Hongyin gave up, but was stumped by the last few words.


He sighed slightly in his heart.

Hongyin said that she was speechless, but she didn't want to end the topic on 3.7 for some reason, so she changed the topic.

"Yes... will Mr. President... will he deliberately lure us here, and then kill us all?"

Xiao Hongyin couldn't help but say so, so long without appearing, what's the trouble with the president?

"No way... If she wanted to do this, she wouldn't threaten us here... She wouldn't have taken all the sand warehouses away..."

He said that Lily Girl is not interested.

The chairman should not be able to see it.

"Who said that? We are enemies!"

However, at this moment, a voice came over, and at the same time, a flying sword also attacked.

"Good...so hot!"

The blue Kemp's ring on Hongyin's hand has been activated, and she is transforming!

And Ye Shenyue is here.The hands are also warm.

"No... not good..."

Love Flower is coming!

Chapter 0199 Once there is a girlfriend, there is no world (three more)

A blue brilliance flashed, and both Yagami Yue and Mishima Hongyin radiated dazzling brilliance, and time seemed to stand still at this moment.

But when they have consciousness, they have already transformed.

"It's actually a sneak attack... See if I don't beat you... What if it's the president? It's not the same... er... you are?"

She had already replaced her orange shoulder-length short hair with a dazzling and enthusiastic fiery red, and the violent red tone who had taken off her cute and suspicious glasses directly held her domineering pistol at the president, The president's sword flew and was shot back by her, but she just looked at the girl who suddenly appeared beside Ye Shenyue, but showed a surprised expression.

This is a very beautiful girl, somewhat similar to the president on the opposite side, she is the kind of girl who is full of imposing, aura and temperament.

"Ah... so troublesome... I have to fight again..."

Gently gathering her long brown hair, Aihua swung her arm, and when she stretched her fingers, a red sharp sword appeared immediately.

07 "It's your teammate for now."

Aihua said a little too much trouble.

"It seems that Nagi is also an enemy..."

Aihua looked at the red bracelet on her hand and shook her head gently, "Although we have a good personal relationship, this is the intention of some two evil gods, we must fight, I am a person. I can't help myself..."

Then his eyes turned back gently, "And this is a good opportunity to act as a deterrent in front of your boyfriend."

As a deterrent?A cold sweat broke out behind Ye Shenyue, but her eyes fell on Aihua tightly.

Aihua said, her body suddenly turned and landed on the president's side.

"Bang bang bang!"

This is the sound of sharp sword and sharp sword handing over, "Just right, I also want to see the strength of senpai..."

The president has more than one sword. She has two swords. The sword can not only hold the hilt at close range, but also control the chain after the sword is broken to carry out sneak attacks.

After transforming into Kempfah, his skill has also improved a lot, so he can barely catch the first blow of Aika who is not very willing to fight.

"Really? Then I'll be nice not to kill Nagi... Actually, death isn't something scary..."

Aihua spoke terrifying words softly.

Death is not a terrible thing.

If Ye Shenyue really wants to cover her mouth immediately, please don't promote this kind of thing to others casually, do you want others to know that you have committed suicide once?

Ye Shenyue is very doubtful that if Aihua can appear longer, will she be able to directly tell people to commit suicide?

Although he himself was killed quite a few times.

"...Hey...how can you just leave the old lady aside, how can you say that the old lady has already transformed..."

The two were fighting, but Hongyin also wanted to step forward.After her transformation, her personality has changed greatly, how can she endure being left alone?

But just when she wanted to step forward.

"Don't get in the way!"

The two people who were fighting with X2 shouted to her at the same time, both with an impatient tone.


Hongyin was stunned for a while, "Hey...you guys..."

"My mother doesn't play with you anymore!"

Between the words, the bracelet flashed again, and immediately changed back to the attitude of a librarian. He was timid and a little shy, and liked to misunderstand other people's words and think in the direction of eroticism.

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