, and then makes her afraid and hugs him, and finally it's a good thing, and then it's a perfect END .

It's just that these are all imaginations, and the current Xiao Hongyin doesn't think it's true, because Ye Shenyue wears a hat that "already has a girlfriend" on her head, and this location is still chosen by the elders.

Yes, at this moment, Ye Shenyue and Xiao Hongyin are located in the corridor of the teaching building in the school, which is said to be abandoned. Since they are all dangerous buildings, naturally these facilities will not be much better. There are lights. Already good.

Now Ye Shenyue and Xiao Hongyin are coming here according to the threat of the president, and they are going to duel with her. Yes, it is a duel. The president got the camera in the hands of Sha Cangfeng, and then threatened the two of Ye Shenyue only to have a duel. If she wins, she can get the photo back.

Of course, the photos were used to threaten Ye Shenyue, and the one the president used to threaten Xiao Hongyin was the battle of Kempfa.

She just raised her arm gently in front of Xiao Hongyin, and then revealed the red Kemp's ring, which was a different color from the hands of Hongyin and Ye Shenyue.

That's red!

Red Kemp's Ring!

For the blue night gods and the moon, they are enemies!

This is the enemy!

Since it is the enemy, then we must fight!

It's just that this fighting place is too scary. Miss Hongyin, who hasn't transformed, is a little scared.

Ye Shenyue sighed and turned around. It's not a good thing to be stared at by the president. In fact, she is the woman who is more terrifying than Shacang.

If she said a few words in front of Aihua, Ye Shenyue didn't know whether Aihua should believe her or him. "Little Hongyin, if you're afraid... um... grab the hem of my clothes..."

Originally, Ye Shenyue wanted to stretch out her hand, but Hongyin showed a somewhat frightened expression, and her small body froze suddenly, almost jumping up.

He's not a big bad wolf, why should he be so scared?

Well, everything is due to Feng's words about having a girlfriend, and the current librarian is trying to keep his distance from him.

With a sigh, Ye Shenyue had no choice but to replace "grab my arm" with grabbing the hem of her clothes.

"...that...thank you..."

Hongyin's hands trembled slightly, but the flickering lights around her made her a little scared, and she finally gave in.

Even if she grabbed the hem, she was very close to Yagami because she was afraid. For some reason, she felt that the surroundings were cold just now, but now she has calmed down. l Maybe this is because there are teammates around?The effect of it, a sense of security.

It's just that they have been in for no less than 10 minutes, but the president has never appeared, and he feels bored walking and strolling all the time, so Xiao Hongyin opened the chat box.

"That... Ye Shenyue, what's your girlfriend like? Is it beautiful? Um... I'm not doubting your vision... It's just that if you break up... Uh... I'm not saying that you will meet. Breaking up is just... um... I don't know what to say!"

Hongyin was immediately depressed, what was she talking about?

Yes, Xiao Hongyin was very excited to have the first confessor in her life, or it was this confession that made a big mark in her heart, but this boy is already a person with a girlfriend. !

This made Hong Yin a little depressed.

Just depressed and depressed, there is always no lack of curiosity in a woman's heart.Although in the end she seemed to be wrong.

"Girlfriend...what should I say?"

Ye Shenyue also felt bored, so let's talk to Xiao Hongyin, she is also a librarian anyway, she is still intellectual no matter how she looks at it, maybe she can help deal with Aihuajiang or something.

So I told her the story with Aihua, but I just concealed that Aihua and him are things in other worlds. Of course, Aihua committed suicide and was summoned by him. It seems to be because of his processing. The reason for Kempfa disappeared, and finally only summoned when he transformed...

" such a terrible girlfriend!"

However, after hearing Ye Shenyue's explanation, Xiao Hongyin immediately called out.

What she paid more attention to was not why Ye Shenyue had Kempfa's bracelet on her hand, but she would not transform into a strange thing that would only summon Aihua, but paid attention to Aihua's bad character.

"If it's a girlfriend with such a bad personality..."

Mishima Hongyin's expression changed, and her face became a little red, "'s consider..."

"Considering what?"

Ye Shenyue looked at her in astonishment. She thought about it for a long time, but she didn't say a whole sentence.

"Uh...this...this kind of thing..."

This kind of "consider me", she wanted to say, but she was a little timid and shy, how could she just recommend herself like this, yes, Miss Hongyin originally thought of quitting like this, but this girlfriend doesn't seem to be very qualified... ...So, coupled with the commission of "the first confession", Mishima Hongyin has become brave, and the first relationship cannot be ended like this!

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